Nothing has been demonstrated, it's faith based.
An astro-geologist Dr. Giem gave a talk in 2015 on the topic of Pluto's age. An aside was that he did think the universe was older than our system but that we are recent. One item came from Pluto's mountains, which are ice, which can't last very long, nor can Saturn's rings of ice. But these make a collision or explosion recent, not necessarily origination. The collision was used in the cataclysm/flood. Reinforcing the truth of the text.
Velikovsky had a reason for recent appearance when he predicted that Viking would find 'hot' radiology on Jupiter. It did. It should have been 'cold.' NASA villified Velikovsky, because so many narratives would collapse if he was right.
On the matter of creation by speaking, Gen 1, Ps 33, we need to remember we are dealing with a divine entity who effected the cataclysm, interrupted language, altered the Red Sea, raised a dead person through Elijah, then in Jesus, turned water into wine in a moment, fed thousands from a basket lunch, stopped storm movement in a moment, raised paralytics at will, created night darkness at the moment of his death (specific term), etc. The group most eager to see him fail could not find any counter-evidence, and decided to 'shoot the messenger.'
Btw, we now know that the basic particle of the universe is not the atom but the phonon--a sound vibration. Compare that to God-speaking-into-existence.
Two physicists, Richards and Gonzales, attended the India solar eclipse of 3 decades back, as unbelievers. They were transformed. They realized from that that the earth was actually designed as an observatory, and thus their book/film: THE PRIVILEGED PLANET.
There are some edges and pockets of Christian truth that may take faith, but essentially we have a substantial line-up of evidence.