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Young Earth/Old Earth

Young Earth or Old Earth

  • Young

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • Old

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • Never thought about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
Man on planet around 6000 years on old planet /universe.

Except for the factor of faster rotation before the cataclysm. With that in the picture, a person has to factor in a higher rate and express the final in the current rate. Like dealing with currency changes.
Except for the factor of faster rotation before the cataclysm. With that in the picture, a person has to factor in a higher rate and express the final in the current rate. Like dealing with currency changes.
Scripture records around 6000 years of human history.
Science records around 13.7 billions of years of the universe’s existence.
The Gap Theory is alive and well!
What if the years were from higher rates before the collision and so one of our years now would be 2 back before? That could run up the year count!

Dr. Giem, astro geologist, in a 2015 talk, confirmed a belief that while the universe is older, the earth is more recent. This was an aside on the topic of Pluto's mountains and all the craters in our system except on Pluto. It also matches 'ekpalai' and 'sunestosa' in 2 Pet 3.
Well you have seasons for days and years, night, day. That’s time isn’t it? All mortal creatures are subject to time?

Ah, I see. I think there may be a bit of latency in the text here. The objects were for time and seasons, but then we find out this was not immediately needed; seasons, for ex., come later after the cataclysm. The canopy, as they say, remains up in the air--we don't know what visual affect it had on these things.

So it is a case of naming something that would not really have its affect until later. The sun, of course, did provide the daily cycle of light right away.

Linguistically, or syntactically, you may compare the bit of jumble that occurs in the 'sons of God' and 'Nephilim' section. There is latency there too--identification but about things earlier or later than the 'present' of the line.

By the way, these astronomical notes support a collision theory about the cataclysm--that it was not only a disruption of earth's surface but that something interfered with the whole system, leaving craters everywhere in it, for one thing.
Ah, I see. I think there may be a bit of latency in the text here. The objects were for time and seasons, but then we find out this was not immediately needed; seasons, for ex., come later after the cataclysm. The canopy, as they say, remains up in the air--we don't know what visual affect it had on these things.

So it is a case of naming something that would not really have its affect until later. The sun, of course, did provide the daily cycle of light right away.

Linguistically, or syntactically, you may compare the bit of jumble that occurs in the 'sons of God' and 'Nephilim' section. There is latency there too--identification but about things earlier or later than the 'present' of the line.

By the way, these astronomical notes support a collision theory about the cataclysm--that it was not only a disruption of earth's surface but that something interfered with the whole system, leaving craters everywhere in it, for one thing.
I’ll get back to this is a bit. Short on time now. 🙂
Ah, I see. I think there may be a bit of latency in the text here. The objects were for time and seasons, but then we find out this was not immediately needed; seasons, for ex., come later after the cataclysm. The canopy, as they say, remains up in the air--we don't know what visual affect it had on these things.

So it is a case of naming something that would not really have its affect until later. The sun, of course, did provide the daily cycle of light right away.

Linguistically, or syntactically, you may compare the bit of jumble that occurs in the 'sons of God' and 'Nephilim' section. There is latency there too--identification but about things earlier or later than the 'present' of the line.

By the way, these astronomical notes support a collision theory about the cataclysm--that it was not only a disruption of earth's surface but that something interfered with the whole system, leaving craters everywhere in it, for one thing.
Yes. God destroyed the planet then began to recreate it for the Plan of Man.
Yes. God destroyed the planet then began to recreate it for the Plan of Man.

What does the Plan of Man mean that you by yourself decide to Capitalize it. You have too many self-based beliefs; our job here is to restate what is actually there in the Word.
What does the Plan of Man mean that you by yourself decide to Capitalize it. You have too many self-based beliefs; our job here is to restate what is actually there in the Word.
There are millions of believers God has opened His Word to in this present dispensation.
On other sites since 2006 I run into many who agree with me and I with them on what I post. God is opened eyes and minds to His Word and things hidden are being revealed.
All you have to do is ask Him to show you and let go of past party line holdings.
God is doing a new thing in the earth.

My beliefs come from studying Scripture under the anointing.

And I KNOW the anointing.
There are millions of believers God has opened His Word to in this present dispensation.
On other sites since 2006 I run into many who agree with me and I with them on what I post. God is opened eyes and minds to His Word and things hidden are being revealed.
All you have to do is ask Him to show you and let go of past party line holdings.
God is doing a new thing in the earth.

My beliefs come from studying Scripture under the anointing.

And I KNOW the anointing.

The center of your system is not holding, Jer. The line above is about a Plan of Man after the flood. Now you have switched to something since 2006 and 'a new thing in the earth' which should be reserved for what Christ did in the Gospel.
The center of your system is not holding, Jer. The line above is about a Plan of Man after the flood. Now you have switched to something since 2006 and 'a new thing in the earth' which should be reserved for what Christ did in the Gospel.
You misunderstood.
You think the Church knows everything in Scripture?
You think God is not giving a little here and a little there, precept upon precept, that God has completed all doctrinal understandings to His people?
Ask seek and knock is past?
What a limited outlook.
You misunderstood.
You think the Church knows everything in Scripture?
You think God is not giving a little here and a little there, precept upon precept, that God has completed all doctrinal understandings to His people?
Ask seek and knock is past?
What a limited outlook.

What is the Plan of Man and why did you capitalize it?
What is the Plan of Man and why did you capitalize it?
It began in the Mind of God BEFORE He created anything.

Here’s the first clue:

Revelation 13:8 (KJV 1900): 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Ah, I see. I think there may be a bit of latency in the text here. The objects were for time and seasons, but then we find out this was not immediately needed; seasons, for ex., come later after the cataclysm. The canopy, as they say, remains up in the air--we don't know what visual affect it had on these things.

So it is a case of naming something that would not really have its affect until later.
How much later? A few hours, days. years?
The sun, of course, did provide the daily cycle of light right away.
So, you can have one but not the other?
Nothing has been demonstrated, it's faith based.

An astro-geologist Dr. Giem gave a talk in 2015 on the topic of Pluto's age. An aside was that he did think the universe was older than our system but that we are recent. One item came from Pluto's mountains, which are ice, which can't last very long, nor can Saturn's rings of ice. But these make a collision or explosion recent, not necessarily origination. The collision was used in the cataclysm/flood. Reinforcing the truth of the text.

Velikovsky had a reason for recent appearance when he predicted that Viking would find 'hot' radiology on Jupiter. It did. It should have been 'cold.' NASA villified Velikovsky, because so many narratives would collapse if he was right.

On the matter of creation by speaking, Gen 1, Ps 33, we need to remember we are dealing with a divine entity who effected the cataclysm, interrupted language, altered the Red Sea, raised a dead person through Elijah, then in Jesus, turned water into wine in a moment, fed thousands from a basket lunch, stopped storm movement in a moment, raised paralytics at will, created night darkness at the moment of his death (specific term), etc. The group most eager to see him fail could not find any counter-evidence, and decided to 'shoot the messenger.'

Btw, we now know that the basic particle of the universe is not the atom but the phonon--a sound vibration. Compare that to God-speaking-into-existence.

Two physicists, Richards and Gonzales, attended the India solar eclipse of 3 decades back, as unbelievers. They were transformed. They realized from that that the earth was actually designed as an observatory, and thus their book/film: THE PRIVILEGED PLANET.

There are some edges and pockets of Christian truth that may take faith, but essentially we have a substantial line-up of evidence.
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons,[f] and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so. 16 And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. Gen 1:14-19.

Another sure sign of life, time, and death.
Where do you see death here?
Where do you see death here?
Brother, it's obvious we both are not looking at it from the same angle. So, I'm quite sure you will disagree.
Brother, it's obvious we both are not looking at it from the same angle. So, I'm quite sure you will disagree.
Yes, probably; but, I'd still like to know where you see death there, because I honestly don't know where you get it from.