The universal curse from adams sin brought forth death and corruption to the entire creation. See below from got questions.
The fall of man was caused by Adam’s sin. Sin is any human behavior, word, or thought that is contrary to the perfection of God.
Because of Adam’s sin, God placed a curse upon the world, the people, the animals, the plants, and the very ground (
Genesis 3:14–19). Their sin had brought upon them the judgment of God, and the only just punishment for such high treason is eternal death (
Romans 6:23). But God then put into play a system by which human beings could find pardon for sin. God killed an animal and made garments for the man and woman to cover the nakedness that now brought them shame (
Genesis 3:21). In doing so, God painted a picture of what He would do thousands of years later when the Perfect Lamb was slain to take away our sin (
John 1:29;
Revelation 13:8).
After the fall of man, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden and placed a cherub to guard the entrance. This was so that Adam and Eve could not return and possibly eat from the tree of life and live forever in their cursed state (
Genesis 3:23–24). They were forced to find their own food and shelter. Adam had to fight weeds and thistles to eke out an existence from the ground, while Eve had to suffer in childbirth. Suffering and toil are part of the curse God put upon this world because of sin.
We call this episode in human history the fall of man because, in that act of disobedience, Adam brought a curse upon every person yet to be born. The man who was designed to walk with God in unbroken fellowship had fallen from that exalted position. He was doomed to live in a broken state, in a broken world, apart from ongoing communion with a holy God. God promised that the
Seed of the woman would one day save them from the eternal consequences of their sin (
Genesis 3:15), but the temporary earthly consequences of sin remained.
We all suffer the
consequences of the fall of man. Our salvation is in calling upon the name of the Lord and trusting in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for our sin (
Romans 5:10–11;
2 Corinthians 5:18). The world groans under the curse, crying out for the relief that will come at the ultimate redemption of God’s people when Christ returns (
Romans 8:22–23). When Jesus comes for all those who have trusted in Him, God will restore all things (
Acts 3:21). He will create a new heaven and a new earth to replace that which sin destroyed (
Isaiah 65:17;
2 Peter 3:12–13;
Revelation 21:1). Mankind will no longer be “fallen” but restored and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God (
Revelation 7:14).