Trevor, fine~I agree the Word was made flesh and that Word was God! So, you explain to me, how this came about since we all know that Mary did not give birth to God ~ but, to God's Son, I have two questions for you to answer:
Question #1~ Can true Divinity be deprived or propagated? The very thought of this in a positive way is blasphemy against the God of the holy scriptures. What is real Divinity of the Most High God? The following attributes have ever been conceived as essential to it: Self-existence, Infinity, Independence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Immutability, eternal both ways, and Infinite in every way possible that is imaginable to the human mind.
Question #2~ Can there be true Divinity where any of these attributes are wanting in question #1? Surely not.
This is why we reject eternal generation of the Son of God to be accepted as biblical truth, and for those still holding such doctrine still contend that Jesus Christ is self-existence and independent"?
Those that hold to the incarnate Sonship and reject the eternal Sonship are the only ones that can explain and make sense that Jesus Christ is the Everlasting Father of all things~the I AM THAT I AM. We contend that Jesus Christ the Son of God possessed real Divinity that was underived in any sense. There is no possible medium. Either it is so, or not so. We know that Jesus Christ was God manifested in flesh ( 1st Timothy 3:16; 1st John 5:20; etc., verses you did not address ) before Jews and Gentiles and that he preached unto both, and both rejected him, and devils trembled before, for they knew him.
If we speak of Jesus Christ being the eternal Son of God, then we must be able to comprehensibly define our terms used or confess that we are using terms that teach doctrines against the Son of God, of which the eternal Sonship position does, for no man living can comprehensible define the eternal Sonship position, without making Jesus a begotten god. It can not be done. If one rejects Jesus as God manifest in the flesh, then they have more scriptures to address which they cannot do.
The sum of this point is this: Those that use terms, such as eternal Sonship, eternal generation, in relation to God or Christ, ought at least to be able and willing to tell their own meaning in the use of those terms, or not use them. Fair enough?
Also, those who reject Jesus being God manifest in the flesh must be able to address many scriptures that teach that he was indeed God in the beginning of Genesis 1:1
When stripped of all artificial verbiage, the naked question returns: Is Jesus Christ absolutely, eternally independently, underived, the very Supreme and eternal God, that the word of God declares him to be?
We say, yes he is! That is why we must reject eternal generation in any way presented to us by men who profess to be wise. Also, we reject as pure heresy those who reject the deity of the Son of God as being the I AM THAT I AM.