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Yahweh 301,302 or Trinity 301,302

The Spirit is referred to as a "she". Does that give her personage? Of course not. It is the way with languages. Some nouns are masculine, some are feminine, some are neuter. It is no reflection on whether it (he, she) is actually a thing as opposed to a person.
Proverbs 8 refers to wisdom as a she, but we don't think wisdom is a separate person. Why why when the word is referred to as a he you think it's another person?
You really need to back off of being so adamant about things you don't understand.
I am not the one confused here.

Each person of the Trinity is a person on their own apart from what gender their nouns are given in the Greek or English or Hebrew.
Trinity is false.
And it doesn't validate it. So are you speaking where the Bible speaks? Yes or no.
Wow! You just can't help yourself, can you? I didn't say it validates it. In fact, I denied that it validates it.

I'm glad I'm not your poor wife! Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no. C'mon, c'mon, out with it! I haven't got all day!
Proverbs 8 refers to wisdom as a she, but we don't think wisdom is a separate person. Why why when the word is referred to as a he you think it's another person?
Trolling, trolling, rawhide.... yee haw! Why why do you insist on asking irrelevant questions? The fact a noun is assigned a gender in some languages has nothing to do with whether that noun is a person. I just finished telling you this, yet you continue to attack. Back off.
I am not the one confused here.
I didn't say you're confused. I said you don't understand how languages work in the use of gender
Trinity is false.
Well, at least that isn't trolling. Good for you. And good day.
Trolling, trolling, rawhide.... yee haw! Why why do you insist on asking irrelevant questions? The fact a noun is assigned a gender in some languages has nothing to do with whether that noun is a person. I just finished telling you this, yet you continue to attack. Back off.

I didn't say you're confused. I said you don't understand how languages work in the use of gender

Well, at least that isn't trolling. Good for you. And good day.
I am not trolling. I am being perfectly serious. Why are you referring to a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy as a literal he?

Okay, you go take a rest. You seem like you're a bit upset.
I am not trolling. I am being perfectly serious. Why are you referring to a word, speech, divine utterance, analogy as a literal he?

Okay, you go take a rest. You seem like you're a bit upset.
No, actually, I'm chuckling. You are, what's the word? Unbelievable?

No, I shouldn't troll you, nor even attack YOU. Your ARGUMENTS are, uh, blind on purpose.

I honestly don't know how you can consider yourself a redeemed regenerated believer and think that the Christ is not God.
No, actually, I'm chuckling. You are, what's the word? Unbelievable?
Okay, thank you for saying what you feel. That's healthy.

No, I shouldn't troll you, nor even attack YOU.
There you go. Let off some steam. If you need to attack me it's okay, I just absorb it all and keep going. Been around boards long enough to know how it goes.
Your ARGUMENTS are, uh, blind on purpose.
Blind on purpose?

I honestly don't know how you can consider yourself a redeemed regenerated believer and think that the Christ is not God.
Because the gospel says nothing along the lines of "Believe Jesus is God to be saved." It's quite literally that simple. It says to believe he is the Son of God and Messiah, which I do. Do you condemn me for that as well?
Because the gospel says nothing along the lines of "Believe Jesus is God to be saved." It's quite literally that simple. It says to believe he is the Son of God and Messiah, which I do. Do you condemn me for that as well?
But if you believe in Jesus, while believing Jesus is not God, you are believing in an idol.
But if you believe in Jesus, while believing Jesus is not God, you are believing in an idol.

God is not a man

Can't serve two good teaching master as one Lord of lords . Which one?

Jesus the Christ, the anointing Holy Spirit of God ? Or Jesus the Son of man our born again "brother in the lord" ?

What did Jesus the prophet say when the Father the anointing Holy Spirit gave him words?

Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Does it look like God is a man ?
Looking for a response to my posts that isn't intellectually lazy. If any one feels like answering go ahead. (y)
Which you will never see. . .because it's not about intellect, it's about the eyes of faith, which do not deny the plain text of Jn 1:1, 14.
God has made his truth plain to us in Jn 1:1, 14. If we do not see it, that's on us.

You mistake unbelief for intellectual prowess, which unbelief will keep you imprisoned in spiritual blindness.
That's on you.
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But if you believe in Jesus, while believing Jesus is not God, you are believing in an idol.
Believing Jesus is not God is not idolatry. You don't seem to know what idolatry is.
Which you will never see. . .because it's not about intellect, it's about the eyes of faith, which do not deny the plain text of Jn 1:1, 14.
God has made his truth plain to us in Jn 1:1, 14. If we do not see it, that's on us.

You mistake unbelief for intellectual prowess, which unbelief will keep you imprisoned in spiritual blindness.
That's on you.
That's about you. I believe everything the Bible says.
Please present the verse where the word "sovereign" is used of God.
Acts 4
24When the believers heard this, they lifted up their voices to God with one accord. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “You made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.
Could you be misunderstanding it because you're under the impression Jesus is God, but the Bible says it's that God was with him?
Speaking of "intellectually lazy". . .the same text that states God was with him, likewise states that he is God. (Jn 1:1).

Unbelief presented as intellectual prowess. . .
Speaking of "intellectually lazy". . .the same text that states God was with him, likewise states that he is God. (Jn 1:1).

Unbelief presented as intellectual prowess. . .
John 1:1 does not say "Jesus is God." Jesus is a man, not simply a word, speech, analogy such as what the word logos means. The word (logos) of God is omniscient. If Jesus is not omniscient then he isn't God. Do you think Jesus knows everything?
Acts 4
24When the believers heard this, they lifted up their voices to God with one accord. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “You made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.
Intellectually lazy agan. . .

The word in the Greek is not "sovereign, it is "Master" (didaskalos) and is used by Christ of himself (Mt 23:8, Jn 13:13-14).

The Bible does not state "God is sovereign."
Please present a verse where the word "sovereign" is used.
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God is not a man

Can't serve two good teaching master as one Lord of lords . Which one?

Jesus the Christ, the anointing Holy Spirit of God ? Or Jesus the Son of man our born again "brother in the lord" ?

What did Jesus the prophet say when the Father the anointing Holy Spirit gave him words?

Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Does it look like God is a man ?
It looks like God became temporal man in Jesus Christ. Immanuel.

BTW, do you call yourself a Calvinist? A monergist? I don't ask this as a point of debate, but just from curiosity. I did not know that you don't consider Jesus to be God.
God is not a man

1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

Since Jesus fully knows the hearts of all people proves Jesus sees as God sees (Acts 1:24; 1 Corinthians 4:5; Revelation 2:23).
John 1:1 does not say "Jesus is God."
Natural progression of unbelief taking place here. . .going from intellectual laziness to intellectual dishonesty.

"The Word was with God and the Word was God. . .the Word became flesh and dwelled among us."

Jesus is a man, not simply a word, speech, analogy such as what the word logos means.
Intellectual dishonesty. . .see post #303.
The word (logos) of God is omniscient.
Where stated in Scripture?