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Will the Jews build a Third Temple?

So where is the 3rd temple prophecy in your opinion? The one of mortar and stone. If what you mean by " will not fall flat" means you agree with me. Then a sad yes by me.
Read pseudo Ephraim. In that sermon, it says that the AntiChrist will have Israel rebuild the temple. After it is rebuilt, the Antichrist will stand in the temple and make himself out to be God, and demand all to worship him as God. (I say to read that particular sermon because I find it an interesting take on where the temple comes from. I always thought that Israel would rebuild the temple of its own volition. Having the Antichrist being the one who does it actually causes recent events today to become more clear.
I doubt it.

The fig tree did it's thing in 1948. We are of that generation. Look UP! Your redemption draws near.

Would you tell a whole group (the Thess letters) not to be concerned about their family and friends bc an event was going to take place X000 years in the future? Use your head , man.

The whole NT expected a quick return but it was delayed per 2P3, which has no other details than the end of this world and the NHNE
Would you tell a whole group (the Thess letters) not to be concerned about their family and friends bc an event was going to take place X000 years in the future? Use your head , man.

The whole NT expected a quick return but it was delayed per 2P3, which has no other details than the end of this world and the NHNE
Of course not. That is why Jesus kept saying, the next event on the calendar, with no need for any other, is the end of the world. It doesn't speak to the speed of when it gets here, but the speed of how quickly it will be over when it arrives. What is 7 years, next to 2000? Really fast, really short. It is to come to pass quickly. (How quickly it will be over.)

The reason Jesus didn't say that the end will come thousands of years in the future is that everyone would fall out. No one would live for that day. They would be the wicked servant knowing exactly when the Master returns, so they can party up to the last day, and clean up and make nice before the master arrives. The end, once it starts, is imminent. It is over quickly.
Of course not. That is why Jesus kept saying, the next event on the calendar, with no need for any other, is the end of the world. It doesn't speak to the speed of when it gets here, but the speed of how quickly it will be over when it arrives. What is 7 years, next to 2000? Really fast, really short. It is to come to pass quickly. (How quickly it will be over.)

The reason Jesus didn't say that the end will come thousands of years in the future is that everyone would fall out. No one would live for that day. They would be the wicked servant knowing exactly when the Master returns, so they can party up to the last day, and clean up and make nice before the master arrives. The end, once it starts, is imminent. It is over quickly.

You’ve basically left the text behind.

The events in Judea completed the 70 weeks, but not the world wide judgement. That was delayed.

But no one new the delay was coming—until it happened.
You’ve basically left the text behind.

The events in Judea completed the 70 weeks, but not the world wide judgement. That was delayed.

But no one new the delay was coming—until it happened.

Mt24A (to v29) took place in that generation in that known world.

Other descriptions of the final day are very quick: Thess, 2P 2. There is no need for many events and they can’t be seen as the final judgement. Which totally alters things anyway.
You’ve basically left the text behind.

The events in Judea completed the 70 weeks, but not the world wide judgement. That was delayed.

But no one new the delay was coming—until it happened.
Even Pseudo Ephraim taught the separation between the 69th and 70th weeks in the 4th century. What the writer says happens is that the AntiChrist will have Israel rebuild the temple, and then the AntiChrist will enter the temple and declare himself God, and basically desecrate the temple however he will do that. The writer went as far as saying the Antichrist will declare himself father and son.

There will be a restored temple, however, we don't need to wait for it to happen before the end arrives, because it is a part of the seven years that are coming. The temple does not need to arrive and then the countdown starts. A rabbi spoke to the prophecies of a restored temple in the Old Testament by saying that he didn't believe it before the prophecies of the temple's destruction were literally fulfilled. Then he knew that the prophecies of the restored temple are also literal.
Even Pseudo Ephraim taught the separation between the 69th and 70th weeks in the 4th century. What the writer says happens is that the AntiChrist will have Israel rebuild the temple, and then the AntiChrist will enter the temple and declare himself God, and basically desecrate the temple however he will do that. The writer went as far as saying the Antichrist will declare himself father and son.

There will be a restored temple, however, we don't need to wait for it to happen before the end arrives, because it is a part of the seven years that are coming. The temple does not need to arrive and then the countdown starts. A rabbi spoke to the prophecies of a restored temple in the Old Testament by saying that he didn't believe it before the prophecies of the temple's destruction were literally fulfilled. Then he knew that the prophecies of the restored temple are also literal.

Did the rabbi know about Acts 2’s enthronement? Was he a Christian?
Even Pseudo Ephraim taught the separation between the 69th and 70th weeks in the 4th century. What the writer says happens is that the AntiChrist will have Israel rebuild the temple, and then the AntiChrist will enter the temple and declare himself God, and basically desecrate the temple however he will do that. The writer went as far as saying the Antichrist will declare himself father and son.

There will be a restored temple, however, we don't need to wait for it to happen before the end arrives, because it is a part of the seven years that are coming. The temple does not need to arrive and then the countdown starts. A rabbi spoke to the prophecies of a restored temple in the Old Testament by saying that he didn't believe it before the prophecies of the temple's destruction were literally fulfilled. Then he knew that the prophecies of the restored temple are also literal.

Sorry, what do I need a quote from pseudo-so and so? Did you intend to weaken your case?
Of course not. That is why Jesus kept saying, the next event on the calendar, with no need for any other, is the end of the world. It doesn't speak to the speed of when it gets here, but the speed of how quickly it will be over when it arrives. What is 7 years, next to 2000? Really fast, really short. It is to come to pass quickly. (How quickly it will be over.)

The reason Jesus didn't say that the end will come thousands of years in the future is that everyone would fall out. No one would live for that day. They would be the wicked servant knowing exactly when the Master returns, so they can party up to the last day, and clean up and make nice before the master arrives. The end, once it starts, is imminent. It is over quickly.

I'm glad you see that the end of the world was expected shortly in that time. Now you just need to see that the kingdom would be long and troubled. Because the end has been delayed til the Father decides.
Could you at least give an explanation why Gen 12:3 is never used in the NT and 'in your Seed the nations will be blessed' is some 10x?
Would you tell a whole group (the Thess letters) not to be concerned about their family and friends bc an event was going to take place X000 years in the future? Use your head , man.
With all due respect...the Jews were scattered....in 1948 they were given a nation....and they started to return...AS PREDICTED in the Bible. FACT.....why do you still deny it?
The whole NT expected a quick return but it was delayed per 2P3, which has no other details than the end of this world and the NHNE
You forgot to mention the details in Revelation that haven't happened yet.
With all due respect...the Jews were scattered....in 1948 they were given a nation....and they started to return...AS PREDICTED in the Bible. FACT.....why do you still deny it?

You forgot to mention the details in Revelation that haven't happened yet.

On the first issue bc the return is entirely secular and void of the Spirit—you know , that one Peter said quoting Joel 2 in Acts 2? The burst of vision and evsngelism? Yeah that one. Every OT vision of the restoration has the outpouring of the Spirit to reach the nations. Guess when that was.

Not Marxisist Jews setting up socialist youth camps that remove them from their parents.

The most current mission estimates on actual believers living in Israel is about 30K , mostly in isolation, or 0.003%. Tell me, does that sound like Acts 2?

Some Bible prophecy experts have said Peter was wrong! I laugh so much when I hear that, I hurt.

These issues are far more complicated than you are prepared for.
With all due respect...the Jews were scattered....in 1948 they were given a nation....and they started to return...AS PREDICTED in the Bible. FACT.....why do you still deny it?

You forgot to mention the details in Revelation that haven't happened yet.
I just realized you think this is an answer to Thess? How can you not see what the pastoral question is? He meant to provide comfort to those with dead friends or relatives. The events had to happen in the current temple and then the Lord Christ would slay him, but the Father changed how that unfolded too (with the delay).
Read pseudo Ephraim. In that sermon, it says that the AntiChrist will have Israel rebuild the temple. After it is rebuilt, the Antichrist will stand in the temple and make himself out to be God, and demand all to worship him as God. (I say to read that particular sermon because I find it an interesting take on where the temple comes from. I always thought that Israel would rebuild the temple of its own volition. Having the Antichrist being the one who does it actually causes recent events today to become more clear.
Okaaaay..... What would be the significance in that? I mean, no real Christian would give a rat's patooty about that building, of Jew or Gentile. It kinda seems inconsequential and really not that all deceptive. I mean really, what else would be expected of the synagogue of satan?

I mean think about it..... they have been wanting to build it before that wannabe is even here. I don't know, I still think it goes deeper than all that obvious face value stuff. And besides, nothing is outside of prophecy concerning all of this. Besides that, it doesn't make sense, they reject Christ. They are waiting for another, therefore, what they hope to build is for the nut case coming. Think about it......

Point is, if you know scripture well, it is not mentioned. Also, it states in the book of Daniel that " he will reject the God of his fathers". That in and of itself shows 1. He identifies as a Jew, 2 he would have no need for their temple. 3. God the Father would not dwell in anything they build anyways. So how can it be called the temple of God? They rejected the True Shepherd...... So, come again?

However, since God owns the title to our DNA that is what the man of sin wants claim of. corruption of that means no chance of redemption. This is a Nephilim agenda.

Clearly, as Daniel states and Paul "he will exalt himself above everything worshipped, every idol or so called god of every religion including that which his fathers believed in" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob claiming even to be God in the temple of God etc..... I believe this man believes in science, believes in extraterrestrials and is not a man of faith because of it.

I believe he's duped and actually believes in aliens and thinks they're real and not fallen angels and demons. I could see how that could be the case with everyone falling away from faith in God these days. Even all the pagan cultures have exchanged the idea of "gods" for the alien deception, believing now they could simply be aliens.

They have come to believe aliens/extraterrestrials as the real origin of all living things and are actually what their gods really were. I think in that case, it will be easy for this hot mess to replace their gods with himself. After all, every pagan religion and culture has an awaited illuminator/enlightened "one" they are all waiting for and Christ wasn't it for them. The only people who see this clear deception are Christians. Heck, even so called atheists believe in extraterrestrials.

Every atheist I've ever talked with believes, based on the vast expanse of the universe, the math concludes, there has to be other life somewhere. I agree we are not alone in the universe because I simply believe the biblical account of fallen angels and know they can use that belief to convey an otherworldly explanation for this world.

Today, no one wants to consider it is all from the supernatural. That would be to concede to a supernatural Creator. That would denote a God. Not only that, the one true God who teaches about consequences of actions. That is the biggest issue for atheists-accountability. For pagans as well, since EVERY single pagan culture sacraficed human's to false gods. Among them was the Exception because they weren't pagans-the obedient elect of God OC and New.

Looking at what is not attacked today-pagan religions, not even by Catholic popes and the such anymore, paganism has entered its next phase of deception that ultimately again will result in human sacrifice. It will become widely accepted under this so called " enlightened one".

I see how corporal punishment would flourish under such a system the man of sin will establish. First lead all to believe everything is actually extraterrestrial and then make yourself God. Being God in the minds of the majority -everyone who comes against you is open season and the world will applaud it and rejoice! Any talk about the Real God and consequences will tick off the system and its citizens.
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Did the rabbi know about Acts 2’s enthronement? Was he a Christian?
"22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a Man [u]attested to you by God with [v]miracles and wonders and [w]signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— 23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of [x]godless men and put Him to death. 24 [y]But God raised Him from the dead, putting an end to the [z]agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held [aa]in its power. 25 For David says of Him,

‘I saw the Lord continually before me,
Because He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue was overjoyed;
Moreover my flesh also will live in hope;
27 For You will not abandon my soul to Hades,
Nor will You [ab]allow Your [ac]Holy One to [ad]undergo decay.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.’

29 “[ae]Brothers, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is [af]with us to this day. 30 So because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one [ag]of his descendants on his throne, 31 he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the [ah]Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh [ai]suffer decay. 32 It is this Jesus whom God raised up, [aj]a fact to which we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore, [ak]since He has been exalted [al]at the right hand of God, and has received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He has poured out this which you both see and hear. 34 For it was not David who ascended into [am]heaven, but he himself says:

‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
35 Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”’

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and [an]Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified.”"

Does God's oath fall flat?
Sorry, what do I need a quote from pseudo-so and so? Did you intend to weaken your case?
Why do I need to pay you money in order to discuss things? First of all, you appeal to yourself as an authority on scripture, and someone who was alive with two centuries of scripture being written weakens the case, while apparently you are the authority?
I'm glad you see that the end of the world was expected shortly in that time. Now you just need to see that the kingdom would be long and troubled. Because the end has been delayed til the Father decides.
One of the definitions of imminent, an archaic (old like the Bible is old, and Bible translations are old) is overhanging, or ready to take place. It doesn't mean it is going to happen now, but that it is ready to happen at any time. We don't know when that will be, so it is forever, ready to happen. However, once it starts, it is over quickly. And that is what I said. There is no delay. God already knows exactly when Jesus is going to return, Jesus said so Himself. And when asked by His disciples if He would restore the kingdom to Israel at this time, He told them it is not for them to know the times and seasons established [past tense] by the Father.

There is no delay. To us, it seems to be, but Peter already explained why it is not a delay. God does not view time as we do. So while God sees that the end will be 2000 years in the future, all we have been told, and all we know is that it is imminent. Ready to happen at any time. Why would there be a call to perseverance, if there is no need since it was going to happen with a couple decades of Jesus leaving? Or within several decades? I mean, if Jesus said, be ready for my return, it will be in 20 years... no perseverance required. However, how would you react if Jesus said, I'm not going to be back for 2000 years? And then you face torture and pain, and all you had to do was denounce Christ for it to stop? I mean, you know Jesus isn't coming in your lifetime, so that can be repaired. There is no sense of need for perseverance, if you know the person you are waiting for is not coming while you are alive. Especially when you know that that timeline will never change. How are you going to tell the people you are speaking to, that they need to endure, if there is no reason?
"22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a Man [u]attested to you by God with [v]miracles and wonders and [w]signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— 23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of [x]godless men and put Him to death. 24 [y]But God raised Him from the dead, putting an end to the [z]agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held [aa]in its power. 25 For David says of Him,

‘I saw the Lord continually before me,
Because He is at my right hand, so that I will not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue was overjoyed;
Moreover my flesh also will live in hope;
27 For You will not abandon my soul to Hades,
Nor will You [ab]allow Your [ac]Holy One to [ad]undergo decay.
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
You will make me full of gladness with Your presence.’

29 “[ae]Brothers, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is [af]with us to this day. 30 So because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one [ag]of his descendants on his throne, 31 he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the [ah]Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh [ai]suffer decay. 32 It is this Jesus whom God raised up, [aj]a fact to which we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore, [ak]since He has been exalted [al]at the right hand of God, and has received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He has poured out this which you both see and hear. 34 For it was not David who ascended into [am]heaven, but he himself says:

‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
35 Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”’

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and [an]Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified.”"

Does God's oath fall flat?

No need to print them for me. They have been memorized in Greek for years.

The oath was fulfilled in the resurrection ; see esp Acts 13s talk at synagogue. Isaiah is quoted: the oaths made to David were transferred to Christ and are already fulfilled.

That is very specific to our question, right?

But did your rabbi know Acts 2? 13? Rom 1? Was he an NT Christian?
One of the definitions of imminent, an archaic (old like the Bible is old, and Bible translations are old) is overhanging, or ready to take place. It doesn't mean it is going to happen now, but that it is ready to happen at any time. We don't know when that will be, so it is forever, ready to happen. However, once it starts, it is over quickly. And that is what I said. There is no delay. God already knows exactly when Jesus is going to return, Jesus said so Himself. And when asked by His disciples if He would restore the kingdom to Israel at this time, He told them it is not for them to know the times and seasons established [past tense] by the Father.

There is no delay. To us, it seems to be, but Peter already explained why it is not a delay. God does not view time as we do. So while God sees that the end will be 2000 years in the future, all we have been told, and all we know is that it is imminent. Ready to happen at any time. Why would there be a call to perseverance, if there is no need since it was going to happen with a couple decades of Jesus leaving? Or within several decades? I mean, if Jesus said, be ready for my return, it will be in 20 years... no perseverance required. However, how would you react if Jesus said, I'm not going to be back for 2000 years? And then you face torture and pain, and all you had to do was denounce Christ for it to stop? I mean, you know Jesus isn't coming in your lifetime, so that can be repaired. There is no sense of need for perseverance, if you know the person you are waiting for is not coming while you are alive. Especially when you know that that timeline will never change. How are you going to tell the people you are speaking to, that they need to endure, if there is no reason?

Peter did no such thing. It was a delay and it was for legit reasons. You speak falsely.

'takei' means at hand; the NT is full of references that the total end of the world was expected at that time. Just read I Cor 7 about marriage; the near end of the whole scheme of things of this world was expected to end.

Theology steps outside history and has all these 2nd guesses which are worthless. We must be in the minds of the NT people at all times to know what they thought at various times in that critical generation where everything was decided.

But I do agree on quickly, and you will find all NT passages that mention the end of the world to be this way (contrast the 1st cent. Judean event where the end stretches to up to 40 years). From Thess to the end of Satan's impact in Rev 20, it happens by 'the breath of his mouth' which is always as quick as his calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee. This eliminates the 7 years from future consideration; it was an interp of the calamity of the 1st cent, from the Judean point of view. The new covenant is firmed; Israel is vanquished as a race-nation.
One of the definitions of imminent, an archaic (old like the Bible is old, and Bible translations are old) is overhanging, or ready to take place. It doesn't mean it is going to happen now, but that it is ready to happen at any time. We don't know when that will be, so it is forever, ready to happen. However, once it starts, it is over quickly. And that is what I said. There is no delay. God already knows exactly when Jesus is going to return, Jesus said so Himself. And when asked by His disciples if He would restore the kingdom to Israel at this time, He told them it is not for them to know the times and seasons established [past tense] by the Father.

There is no delay. To us, it seems to be, but Peter already explained why it is not a delay. God does not view time as we do. So while God sees that the end will be 2000 years in the future, all we have been told, and all we know is that it is imminent. Ready to happen at any time. Why would there be a call to perseverance, if there is no need since it was going to happen with a couple decades of Jesus leaving? Or within several decades? I mean, if Jesus said, be ready for my return, it will be in 20 years... no perseverance required. However, how would you react if Jesus said, I'm not going to be back for 2000 years? And then you face torture and pain, and all you had to do was denounce Christ for it to stop? I mean, you know Jesus isn't coming in your lifetime, so that can be repaired. There is no sense of need for perseverance, if you know the person you are waiting for is not coming while you are alive. Especially when you know that that timeline will never change. How are you going to tell the people you are speaking to, that they need to endure, if there is no reason?

They were not to be discussing a kingdom of Israel until the next day(s) when Pentecost happened. It was on a 'you had to be there' basis. That is why the very next words after prohibiting discussion were that a royal power would clothe them (priests clothes). Ie, that they were a kingdom of priests that would serve the whole world.

The royal power was that Christ was enthroned and all men must honor him.

The clothes were the recitation of the teachings given from Moses and the prophets in the 40 days. There are about 20 quotes, some repeated, in early Acts out to ch 15. Those are the most important material. NT teaching and eschatology must match exactly. See the worksheet in my book.

btw, a friend at dinner the other night told me that Messianic Jews at the college he attended told him not to read Galatians, that it should not be in the NT. That would be because it comes from the moment when Paul gave the Acts 13 talk and bc it repeats these 20 passages (many of them).