There was a rabbi from the 2nd century who said that he had trouble believing in a restored temple, because he did not believe the temple would be destroyed literally. Then he saw that the prophecy of the destroyed temple (not from Jesus) was actually literally fulfilled, and so he came to believe in the future literal restored temple, as prophesied.I was thinking about what someone offered below. I hope I do not misrepresent .
"After it is built, he will go into the temple and proclaim himself the father and the son. He will proclaim himself God right there in the restored temple."
In that way there will be no restored temple . Believers as always are the living temple. We preach the gospel in a hope our Father will teach them comfort them as the Lord forms Christ in them. We can plant the seed incorruptible born- again seed but he alone gives the understanding or faith to believe our unseen Holy Father
Restoring the abomination of desolation. Kings in Israel ?
The abomination of desolation will be similar to that from the 2nd/3rd century BC. However, it may simply be a man proclaiming himself God in God's temple. The first fulfillment of the abomination of desolation was some persian/greek king (don't remember off the top of my head) built an altar to Zeus and was sacrificing pigs in the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant sits. 70 AD doesn't meet the level because the temple was destroyed before Titus could execute the extreme insult. It was not his plan to destroy the temple, but to desecrate it by building an altar inside and dedicating the temple to the Roman Pantheon. It didn't happen, because some freak fire ended up destroying the temple. (Even the Romans tried to put the fire out, but there wasn't enough water in Jerusalem.)