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Will the Jews build a Third Temple?

I was thinking about what someone offered below. I hope I do not misrepresent .

"After it is built, he will go into the temple and proclaim himself the father and the son. He will proclaim himself God right there in the restored temple."

In that way there will be no restored temple . Believers as always are the living temple. We preach the gospel in a hope our Father will teach them comfort them as the Lord forms Christ in them. We can plant the seed incorruptible born- again seed but he alone gives the understanding or faith to believe our unseen Holy Father

Restoring the abomination of desolation. Kings in Israel ?
There was a rabbi from the 2nd century who said that he had trouble believing in a restored temple, because he did not believe the temple would be destroyed literally. Then he saw that the prophecy of the destroyed temple (not from Jesus) was actually literally fulfilled, and so he came to believe in the future literal restored temple, as prophesied.

The abomination of desolation will be similar to that from the 2nd/3rd century BC. However, it may simply be a man proclaiming himself God in God's temple. The first fulfillment of the abomination of desolation was some persian/greek king (don't remember off the top of my head) built an altar to Zeus and was sacrificing pigs in the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant sits. 70 AD doesn't meet the level because the temple was destroyed before Titus could execute the extreme insult. It was not his plan to destroy the temple, but to desecrate it by building an altar inside and dedicating the temple to the Roman Pantheon. It didn't happen, because some freak fire ended up destroying the temple. (Even the Romans tried to put the fire out, but there wasn't enough water in Jerusalem.)
Then why is there a temple mentioned that the anti-christ will go into and declare himself as God?
Like the prettib, midtrib believers clearly, you will not believe there will be no third temple of mortar and stone built, until you don't see it happen. Keep wishing like many do for the "pretrib midtrib rapture".

"Desolation is decreed till the end". Till the end if what? Till the end of the age of the existence of anyone practicing the OC. Keep denying that the human body is to be the dwelling place of the the one true God! Keep denying -that is the temple that satan wants to dwell in and corrupt. Clearly, you know nothing of the science of today or maybe you do? That too would explain the denial of mind control via the "Gold standard" of nanotechnology and genetic modification. Lol! Most of the time when forums claim to be "Christian Apologetics" ( an oxymoron) because Christianity needs not make any apologies men who misuse it do- is actually put up by those of secret societies. "You know them by their fruits".
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There was a rabbi from the 2nd century who said that he had trouble believing in a restored temple, because he did not believe the temple would be destroyed literally. Then he saw that the prophecy of the destroyed temple (not from Jesus) was actually literally fulfilled, and so he came to believe in the future literal restored temple, as prophesied.

The abomination of desolation will be similar to that from the 2nd/3rd century BC. However, it may simply be a man proclaiming himself God in God's temple. The first fulfillment of the abomination of desolation was some persian/greek king (don't remember off the top of my head) built an altar to Zeus and was sacrificing pigs in the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant sits. 70 AD doesn't meet the level because the temple was destroyed before Titus could execute the extreme insult. It was not his plan to destroy the temple, but to desecrate it by building an altar inside and dedicating the temple to the Roman Pantheon. It didn't happen, because some freak fire ended up destroying the temple. (Even the Romans tried to put the fire out, but there wasn't enough water in Jerusalem.)
Lol! If not the prophecy spoken of by Jesus then by whom? He is the law and the prophets. Daniel spoke because the Lord who appeard to him spoke it to him. So, who is this Lord who strengthened Daniel by touching him that he may receive the prophecy of the second temple's destruction as reiterated by the Messiah?
ALL of the Old Testament prophecies mentioning the word "temple," can and should be read as references to either one of two temples - the temple of Herod or the temples of Christ - or both. The entire Bible will make sense and there will not be a need to imagine another temple. There is the temple of stone prophecy said would be destroyed (and God never wanted built in the first place), and there is the temple not built by human hands. The latter is Christ and His body of believers, the temple, tabernacle, house built by God Himself.

As far as the opening post goes, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 was fulfilled when the Zealots took over the already desolate temple of stone and declared themselves God by judging everyone in the city, over-ruling God's laws to sacrifice humans on the altar. It is the pinnacle of hubris, one never rivaled in Greek or Roman history. Not even Nero was that arrogant.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

  • The "you" in that text is the first century Christian living in Thessalonica, NOT the 21st century Christian living in America, Britain, or Australia.
  • The "it" in "it will not come," is the "day of the Lord." Verse 2 explicitly states the day of the Lord WILL NOT COME unless the apostasy comes first. In other words, the day of the Lord was not an inevitability. It was conditioned upon the apostasy coming first.
  • To what "law" is the "man of lawlessness" referencing? Is Paul writing about Roman law? What would be the evidence for the interpretation Paul is alluding to Roman law? What other "law" is there? Throughout ALL of his epistles Paul (and all of the other epistle writers) chronically quoted, cited, and referenced the OT law, not Roman law. Paul did not hold out Roman law to the converts to Christ; he held out the laws of God as their standard. So, the "law" in question to which the lawless man is lawless is most likely Jewish law, not Roman law. While it is true all the pagan Romans ignored Jewish law (including Nero, Vespasian, Titus, whoever you like) it was never expected they would abide it. So, logically, exegetically, the lawless man is most likely a Jew, someone expected to abide by God's laws, not a Roman (or Catholic, American, Russian, Outer Slagzabian, etc.)
  • This "son of destruction" destroys, opposes God, and exalts himself above all other gods and idols. As I said, nothing shows greater hubris than standing in the place of God presuming to judge others, taking on the power of life and death, and violently profaning God's altar with human sacrifice.

All of it has already happened. It is a wild fantasy that imagines scripture is talking about some guy who will walk into a temple yet to be built and use satellite broadcast to announce his divinity. Never would the original writer have intended that and never would the original readers understood such a thing. 2 Thessalonians was written to a first century audience about a first century audience for the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of that first century audience. When scripture is interpreted in a manner meaningless to the original readers it is a gross abuse of God's word.

The people of Thessalonica were worried Jesus had come and they'd missed him. The reason they were worried is because there were false teachers in their day claiming Jesus had come (some of those false teachers probably claimed they were Jesus). It's not very different today. There are false teachers claiming to be the Messiah and there is a whole theology claiming to predict the return of Christ. The teachers from that theology have been predicting his return any day now for the last 180 years and not once has a single prediction they have ever made come true. Every single day the prove themselves false teachers and still people follow their teachings.

Luke 17:23
And they shall say to you, "See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them."

Do not follow them.

Don't bring that dross into the forum if you're not willing and prepared to have it admonished and corrected. Stop making 21 century versions of the fearful Thessalonians out of God's people.

There is nothing in the entire Bible explicitly stating a third temple of stone will be built in our future. The only way that position can be reached is by a very eisegetically interpretive reading of scripture that ignores the fact all the OT prophecies can and should be read as referring to either the temple of Herod or the temple of Christ. Both fulfilled prophecies. God has been building with His own hands the only temple He ever wanted.
There was a rabbi from the 2nd century who said that he had trouble believing in a restored temple, because he did not believe the temple would be destroyed literally. Then he saw that the prophecy of the destroyed temple (not from Jesus) was actually literally fulfilled, and so he came to believe in the future literal restored temple, as prophesied.

The abomination of desolation will be similar to that from the 2nd/3rd century BC. However, it may simply be a man proclaiming himself God in God's temple. The first fulfillment of the abomination of desolation was some persian/greek king (don't remember off the top of my head) built an altar to Zeus and was sacrificing pigs in the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant sits. 70 AD doesn't meet the level because the temple was destroyed before Titus could execute the extreme insult. It was not his plan to destroy the temple, but to desecrate it by building an altar inside and dedicating the temple to the Roman Pantheon. It didn't happen, because some freak fire ended up destroying the temple. (Even the Romans tried to put the fire out, but there wasn't enough water in Jerusalem.)

The fulfillment is when God declared in Mathew 23 it is desolate, not will be is .Its the spiritual unseen that make the lying power desolate. The sticks and bricks has no influence on the power of the lies of false prophecy oral traditons of dying mankind.

Christ made false prophecy to no effect .Not bricks and sticks they have no power .

A Person could wail all day 24/7 and it would not make false prophecy true it just shows the work of idol worship . Like the family idols Rachel hid from her father . a false living hope in the temporal things seen the corruptible. . rather than the true living hope our unseen Holy Father.

No an can serve two good teaching masters as one Lord and God. Either the temporal things seen lust of eye, lust of the flesh after the god of this world Or the living abiding word of eternal God not seen ?

Like a two sided coin Caesar the things of the world on the up side , Eternal God on the flip ,hidden side.

No new signs were given to wonder, wonder, wonder after. History in matters of faith (the unseen things of God) ended with the last chapter Revelation with a warning not to add or subtract from the book of prophecy it would seem some are making guesses of something that already occurred It is desolate not will be Is

Satan the king of lying wonder is still deceiving mankind, with false prophecy . . not of God but that of the oral traditions of dying mankind.

Prophecy for the believers signs and wonders for the evil generation. No faith as it is writen alone

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

God is still sending a strong delusion so that dying mankind might continue to believe the lying wonders as those not obeying not to add or subtract from the perfect.
Lol! If not the prophecy spoken of by Jesus then by whom? He is the law and the prophets. Daniel spoke because the Lord who appeard to him spoke it to him. So, who is this Lord who strengthened Daniel by touching him that he may receive the prophecy of the second temple's destruction as reiterated by the Messiah?
The Old Testament prophecies, the very word of God, will not fall flat, will they?
The Old Testament prophecies, the very word of God, will not fall flat, will they?
So where is the 3rd temple prophecy in your opinion? The one of mortar and stone. If what you mean by " will not fall flat" means you agree with me. Then a sad yes by me.
Paul was referring to the incident in the 60s of the 1st century
Lol! Let's now, in the spirit of lies " and he shall change times and seasons" misappropriate again the scriptures. Please post the incident verse you say Paul is using to refer to the "incident in the 60's of the first century". You people will stop at nothing to NOT bend your knee to Christ, but you will even if the one true Messiah has to break them!

Just so I understand you, the distruction of the 2nd temple then is what you are saying Paul is referring to? Because the false messiah , the man of sin did not stand in that temple. Hope you are not misdirecting people concerning times and seasons. Because it sure sounds like you are defending the Beast sytem and the violent among Daniel's people who loathe Christ with all your two step and shuffle.

Clarify what verse you attribute to Paul about any incident in the time you reference.
Lol! Let's now, in the spirit of lies " and he shall change times and seasons" misappropriate again the scriptures. Please post the incident verse you say Paul is using to refer to the "incident in the 60's of the first century". You people will stop at nothing to NOT bend your knee to Christ, but you will even if the one true Messiah has to break them!

Just so I understand you, the distruction of the 2nd temple then is what you are saying Paul is referring to? Because the false messiah , the man of sin did not stand in that temple. Hope you are not misdirecting people concerning times and seasons. Because it sure sounds like you are defending the Beast sytem and the violent among Daniel's people who loathe Christ with all your two step and shuffle.

Clarify what verse you attribute to Paul about any incident in the time you reference.

Do you actually think that the people in Thess who are worried sick about their friends and relatives are being told that X000 years in the future "they" (they? who is that? how do readers in the 1st century 'watch' for a guy X000 in the future?) are supposed to know that an evil person will be in the temple and ruin it? Use your head, man!!!

Jesus was also speaking of that generation, timed to match Daniel 9, referring to the person who incited rebellion against the fourth of the Dan 2 kingdoms (Rome) and ruined the country. All simply expressed by Daniel in 9--provided we do not jump antecedents.
Do you actually think that the people in Thess who are worried sick about their friends and relatives are being told that X000 years in the future "they" (they? who is that? how do readers in the 1st century 'watch' for a guy X000 in the future?) are supposed to know that an evil person will be in the temple and ruin it? Use your head, man!!!

Jesus was also speaking of that generation, timed to match Daniel 9, referring to the person who incited rebellion against the fourth of the Dan 2 kingdoms (Rome) and ruined the country. All simply expressed by Daniel in 9--provided we do not jump antecedents.
I guess that same argument can be said of Genesis which foretells the promised Messiah. Like in the spirit of your fathers you too persecute and murder the prophets sent to you. With your argument let's throw out the Books of the Prophets and simply rest on the times at hand but where is the fun in that?

I find it rather thrilling seeing Christ's sovereignty over the affairs of men. It's awesome how thousands of years in advance sometimes hundreds, He tells man what he will be up to before he's up to it. 🤣God is good!

For those He opens the scriptures for, they know the meaning of every symbol of every pivotal kingdom that rises. It is actually startling! It is perfectly accurate.
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I guess that same argument can be said of Genesis which foretells the promised Messiah. Like in the spirit of your fathers you too persecute and murder the prophets sent to you. With your argument let's throw out the Books of the Prophets and simply rest on the times at hand but where is the fun in that?

I find it rather thrilling seeing Christ's sovereignty over the affairs of men. It's awesome how thousands of years in advance sometimes hundreds, He tells man what he will be up to before he's up to it. 🤣Good is good!

For those He opens the scriptures for, they know the meaning of every symbol of every pivotal kingdom that rises. It is actually startling! It is perfectly accurate.

Could you say in plain English what this has to do with those Thess readers worried about identifying the perditious person coming to the standing temple as a signal?
Could you say in plain English what this has to do with those Thess readers worried about identifying the perditious person coming to the standing temple as a signal?
I asked you to tell me first. So, your point?
I asked you to tell me first. So, your point?

They were worried about seeing those who had fallen asleep, and he said the son of perdition would be seen in the (current) standing temple first. So the end of the world was expected after that. That was the NT expectation all through the future discourses and Paul's letters. But a delay in the worldwide day of judgement was allowed, and as we can see today, it is still delayed.
They were worried about seeing those who had fallen asleep, and he said the son of perdition would be seen in the (current) standing temple first. So the end of the world was expected after that. That was the NT expectation all through the future discourses and Paul's letters. But a delay in the worldwide day of judgement was allowed, and as we can see today, it is still delayed.
Please put the verse or bettter yet I'll look into your sort of paraphrase. I want see if your are interpreting the account correctly. This is actually a deflection tactic on your part. For some it is better than eating crow. I'll be back.....
Please put the verse or bettter yet I'll look into your sort of paraphrase. I want see if your are interpreting the account correctly. This is actually a deflection tactic on your part. For some it is better than eating crow. I'll be back.....

There are not that many verses in Thess on this. I learned long ago that people fail to read enough of a passage, so I do not narrow down more than chapters: I Th 4 is the first mention of their concern, which colors the rest. In 5, the expression 'there is peace and safety' is prob not meant in an affluent sense about Jerusalem in the 60s, but in a fanatic sense, that 'yes the Messiah will appear and fight Rome for us, and we will win!' In 2 Th 1, we see how uncomplicated the future is. In 2, the evil person of Dan 8:13+ shows and will ruin the country. He believes he is godhead.

In 1 Th 2, of course, is the remarkable statement that the full wrath of God has already come, but he must mean that in a sentient way.
Could you say in plain English what this has to do with those Thess readers worried about identifying the perditious person coming to the standing temple as a signal?
Yeah, what you claim " Thess" is saying 2 Thess 2 to be exact, is a false interp by some unsavory cats. Paul is clear it is a furture event concerning the falling away and lawlessness of the times. Aaaaaa..... that would be now! Paul saying not to be alarmed had nothing to do with the destruction of the second temple.

Anyways, why would Christian Jews care about the destruction of the second temple? They were kicked out! The apostles would have taken comfort in knowing that the Messiah's prophecy happened. Again, Paul was speaking of a future event. We are in those times now.
Yeah, what you claim " Thess" is saying 2 Thess 2 to be exact, is a false interp by some unsavory cats. Paul is clear it is a furture event concerning the falling away and lawlessness of the times. Aaaaaa..... that would be now! Paul saying not to be alarmed had nothing to do with the destruction of the second temple.

Anyways, why would Christian Jews care about the destruction of the second temple? They were kicked out! The apostles would have taken comfort in knowing that the Messiah's prophecy happened. Again, Paul was speaking of a future event. We are in those times now.

Nope, he even said the full wrath had come even before it happened, just like Jesus saying the house was desolate. You are very unfamiliar with the passages, esp of Luke (transcribed from Paul) that detail so much about the destruction of Jerusalem in that generation. You are avoiding it like you were paid to.

The apostles concern about the falling away was that it was the tragedy of going the opposite direction from what Jesus wanted: he wanted Israel to be missionaries to the world, not fighting for their land or temple in that generation. The revolutionaries behaved so badly that Josephus called them criminals and reprobates. Ie, lawless.

The events Paul spoke of matched the timeframe of Dan 9 in the normal sense, not the bizarre modern future sense. It is a miniature of NT history, as long as you don't jump antecedents.
Like the prettib, midtrib believers clearly, you will not believe there will be no third temple of mortar and stone built, until you don't see it happen. Keep wishing like many do for the "pretrib midtrib rapture".

"Desolation is decreed till the end". Till the end if what? Till the end of the age of the existence of anyone practicing the OC. Keep denying that the human body is to be the dwelling place of the the one true God! Keep denying -that is the temple that satan wants to dwell in and corrupt. Clearly, you know nothing of the science of today or maybe you do? That too would explain the denial of mind control via the "Gold standard" of nanotechnology and genetic modification. Lol! Most of the time when forums claim to be "Christian Apologetics" ( an oxymoron) because Christianity needs not make any apologies men who misuse it do- is actually put up by those of secret societies. "You know them by their fruits".
I don't deny christians are the temple of God.
I don't deny there is nano-technology.

What I do deny is that the anti-christ will enter into and sit down in the christian who is a temple of God and declare himself to be God.
I do understand that in the future there will be a rebuilt temple which is supposed to be "the temple of God"...or so the Jews will call it...and the anti-christ will present himself as a false messiah and deceive many.

I also understand when this occurs there will be no "old" christians present as they will have been raptured by then. There will be some "new" christians or as they are called tribulation christians who come to a faith in Jesus after the rapture and the tribulation begins.
Paul was referring to the incident in the 60s of the 1st century
I doubt it.

The fig tree did it's thing in 1948. We are of that generation. Look UP! Your redemption draws near.