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Why is there more than 1 Christian religion?

Jhn 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Jesus says that life eternal consists in knowing his Father as the ONLY (alone) true God, and himself whom the only true God has sent.

Trinitarians condemn those whom Jesus and his disciples teach who is ALONE the true God.

See the question asked at the bottom of the post in the following link:
They use the book of Mormon over the bible. And they serve God as a trinity.

Carbon just summed it up nicely....You use the NWT over the Bible and you deny the Trinity.​

Do you understand the KENOSIS yet and the role it had upon the Word that became flesh (Jesus)?
You use the NWT over the Bible and you deny the Trinity.
The nwt is a bible. Yes so does Paul-1Cor 8:5-6 where he warns that all other gods are false then names only the Father as God. And Jesus where any human on earth that can understand English for self sees Jesus taught--The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. But most are mislead by the capitol G God to the Word at John 1:1, Its not that way in the Greek lexicons-that is 100% fact.
This is a Christian forum. Not a JW forum. If you want to continue to post here, then be respectful to Christianity and Jesus Christ the second Person of the Trinity.

Remember these when posting on this forum,

Jesus is God the Son and all things are made by Him: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him [b]not even one thing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of mankind. 5 And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not grasp it. John 1.

Our God is a Triune God.

Jesus was raised from the dead in a physical body. Not as a mighty spirit creature.

The second coming of Jesus will be at the end of this age. He will come and judge the living and the dead.
Jehovah made all things-Gen 1:27= HE created,--- not we.
Prov 8:27-28= HE created,---- not we.
Isaiah 40:26= HE created ---not we.
He created them through his master worker( Prov 8:30) = the one who was beside God during the creation. He gives-HE( Jehovah) 100% credit at Prov 8.
Let us make man= Jehovah and his master worker--proof is the 3 scriptures which are 100% truth-HE( an individual) created. Only Jehovah has the power and wisdom to create.
Isaiah 44:6= I am Jehovah besides me( not we)there is no other God.

You are being mislead by the capitol G God error to the Word at John 1:1--You cannot deny those truths i shared above.
The NWt fixed Catholicism translating. Catholicism removed Gods name against his will. Catholicism screwed it all up. No protestant religion fixed it, they used Catholicism translating. All of you are putting your eternal life into Catholicism translating=How sad.
I've noticed you keep avoiding the topic of the Kenosis and have been shying away from it. Some may say 'running" away from it.
But, I'll have to see if you skip over it again before I claim you're running away from it.
I've noticed you keep avoiding the topic of the Kenosis and have been shying away from it. Some may say 'running" away from it.
But, I'll have to see if you skip over it again before I claim you're running away from it.
First, you need to agree that morphe means nature in the sense of constitution or substance of something.
But that’s not what morphe means. The word that refers to constitution or nature of something is the word physis.
The word morphe refers to how something appears to the eye. It’s similar to the word image or similitude.

The word physis refers to the very nature of something. It’s composition or constitution.

When Paul says he was the form of God, he is referring to how Jesus appeared to the eye, and not to his nature.
First, you need to agree that morphe means nature in the sense of constitution or substance of something.
But that’s not what morphe means. The word that refers to constitution or nature of something is the word physis.
Morphe can easily mean nature...such as the Trinity is one God containing 3 persons of the same essence and nature.
The word morphe refers to how something appears to the eye. It’s similar to the word image or similitude.

The word physis refers to the very nature of something. It’s composition or constitution.

When Paul says he was the form of God, he is referring to how Jesus appeared to the eye, and not to his nature.
Perhaps you would then conclude....When Paul says he was the form of a servant, he is referring to how Jesus appeared to the eye, and not to his nature.

You can't have it both ways. You can't have Jesus not being God as in the form of God yet being in the form of a servant and being servant. Either Jesus is not God and NOT a servent or Jesus is God and is a servant.
Perhaps you would then conclude....When Paul says he was the form of a servant, he is referring to how Jesus appeared to the eye, and not to his nature.

You can't have it both ways. You can't have Jesus not being God as in the form of God yet being in the form of a servant and being servant. Either Jesus is not God and NOT a servent or Jesus is God and is a servant.
Jesus humbled himself to become a slave. This was very apparent.
The NWt fixed Catholicism translating. Catholicism removed Gods name against his will. Catholicism screwed it all up. No protestant religion fixed it, they used Catholicism translating. All of you are putting your eternal life into Catholicism translating=How sad.

@CrowCross It is worth a read. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the history of the NWT.
Jesus humbled himself to become a slave. This was very apparent.
Yup, just as Jesus was a "slave" or in the form of a slave Jesus was also God or in the form of God.

Bottom line Jesus is God.

There is no salvation in your mere man "Jesus". The finite can't pay an eternal price.
Jesus humbled himself to become a slave. This was very apparent.
...and, what/who was Jesus prior to becoming a slave? The bible tells us Jesus was known as the Word, who was with and also was God....the Word became flesh.

Would you like to meet the real Jesus?
You still are arguing Jesus wasn't a servant.

You seem to want to eat your 🎂 and have it too.
Jesus was a man who spoke the words of God and did the works of God. He was a man whom God had appointed to him to be king of the world. He was possessed of the same Spirit in manifestation as his God.
This would have been apparent. This would have been in the form of God, or the appearance of God. Not the nature of God, but the appearance of God.
That’s the difference between the two words, morphe and physis.

Even having all that, he made himself appear as a slave.
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Yup, just as Jesus was a "slave" or in the form of a slave Jesus was also God or in the form of God.

Bottom line Jesus is God.

There is no salvation in your mere man "Jesus". The finite can't pay an eternal price.
I like the way you claim I’m saying Jesus was a “mere man”. It’s a false argument tactic.stawman.
...and, what/who was Jesus prior to becoming a slave? The bible tells us Jesus was known as the Word, who was with and also was God....the Word became flesh.

Would you like to meet the real Jesus?
The real Jesus has a God. Always had, and still does.

Jesus was a man who spoke the words of God and did the works of God. He was a man whom God had appointed to him to be king of the world. He was possessed of the same Spirit in manifestation as his God.
This would have been apparent. This would have been in the form of God, or the appearance of God. Not the nature of God, but the appearance of God.
That’s the difference between the two words, morphe and physis.

Even having all that, he made himself appear as a slave.
Besides Paul in Phillipians telling us Jesus was God the same account was presented when John told all of us The Word was God and became flesh. John doesn't go into the details of the kenosis like Paul does but expands on Jesus doing the work of God by being the creator who made all things.

So now, this means we have two accounts where jesus is God in which you have to using biblical gymnastics to distort and reason away.