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Why is there more than 1 Christian religion?

Can't they understand this simple bible milk? 1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.

That means Jesus is with 1 single religion out of the hundreds claiming to be his.
All need to step back and LOOK.
Its easy to find the one who has Jesus-They listen to him= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--That means the ones taking the lead teach EVERY utterance from God to the flock=OT-NT, without fail. It NEVER stops.
If ones teacher is not doing that then you have found these-2Cor 11:12-15.
Not all is as appears in this satan ruled system.
There is only one Christian religion. That is the one established by Jesus and his appointed apostles who laid the foundational doctrines and gave them to us in the NT.

There are many Christian denominations and there are many religions that call themselves Christian and are not, because they reject some of the necessary doctrines in Christianity.

The Trinity
The virgin birth
Jesus as Son of God come in the flesh.
The substitutionary death of Christ on the cross
The resurrection and ascension
His coming return and restoration of all things.
Salvation by grace through faith.
I have 0 to do with 99% of the religions claiming to be Christian. I follow the one that has Jesus. Jesus' 1 religion is not divided nor ever will be.
Jehovah witness. LDS believe in a non existent trinity. YHVH(Jehovah) is the only true God, beside him there is no other God( Isaiah 44:6--he
stated there-(beside me)= not we.
Do you understand that JWism is part of the problem cited in the op? It is only within the last half of my lifetime that JWism has been considered a legitimate "sect" within Christianity. When I was young it was considered a cult by ALL (inside and outside of the Church) except the JWs. JWism arose during the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. It is JWism that is the newcomer, not the traditional denominations. I know JWism makes appeals to the ECFs and historicity, but so do all the cults. The LDS say they precede all of us! 🤪 It is JWism that added to the division in the Church. It did not contribute to unity or unification. In fact, the Restoration Movement contributed to a huge explosion of sectarianism that makes the Reformation look like a trial run!

More importantly, however, I am wondering why the op-relevant content of my op-reply was ignored. I'd rather discuss the fact scripture shows us divisions have always occurred and none of the problems the Church faces in that regard today are new. They are, in fact, conditions common in every era and, apparently, conditions in which God wants His people to grow (not divide)
There is only one Christian religion. That is the one established by Jesus and his appointed apostles who laid the foundational doctrines and gave them to us in the NT.

There are many Christian denominations and there are many religions that call themselves Christian and are not, because they reject some of the necessary doctrines in Christianity.

The Trinity
The virgin birth
Jesus as Son of God come in the flesh.
The substitutionary death of Christ on the cross
The resurrection and ascension
His coming return and restoration of all things.
Salvation by grace through faith.
God was never a trinity. The religion that came out of Rome made it up. Israel NEVER served God as a trinity, thus when Jesus and every bible writer attended those places of worship, were taught, served, and worshipped a single being God= the Abrahamic God= YHVH(Jehovah)--they never refuted that God, They taught it-John 17:3, 1 Cor 8:6
I have 0 to do with 99% of the religions claiming to be Christian. I follow the one that has Jesus. Jesus' 1 religion is not divided nor ever will be.
Is a religion a good handle for discussing it?
Do you understand that JWism is part of the problem cited in the op? It is only within the last half of my lifetime that JWism has been considered a legitimate "sect" within Christianity. When I was young it was considered a cult by ALL (inside and outside of the Church) except the JWs. JWism arose during the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. It is JWism that is the newcomer, not the traditional denominations. I know JWism makes appeals to the ECFs and historicity, but so do all the cults. The LDS say they precede all of us! 🤪 It is JWism that added to the division in the Church. It did not contribute to unity or unification. In fact, the Restoration Movement contributed to a huge explosion of sectarianism that makes the Reformation look like a trial run!

More importantly, however, I am wondering why the op-relevant content of my op-reply was ignored. I'd rather discuss the fact scripture shows us divisions have always occurred and none of the problems the Church faces in that regard today are new. They are, in fact, conditions common in every era and, apparently, conditions in which God wants His people to grow (not divide)
Yes the darkness calls the JW religion a cult, because it exposes those religions falseness. The cult to Gods view= a house divided(hundreds of trinity religions)will not stand. God will show the world who is who. All those trinity religions have different truths= a mass of confusion, a lack of holy spirit guidance causes that. 1 Cor1:10= a true mark of the religion that has Jesus= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
Yes the darkness calls the JW religion a cult..............
So much for unity of thought and no division :cautious:. That comment is a divisive, dividing comment that directly contradicts the op. It's not rational to ask why there is more than one Christian religion and simultaneously indict the vast majority of Christendom with epithets of "darkness."


It does nothing to address the contents of Post 17. Should I expect any discussion of what "unity of thought" and "no division" looked like in the NT era, or not? Just let me know.
Catholicism, and all the protestant branches fixed little of what Catholicism did. Because they only had Catholicism translating to use.
While I would consider RCC a different religion, as far as I know, the non-cultic protestant denominations are not different religions from each other, or, at least, those who hold to the essential "orthodox" cardinal doctrines are not. But did you mean to refer to denominations as religions?
When was Jesus God?

Always. Even during His incarnation which prior to His incarnation was called the Word who is and was with God.

When was Jesus NOT God?

Do you understand the kenosis? Just wondering because so far all you have done is avoid talking about it.
Catholicism screwed it all up. The protestants tried to fix things but couldn't, they only had Catholicism translating to go by.
Then who in modern times has it correct?
Jehovah witness. LDS believe in a non existent trinity.
The JW's and the mormons believe in a different Jesus....yet both argue their Jesus is the correct Jesus. Whose right?
God was never a trinity. The religion that came out of Rome made it up. Israel NEVER served God as a trinity, thus when Jesus and every bible writer attended those places of worship, were taught, served, and worshipped a single being God= the Abrahamic God= YHVH(Jehovah)--they never refuted that God, They taught it-John 17:3, 1 Cor 8:6
You mentioned....."and worshipped a single being God= the Abrahamic God".....Jesus pretty much threw a monkey wrench into their thoughts when he said....“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
In fact because of this declaration of calling Himself God...I Am... the Jews mentioned in the verse picked up stones and tried to kill him.
God was never a trinity. The religion that came out of Rome made it up.
God has always been who God is. He never "became"a triune being. He has always been Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That is who He is.

Before Rome, there existed an understanding of a triune God. It was not invented by the Roman Catholic church. Rome is where much corruption came into that church, but the doctrine of the Trinity was not one of the corruptions, and it is not what the reformers were addressing.
Israel NEVER served God as a trinity, thus when Jesus and every bible writer attended those places of worship, were taught, served, and worshipped a single being God= the Abrahamic God= YHVH(Jehovah)--they never refuted that God, They taught it-John 17:3, 1 Cor 8:6
If God is a triune God, then indeed that is the God Israel worshiped. The teaching of His triune existence was not as fully revealed in the OT as it is in the NT, but it is shown in shadows (the Rock, the prophecies, and revealed in the incarnation with the person and work of Jesus and the explanation of these shadows and prophecies by Jesus Himself and later his appointed apostles. It is seen in many places in the NT but here are a couple of examples.

1 Cor 10:4 And all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.

Col 2: 1-16
which concludes in vers 17. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

John 17:3 and 1 Cor 8:6 are not refuting the Trinity. Faith in Jesus as Son of God (1 John 4:15) is the only way to be reconciled to God. John 14:6 Jesus answered. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If Jesus had been refuting his deity he would not have said in the same prayer, 5. And now, Father, glorify mein your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.

If 1 Cor 8:6 (yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.) Paul would not have said the very same thing of the Father that he says of Jesus.
You mentioned....."and worshipped a single being God= the Abrahamic God".....Jesus pretty much threw a monkey wrench into their thoughts when he said....“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
In fact because of this declaration of calling Himself God...I Am... the Jews mentioned in the verse picked up stones and tried to kill him.[.....]
.....because they thought he was making himself equal with God when he could not possibly be equal with God.

And if Jesus meant what he said exactly as stated and the Jews' appraisal is correct then Jesus is a sinner no one is saved by Jesus, not even the Jehovah's witness. If the Jews intending to stone Jesus were correct then Jesus is not the perfect, blemish-free sacrifice by which we have redemption from sin. All Christian religions are wrong and all their claims of salvation from sin and wrath are wrong. If those Jews were correct, then nothing else in scripture pertaining to Jesus can be trusted or relied upon to be true. That includes the resurrection and if there is no resurrection then ALL Christians, regardless of the sectarian position, are to be pitied as fools.

On the other hand, if Jesus is correct and the Jews wrong, then all the divinity of Christ denying religions are wrong.
Israel NEVER served God as a trinity,
This is not even true according to historical evidence. @Tambora has done extensive research on this and has in the past produced her evidence. I invite you Tambora to provide it again for this poster and the rest of us.
Israel NEVER served God as a trinity...
If that were true that would simply mean Israel was wrong, not that God is not triune. In point of fact Israel was often wrong about God.
While I would consider RCC a different religion, as far as I know, the non-cultic protestant denominations are not different religions from each other, or, at least, those who hold to the essential "orthodox" cardinal doctrines are not. But did you mean to refer to denominations as religions?
There are hundreds of named trinity based religions.
Always. Even during His incarnation which prior to His incarnation was called the Word who is and was with God.

When was Jesus NOT God?

Do you understand the kenosis? Just wondering because so far all you have done is avoid talking about it.
Oh so you -teach--God has a God. How many Gods is that?