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Q. When is a Jew, not a Jew?

A. When he is a Benjaminite. [a Two-Kingdom joke]

A. When SHE is a Moabitess. [A grandmother of King David, joke]

A. When he is Abraham [a "promise" of God joke].

[this is fun] :)
Q. When is a Jew, not a Jew?

A. When he is a Benjaminite. [a Two-Kingdom joke]

A. When SHE is a Moabitess. [A grandmother of King David, joke]

A. When he is Abraham [a "promise" of God joke].

[this is fun] :)

A Jew is one eternally as born again of the Spirit of Christ. If any man has not the powerful Spirit of Christ then they simply are not born again from above .

Romans 8:But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Born again Israel .Not all of Israel are born agin .Just like the new name (Christin the Father named to bride to represent of the nations of the world ,

Not all that say they are Christian are. Jew is not one outwardly

There were some outward jew who thought they could smeak hoping there flesh could profit for something .even hearing the Son of man Jesu saying of his own dying flesh it profits for zero

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

No power is attributed to dying flesh and blood under the judgement of Christ. DNA has no value in reconciling the spiritual unseen things of God .God is not a Jewish man.
A Jew is one eternally as born again of the Spirit of Christ. If any man has not the powerful Spirit of Christ then they simply are not born again from above .

Romans 8:But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Born again Israel .Not all of Israel are born agin .Just like the new name (Christin the Father named to bride to represent of the nations of the world ,

Not all that say they are Christian are. Jew is not one outwardly

There were some outward jew who thought they could smeak hoping there flesh could profit for something .even hearing the Son of man Jesu saying of his own dying flesh it profits for zero

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

No power is attributed to dying flesh and blood under the judgement of Christ. DNA has no value in reconciling the spiritual unseen things of God .
I officially declare you void of any sense of humor. ;)

God is not a Jewish man.
Jesus was born of a Jewish girl, lived a life in perfect obedience to the Old Covenant, and was fully God (as well as a man) ... so I might disagree with this statement. Jesus (God the Son) was the only perfect Jewish Man!

In Christ, I am also a "perfect Jewish man" in the sight of God. [Free from an Old Covenant that I was NEVER under]. That whole hypostatic union is really hard to completely wrap my mind around. :unsure:
I officially declare you void of any sense of humor.
LOL Sorry I am slow at some humor

In Christ, I am also a "perfect Jewish man" in the sight of God. [Free from an Old Covenant that I was NEVER under]. That cwhole hypostatic union is really hard to completely wrap my mind around
Thanks again I would agree.

I would think what some call the hypostatic is trying to give God a beginning .God has no nature (a thing created"

The witness of two . . the dynamic dual. (1) the Father with power not seen working in the Son of man Jesus the temporal seen .

Again two is the witness God spoke not three. Three (queen of heaven) the Catholic hypostatic union. Passed on from the Pharisees same queen of heaven trinity//

Two working as one not three .Three is used to denote the end of a matter . Two is the end of this subject matter. . salvation.

Sola scriptura) law and to the testimony. the faithful creator . .let there be and it was good the one work of the Holy Spirit

John 1:8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light

Isaiah 8: 19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Gentile Christians take an inordinate pride....
No they don't.

Any opening post that starts with a false witness should be ignored other than to note it's deceit and move on.

Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things which the LORD hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.
Count how many are in the op.

John 10:11-19
"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know my own and my own know me, even as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from me, but I lay it down on my own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from my Father." A division occurred again among the Jews because of these words.

Jesus stated he has sheep not of the "fold" to whom he was speaking, and the Jews divided over it. This recurs throughout the OT (see Gal. 2:11-14). It is invariably a sign of Judaism and unwarranted divisiveness.

Galatians 5:19-21
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: ....enmities, strife, jealousy... disputes, dissensions, factions....., and things like these, of which I forewarn you...

The op is incorrect, it seeks to divide the body of Christ unjustly and is, therefore, an effort at trolling. Do not feed it.
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Yes, there are no Christians of the lamb of God that was slain during the first 6 days the Holy Father did work. Christian are delivered from death.
You are placing honor where none exists. Jesus never said his friend is the devil
John 6:70-71 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?
He did not chose him the be a friend (other gospel)
The word translated "devil" in John 6:70-71 is an adjective, and it is "traducer" according to Strong.
The word is defined as "false accuser" or "someone who impugns the character of another [through false accusation or lies.]"

When Judas went to the priests to see about helping them obtain Jesus the priests knew that Judas was one of Jesus' disciples. They didn't trust him. Until Judas "traduced" Jesus to them and spoke negatively about Him to them. Under their Law it is a sin and punishable to lie or character assassinate someone unjustifiably and in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. So, when Judas spoke negatively about Jesus to the priests that was enough to work a deal with him. This is what Jesus said about Judas being a "traducer" ["devil"] in John 6.
No tribe of Dan listed in Revelation.12 is the number
The spirit assigned to Dan declared Judas a false apostle false prophet is eliminated .The number to represent the whole is 12 not 13
Error. Where do you get all this error?
The judgment of Judas falling off his high horse slain in the spirit fell backward. Falling back has to do with coming under the judgment of God throughout the bible.
Genesis 49:16-18King James Version16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
It is used in one of I Am the Lord speaking giving words to His prophet Jesus .Words of life and death. fall back break neck
John 18 :5-9 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.
Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.
The tongue of I AM has the power of life or death using Judas as a perfect example of throes who fall back slain in the Spirit.
Those that came to arrest Jesus are His enemies and fell backward but not Judas. Judas is a Friend of Jesus and Christ makes this very clear. Friends of God and of His Christ do not suffer judgment, especially since at the PASSOVER meal Jesus said His body and blood are broken and shed "FOR YOU" (the twelve.)
Judas' sins past, present, and future are atoned, especially the failure/sin of Judas telling the priests where Jesus hung out with the disciples to get away from the crowds was his betrayal. He revealed their secret hang out.
I officially declare you void of any sense of humor. ;)

Jesus was born of a Jewish girl, lived a life in perfect obedience to the Old Covenant, and was fully God (as well as a man) ... so I might disagree with this statement. Jesus (God the Son) was the only perfect Jewish Man!

In Christ, I am also a "perfect Jewish man" in the sight of God. [Free from an Old Covenant that I was NEVER under]. That whole hypostatic union is really hard to completely wrap my mind around. :unsure:
Ask me. I have all the perfect answers.
But not everyone is at my depth and level of understanding, and that's not pride. It's facts. I don't think myself more highly than I ought. But soberly within my present measure of faith.
Tomorrow my faith will have increased.
Despite your understanding my answers go ahead and ask me the secrets of this "so-great salvation."
Ask me. I have all the perfect answers.
But not everyone is at my depth and level of understanding, and that's not pride. It's facts. I don't think myself more highly than I ought. But soberly within my present measure of faith.
Tomorrow my faith will have increased.
Despite your understanding my answers go ahead and ask me the secrets of this "so-great salvation."
😲😲😲 One only feels it necessary to inform people of such things from pride and because they think more highly of themselves than they ought. It would be expected then that all they said came with arrogance, and lots of it.
😲 One only feels it necessary to inform people of such things from pride and because they think more highly of themselves than they ought. It would be e basis of my statement comes fexpected then that all they said came with arrogance, and lots of it.
The basis of my statement is knowing my call, my place in the Body, and my spiritual gifts to accomplish that call

There are no secrets in the Body of Christ.

Do you know yours?

Has God spoken directly to you with His Voice?

Acts 13:1-4
Ask me. I have all the perfect answers.
But not everyone is at my depth and level of understanding, and that's not pride. It's facts. I don't think myself more highly than I ought. But soberly within my present measure of faith.
Tomorrow my faith will have increased.
Despite your understanding my answers go ahead and ask me the secrets of this "so-great salvation."
Sure, as a former math major … 100% man + 100% God = 200% … which is not allowed when speaking of ONE BEING (hypostatic Union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ). So how is someone 200% of something? [it is as annoying as when person asks for a 110% effort … are you really expecting people to do 10% more than the most they are capable of?]

So how can FULLY GOD really know what it is to be a man? If Jesus could not sin, because of His God nature, then was the struggle with temptation really real?

How can GOD be eternally unchanging if from 4 BC to AD 33 (plus or minus) God existed in time and had a corruptible body of flesh - and a glorified body from His resurrection until eternity future? Did Jesus (God the Son) have a body in eternity past?

Like I said, I have lots of trouble wrapping my head around the details of this whole “fully God - fully man” thing.
Sure, as a former math major … 100% man + 100% God = 200% … which is not allowed when speaking of ONE BEING (hypostatic Union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ). So how is someone 200% of something? [it is as annoying as when person asks for a 110% effort … are you really expecting people to do 10% more than the most they are capable of?]
So how can FULLY GOD really know what it is to be a man? If Jesus could not sin, because of His God nature, then was the struggle with temptation really real?
Of course, it was. He was tempted to turn the stones into bread. He was hungered. The flesh, or human nature of the hypostasis was tested, and the human nature triumphed when He rested on Scripture. Same as us.
How can GOD be eternally unchanging if from 4 BC to AD 33 (plus or minus) God existed in time and had a corruptible body of flesh - and a glorified body from His resurrection until eternity future? Did Jesus (God the Son) have a body in eternity past?
God is Spirit. Even the Logos.
What I have difficulty understanding is that "a lamb was slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world." I may not fully understand it but I accept it as happened and true. There is some significance and I believe "it" (lamb slain) allowed a Righteous God to create an unrighteous being - man.
It is this that compels my understanding to accept that God created man sinful ("missing the mark" [of the glory of God].)
Like I said, I have lots of trouble wrapping my head around the details of this whole “fully God - fully man” thing.
We all know in part. But some things we master with regard to understanding this "so-great salvation."
We all know in part. Your part joined with my part and brother so-so's part and sister so-so's part we see the whole, don't you think?
I do.
And places where discussion is allowed free rein without men's rules that limit the exercise of our gifts - even online - is where our parts come together. Too bad not everyone is in the body of Christ in such places - fake brethren.
Besides that, not everyone is on the same level of knowledge and understanding.
And some even have true issues with flesh and pride. These haven't submitted themselves to God but are like ships on the sea without a rudder. I find tongue-talkers to be more disciplined and have learned obedience to the Lord more than those who haven't spoken in tongues.
Of course, it was. He was tempted to turn the stones into bread. He was hungered. The flesh, or human nature of the hypostasis was tested, and the human nature triumphed when He rested on Scripture. Same as us.
Is that then a denial of "fully God" ... making Jesus a "perfect Man" in His incarnation? Truly a "second Adam"!
How was "fully God" capable of sin and thus actually "tempted as we are" ... to face temptation with no ABILITY to fail is not really "as we are". What does God know (experientally) of being a man? [Not an accusation, but an honest question of one seeking to understand the mystery and paradox.]
God is Spirit. Even the Logos.
What I have difficulty understanding is that "a lamb was slain from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world." I may not fully understand it but I accept it as happened and true. There is some significance and I believe "it" (lamb slain) allowed a Righteous God to create an unrighteous being - man.
It is this that compels my understanding to accept that God created man sinful ("missing the mark" [of the glory of God].)
Welcome to my world of "more questions than answers". ;) Sorry for dragging you here. :)

Your answer implies CHANGE which itself creates new problems. If "Logos" was spirit in eternity past and is "Glorified Body" in eternity future, then there WAS a change from one to the other. Was Logos/Christ more perfect before the change or after? Either way crates a crisis in the very definition of God. God is not unchanging perfection if even God changed and became more (or less) perfect. [Perfect by definition cannot change without becoming less perfect, or it was not perfect before the change.]

From "logic", this suggests that God the Son ALWAYS had a body ... that was His perfect form. From this, one can posit that activities in the OT that require a body are likely performed by God the Son. Forming Clay into a man suggests "hands" to form - God the Son. A fourth man walking in the fire - God the Son.

It is not God the Son with a Glorified Body that is problematic for me to visualize ... God is eternal (outside of the TIME which He created) ... it is how INFINITE merged with finite corruptible flesh to become fully man that snaps my suspenders. :( Like you, I don't NEED to understand to accept ... but I do keep picking at it to try and understand.
We all know in part. But some things we master with regard to understanding this "so-great salvation."
We all know in part. Your part joined with my part and brother so-so's part and sister so-so's part we see the whole, don't you think?
I do.
And places where discussion is allowed free rein without men's rules that limit the exercise of our gifts - even online - is where our parts come together. Too bad not everyone is in the body of Christ in such places - fake brethren.
Besides that, not everyone is on the same level of knowledge and understanding.
And some even have true issues with flesh and pride. These haven't submitted themselves to God but are like ships on the sea without a rudder. I find tongue-talkers to be more disciplined and have learned obedience to the Lord more than those who haven't spoken in tongues.
I enjoy discussing with people that I disagree with. I may be one of the few people in America that was happy when the JW came to the door ... they were always willing to debate something. :) My best debate was an ongoing "donnybrook" with a Presbyterian Brother over Baptizing Babies (Credobaptism vs Paedobaptism). We were friends that respected each other and argued hard, formal debate style, the pro's and con's of each position. Obviously, neither of us changed our position (with good reason, scripture supports both views). What I gained was an appreciation for a completely different perspective on scripture (covenant) and the ability to see the verses that they (Paedobaptists) use for support through their eyes.

I am a continuationist (non-cessationist) because I find the arguments for cessationism almost 100% extra-biblical in nature. There is nothing in scripture to suggest that Jesus could not appear to someone and commission another "Paul" if God chose to do so [although extraordinary claims would require extraordinary evidence], so why should any lesser act be "God does not do that any more".

With respect to tongues, I stand on the verse that says the "Prophets are to judge other prophets" and the Spirit gives gifts as He pleases (he has not chosen to give 'Languages' to me). Therefore, I withhold judgement on tongues except to hold it up to the judgement of Scripture. What I see is not what happened in Acts 2, but may be what Paul spoke of in Corinth. So those that speak in tongues should heed Paul's instructions to Corinth. I attended a Pentecostal Church for many years and have only good things to say about the Church (people) that meet there. They were loving and full of life they sure loved Jesus. [A church could do a lot worse than to be described like that.]

Everyone has issues with PRIDE. It is one of the preeminent human flaws. We are also quick to take offense and sign malice where "a simple misunderstanding" is a more likely explanation. Once bitten, twice shy ... especially ONLINE.

And then there are the people one meets that have a "special revelation" that nobody reading the Bible has discovered in 2000 years. There is just not a "facepalm" emoji large enough to cover the situation. :cool:
Ask me. I have all the perfect answers.
But not everyone is at my depth and level of understanding, and that's not pride. It's facts. I don't think myself more highly than I ought. But soberly within my present measure of faith.
Tomorrow my faith will have increased.
Despite your understanding my answers go ahead and ask me the secrets of this "so-great salvation."

Is it we hear your private interpretations a personal commentaries of what you think God's word is teaching . Is that the secret of the great salvation? The depth of your great understanding?

Making the devil in a friend of God That old but it connect with the wrong god the god of this world The god that said "surely of will not die" I will be your friend to the end

The friend to all that have not been born again from above God . . is not a friend.

Abraham was a friend to God who worked in Abraham just as he is to us yoked with his labor of love.

But not Judas who sold out God for 30 pieces of silver is clearly the enemy.

James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith,
Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he(not Judas) was called the Friend of God.
Is that then a denial of "fully God" ... making Jesus a "perfect Man" in His incarnation? Truly a "second Adam"!
How was "fully God" capable of sin and thus actually "tempted as we are" ... to face temptation with no ABILITY to fail is not really "as we are". What does God know (experientally) of being a man? [Not an accusation, but an honest question of one seeking to understand the mystery and paradox.]
The human nature of Jesus the man was never separate from the Logos. We can never come to appreciate fully what it's like to have two natures. But we can look at the Scripture and understand only that which is revealed about the Son of God. One thing I see in the temptation is that it says He was hungered. This would apply to His human nature. His flesh.
At His baptism the Holy Spirit came and 'lighted' upon Him. The 'hupostasis' means a "setting under" which to me means that although having two natures - one human the other deity - it was the Logos that [was] "setting under" the human aspect or nature. In other words, although being conceived of the Holy Spirit and clothed with human flesh it was the humanity that took center stage and the "lighting" of the Holy Spirit upon Him was the One by whom Jesus Christ was able to heal the sick and raise the dead. The human nature nor the Deific nature did nothing in these miracles and events. So, applying this to His temptation the human nature alone was being tempted "as we are" yet He was without sin ("choris harmatia") and was able to overcome the temptation ("longing" is the English for the Gr. translated as "lust" and there's nothing sinful in longing for bread since He was hungered not eating for 40 days) through sheer will to obey the Father leaving us a model of how we are to deal with our "longings." Submit to God, resist the "traducer" of our human flesh and [he] it will flee from thee, right?

Let me add that even if He wanted to turn the stones into bread He could not for the miracles are ALL performed by the Holy Spirit and I don't think IF Jesus would have even asked the Father in prayer that the Father would have granted this for it would have been sin and the Holy Spirit would not be party to sin in any form and not do it. Not here. Not ever.

What God knows 'experimentally' of being a man is experienced through the Son in "hupostasis."
Jesus knew from at least the age of 12 who He was and His 'origin.' He was completely aware. He knew. And He was completely aware of what was [in] man and kept His distance (God commanded Israel to not mingle with the Goyim (nations) nor learn their ways) and Jesus was obedient in doing this. The assaults upon Christ were real and powerful, through the channel of His human nature, but they had no answering chord in Him to strike. He said, "the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me" (Jn. 14:30.)

The fact that Christ was almighty and victorious in His resistance, does not unfit Him to be an example for imitation to a weak and sorely tempted believer. Because the Lord overcame His temptations, it does not follow that His conflict and success was an easy one for Him. His victory cost Him tears and blood. His visage was so marred more than any man (Is. 52:14.) There was 'the travail of His soul' (Is. 53:11.) In the struggle He cried, "O my Father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me!' (Matt. 26:39.) Because an army is victorious, it by no means follows that the victory was a cheap one.
Welcome to my world of "more questions than answers". ;) Sorry for dragging you here. :)
Your answer implies CHANGE which itself creates new problems. If "Logos" was spirit in eternity past and is "Glorified Body" in eternity future, then there WAS a change from one to the other. Was Logos/Christ more perfect before the change or after? Either way creates a crisis in the very definition of God. God is not unchanging perfection if even God changed and became more (or less) perfect. [Perfect by definition cannot change without becoming less perfect, or it was not perfect before the change.]
God is Immutable. God does not change. Who He was in eternity within Himself remains as He was in TIME. Taking upon Himself flesh does not change the Deity that is God. There is no 'change' because the two natures are not mixed but remain two distinct natures in One Person.
There is no such thing as eternity "past" and eternity "future for the realities of both "past" and "future" are particular to the realm of TIME not Eternity. And I believe Eternity is God Himself.
God is Eternal and is His Nature. Heaven is a Person if heaven is eternal. For God cannot transfer His Nature of Eternalness to a location or thing. Our concepts of heaven in Scripture just might be for our benefit of understanding the Eternalness of God in whom we will return with bodies from whence we were first contemplated in Himself in His Mind.
From "logic", this suggests that God the Son ALWAYS had a body ... that was His perfect form. From this, one can posit that activities in the OT that require a body are likely performed by God the Son. Forming Clay into a man suggests "hands" to form - God the Son. A fourth man walking in the fire - God the Son.
The Logos never had a body. God is Spirit.
Yes, it may imply that, but it may also not be so. Did Jesus touch the water when He changed it into wine? Did Jesus touch Lazarus when He raised him? The centurion said, "just speak the word and my servant will be healed."
It is not God the Son with a Glorified Body that is problematic for me to visualize ... God is eternal (outside of the TIME which He created) ... it is how INFINITE merged with finite corruptible flesh to become fully man that snaps my suspenders. :( Like you, I don't NEED to understand to accept ... but I do keep picking at it to try and understand.
It just may be a "thought" of God and not His total Mind that became flesh. That is what Logos means, doesn't it?
Is it we hear your private interpretations a personal commentaries of what you think God's word is teaching . Is that the secret of the great salvation? The depth of your great understanding?
My studies are private. I don't do group study. I love the quietness to contemplate and listen to the Voice of God. Too many voices drown His out. And keep in mind that the doctrines the Gentile Church hold today once began as a minor, private thought in study. The revelations Paul says he received in Galatians is only him, the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. We do in studying of Scripture what He did in studying the Scripture. Same method. I've had dreams and visions, but they are meant for me, not others. Not yet. Paul's revelations are merely seeing in Scripture what is there and at the appointed time to understand. No difference than us today.
Making the devil in a friend of God That old but it connect with the wrong god the god of this world The god that said "surely of will not die" I will be your friend to the end
By the time of the creation of man the angels that sinned were already locked up. The womans temptations came from within not from without, and definitely not from an angel that sinned that had been locked up for one year before man was created or one million years before man was created. The point being that James said this:

14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. James 1:14.

Are you going to contradict the Holy Spirit and place a third person or entity in the garden when it says temptation comes from within?
The friend to all that have not been born again from above God . . is not a friend.
Abraham was a friend to God who worked in Abraham just as he is to us yoked with his labor of love.
But not Judas who sold out God for 30 pieces of silver is clearly the enemy.
James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith,
Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he(not Judas) was called the Friend of God.
Let me put it like this and show me your Christianity in your response:

50 And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Mt 26:50.

Are you going to contradict the Lord and say Judas is not Jesus' friend when the Lord called him "friend?"

Yea or nay.