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The Trinity

John 16
23And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

Who answers your prayers when you pray to Jesus?
Yes, see John 14:14.
This isn't Scripture versus Scripture. Talk about missing the forest for the trees.

John 14:14 was about asking Jesus for things while he was still with them. After he left, he said don't ask him for anything anymore, but rather ask the Father. John 16:23,24 is referring to a post-resurrection, post-taken to heaven time. Once again, no mention of Jesus being prayed to in the Bible.

John 16
23In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you. 24Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
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Then don't treat it as such.
You got the wrong idea. You were check mated with Matthew 6:6-9. I already gave you your time and comments to make your case and you proved nothing because you can't. So don't make it a Scripture versus Scripture situation.
No mention of praying to Jesus anywhere here.
You guys are heretics of the first order.

You don't know the word of God, not even close.

Acts 7:59​

“And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
This scripture cannot be proven to be unscriptural, anyone that attempts to prove it not supporting Jesus' deity~ will be proven to be liars. Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things in his deity... of being the Word in the beginning~His humanity had a beginning around two thousand years ago. The only God man will ever see, is Jesus Christ in his gloried body, then only way one can see God.

See post: #159 This post was made to Trevor, which he truly could never prove to be wrong.
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You have lost of grounds of Scriptural evidence.
Please keep in mind since you are not an orthodox Christian (the Trinity being central to the orthodox faith), and you are in the Trinity forum, you are allowed to ask questions, disagree and even deny but you are not allowed to attack the doctrine and conduct yourself as if you are teaching truth and correcting others. If you would like to discuss your beliefs, take it to the correct areas where you are free to. This goes for all those who deny the Trinity.

Thank you
You guys are heretics of the first order.
Isn’t that the truth.
You don't know the word of God, not even close.
Agree 100%
This scripture cannot be proven to be unscriptural,
anyone that attempts to prove it not supporting Jesus' deity~ will be proven to be liars. Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things in his deity... of being the Word in the beginning~His humanity had a beginning around two thousand years ago. The only God man will ever see, is Jesus Christ in his gloried body, then only way one can see God.

See post: #159 This post was made to Trevor, which he truly could never prove to be wrong.
Great post! Soldier on!
Please keep in mind since you are not an orthodox Christian (the Trinity being central to the orthodox faith), and you are in the Trinity forum, you are allowed to ask questions, disagree and even deny but you are not allowed to attack the doctrine and conduct yourself as if you are teaching truth and correcting others. If you would like to discuss your beliefs, take it to the correct areas where you are free to. This goes for all those who deny the Trinity.

Thank you
okay thank you sir! I have a question for you.

Where is the Trinity explained or described in the Bible?
You guys are heretics of the first order.
Which verses says that those who don't believe in the Trinity are heretics?

You don't know the word of God, not even close.
Please show the verse that describes God as three persons in one Godhead. This should be good. 🍿
This scripture cannot be proven to be unscriptural, anyone that attempts to prove it not supporting Jesus' deity~ will be proven to be liars.
Then why have you failed to prove those who quote the Bible as a liar?

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things in his deity... of being the Word in the beginning~His humanity had a beginning around two thousand years ago. The only God man will ever see, is Jesus Christ in his gloried body, then only way one can see God.

See post: #159 This post was made to Trevor, which he truly could never prove to be wrong.
How is that when Revelation 1:17,18 says the the First and Last died? If being "First and Last" means someone is God, then do you hold the belief that God died?
Please keep in mind since you are not an orthodox Christian (the Trinity being central to the orthodox faith), and you are in the Trinity forum, you are allowed to ask questions, disagree and even deny but you are not allowed to attack the doctrine and conduct yourself as if you are teaching truth and correcting others. If you would like to discuss your beliefs, take it to the correct areas where you are free to. This goes for all those who deny the Trinity.

Thank you
Good move.
okay thank you sir! I have a question for you.

Where is the Trinity explained or described in the Bible?
The Trinity is taught throughout the Bible. If you’re truly interested in this, I’m sure there are some here who can point some out. Or, later after work I may have some time