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The Trinity

Edited by Admin
Okay, I'll leave you all alone to your play area then since you have thoroughly shut your eyes and ears and are so threatened by scripture you need to edit coments.
Okay, I'll leave you all alone to your play area then since you have thoroughly shut your eyes and ears and are so threatened by scripture you need to edit coments.
You were told and given the rules. Thanks. :)
They can't play by the rules so they run, run, run away. At least that is the given excuse.
Your biased rules.

Not by Jesus' rules.

that's the way it is in the triune world.
Okay, I'll leave you all alone to your play area then since you have thoroughly shut your eyes and ears and are so threatened by scripture you need to edit coments.
And you need to learn how to spell~"comments"....plus you need to ask for mercy, prehapes mercy may be given, that I do not know, nor can I even promise that to you, In the scriptures we never read of not even one Sadducees who ever came to the knowledge of the truth, the Pharisees, yes, but not one of them! They denied to many cardinals truths of the scriptures, much like your false cult.
They can't play by the rules so they run, run, run away. At least that is the given excuse.
Also they cannot fight scripture with scripture.

We give them scripture and all they do is twist it and say that what it says does not say or mean it.

So they fight. Then run away until they turn up in another thread.

So many, many unanswered , valid, questions we have asked that go unanswered or are deflected.
The mystery of godliness~Jesus is both God and the Son of God, thereby as man (in his humanity) has a God! Both are true! If anyone rejects his complex nature as being both God and man, then that person has rejected the doctrine of Christ, and by doing so, is an antichrist.
I would call it dual nature of God the Word in natural flesh.

Col 2:9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Others say He was Christ, but did not come in the flesh of man, and only appeared in a body like man's for many years. Like that of angels visiting earth, or the Holy Ghost coming down in a bodily shape at Jesus' baptism.

Luk 3:22And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

The question is why some want to be believe Jesus is the Christ, but not want to believe something so simple as God becoming a man by birth of a woman. We can only surmise why, but I believe it has something to do with not wanting to follow and walk with a sinfless Savior, that is also a man in natural flesh and blood. It takes away any excuses for unrighteousness, by blaming bad deeds on the body, I suppose.

They probably prefer a personal Savior too divine to walk like, but can only be partly followed in holiness.

1 Peter{1:14} As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: {1:15} But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; {1:16} Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Was not the man, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, created (Lk 1:30-35)?
He was Christ born of a woman, not created by Himself.

Jhn 1:2The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Heb 1:18 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom...And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

Why do you prefer to believe in a created christ angel or something, rather than the Word Jesus Christ come in the flesh?

Also they cannot fight scripture with scripture.

We give them scripture and all they do is twist it and say that what it says does not say or mean it.

So they fight. Then run away until they turn up in another thread.

So many, many unanswered , valid, questions we have asked that go unanswered or are deflected.
Yes. They only ever proof text, dictate, and when that fails, insult. But never, never, will they actually address what we say. They cannot. All they can do is present proof texts that when removed from the whole, make contradictions in the Bible. And that is because they are standing on sinking sand, when just a hands breadth away from where they are, is the Rock, being offered and with the very words of God. That is as far as we can go, it is our duty, at least until we are convicted otherwise by God Himself, (and we are quite capable of getting in our own way in that matter), for none have ever heard the voice of the Shepherd and followed Him, without the regeneration from above by the Holy Spirit. Until then, it was foolishness to us also.

It is interesting the different ways God reaches us, and how it is always according to who we are as individuals. For me, it was my adult search for that absolute truth that I knew must exist, and I wanted to find it. I looked everywhere but Christianity, as my attitude was that that had been tried as the absolute truth and failed to be what it claimed. Even though I had no idea what it claimed, other than that the Bible was that truth.

So, in my heart and mind, the Bible was a good book, but it did not contain absolute truth, and was of no help for finding it. What changed was waking up one morning knowing---not just believing or giving assent to it---but knowing that every word in it was The Truth, including what it said about Jesus. And I began to read it to find out what those words were. Not randomly but from the beginning and straight through, both testaments simultaneously. And there is no end to the learning this side of the consummation.
True~but, more could be added to prove one is an antichrist~

1Jo 2:22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

The question is asked as a final proof of an antichrist, not the only proof. It's the point where there can be no doubting who is an antichrist. It's only the final straw of previous errors and deceits.

2Jo 1:7For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

It's the same final straw of knowing who is not saved in CHrist Jesus, by being a murderer. (I john 3:15)

Scripture is not saying denial of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh, or that being a murderer, is the only way of knowing who is an antichrist, and who is not justified with God.

An antichrist is simply anyone declaring to believe in Jesus as the Christ, and yet departs from the Jesus Christ made known to the world by the apostles of Christ.

1Jo 2:18Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Gen 4:16And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

We see here that Cain was an antichrist and a murderer. First he departed from the LORD's sacrifice by putting forth his own manner of one, and then preached it to Abel. He then killed righteous Abel for not perverting the LORD's sacrifice with him. When antichrists go out from the doctrine of Christ, they go out from the presence of the Lord and the fellowship of the saints. But unlike simple apostates, they then turn against the Lord Jesus and His people, by preaching their own doctrine and christ in the name of Jesus.

Gal 1:8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Antichrists separate themselves from the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures, to preach another gospel of their own, and make themselves false apostles of another christ, to deceive believers from the true Christ and God Jesus:

2 Cor 11:13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

Mark 13:22For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

We see here that antichrists are decievers as the serpent. They begin with subtle errors, that lead to the last great lie that surely identify themselves as antichrists. No antichrist just comes out at the first to declare themselves against the only Christ of Scripture, Jesus Christ.

Eleanor said:
Was not the man, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, created (Lk 1:30-35)?

As we see here, like the serpent asking a seemingly innocent question about what God said, they begin with asking if Scripture doesn't say Christ was created, since He was born of a woman.

Jude 1:4​

False prophets of the latter days just before Jesus' coming again, will deny much of the word of God while claiming to be great defenders of the truth, when in truth, are just as guilty as some of the most obvious false cults.
The real question is why.

And also, it's important to understand that believers becoming false apostles and teachers and christs, do not necessarily seek to become one. No believer wakes up one day and tells themselves they want to become a cult leader of their own. The begin as sincerely in love with the Lord Jesus as others, but somewhere along the line, they get off track like Judas, who began just as much a disicple chosen to be an apostle as the other 11. And He didn't betray the Lord just for the money, but had another plan in mind. When he saw things didn't go according to plan, he threw the money down and hanged himself for his failure.

The greatest decievers of others are first decieving themselves. However, at some point, I believe the Lord does let them personally know they are crossing a line and are at the final straw with the Lord, else they too will depart from His presence forever, even as Cain the first antichrist and murderer on earth.

Rev 2:20Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
Yes. They only ever proof text, dictate, and when that fails, insult. But never, never, will they actually address what we say. They cannot.

Nor will they answer questions with anything other then... That has been explained many times before. I admit I may be getting a little daft at my age but I certainly remember what is said in these threads (and private email) ... at least for now
All they can do is present proof texts that when removed from the whole, make contradictions in the Bible. And that is because they are standing on sinking sand, when just a hands breadth away from where they are, is the Rock, being offered and with the very words of God. That is as far as we can go, it is our duty, at least until we are convicted otherwise by God Himself, (and we are quite capable of getting in our own way in that matter), for none have ever heard the voice of the Shepherd and followed Him, without the regeneration from above by the Holy Spirit. Until then, it was foolishness to us also.

It is interesting the different ways God reaches us, and how it is always according to who we are as individuals. For me, it was my adult search for that absolute truth that I knew must exist, and I wanted to find it. I looked everywhere but Christianity, as my attitude was that that had been tried as the absolute truth and failed to be what it claimed. Even though I had no idea what it claimed, other than that the Bible was that truth.

So, in my heart and mind, the Bible was a good book, but it did not contain absolute truth, and was of no help for finding it. What changed was waking up one morning knowing---not just believing or giving assent to it---but knowing that every word in it was The Truth, including what it said about Jesus. And I began to read it to find out what those words were. Not randomly but from the beginning and straight through, both testaments simultaneously. And there is no end to the learning this side of the consummation.
Side question.

If one does not believe in the Trinity because they have a problem with the Holy Spirit in the three... and continuously speaks out denying the Trinity because of that...

Would that qualify in a quasi - manner as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Side question.

If one does not believe in the Trinity because they have a problem with the Holy Spirit in the three... and continuously speaks out denying the Trinity because of that...

Would that qualify in a quasi - manner as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
I don't think so, but that is just what I think. ;) The Holy Spirit is much more difficult to grasp as a "person" in the Trinity, especially in the post modern world, I don't know if that was the case with the ancients, simply because of the use of the word "Spirit." We can't help but view spirit in a somewhat ethereal, non personal way. It is very difficult to define and pinpoint even with the language definitions. So with me---and I suspect with most---I simply stand on faith. The Bible depicts the Holy Spirit in a personal way so He is personal.
Side question.

If one does not believe in the Trinity because they have a problem with the Holy Spirit in the three... and
continuously speaks out denying the Trinity because of that...

Would that qualify in a quasi - manner as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus used blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:31) to indicate attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan (Mt 12:24).

And we can see why. . .as long as one attributes the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan, one can never be convinced by those miracles as bearing witness to Jesus, since they attribute the miracles to Satan.

So denial of the Trinity would not fall in this category.
Jesus used blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Mt 12:31) to indicate attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan (Mt 12:24).

And we can see why. . .as long as one attributes the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan, one can never be convinced by those miracles as bearing witness to Jesus, since they attribute the miracles to Satan.

So denial of the Trinity would not fall in this category.

Anti-trins wont have any problem.

I am glad

Anti-trins wont have any problem.

I am glad
Addendum to my post # 476. I kind of slipped over your mention of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and answered a whole other question. Sorry. No it would not be blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as per @Eleanor post.
Yes. They only ever proof text, dictate, and when that fails, insult. But never, never, will they actually address what we say. They cannot. All they can do is present proof texts that when removed from the whole, make contradictions in the Bible. And that is because they are standing on sinking sand, when just a hands breadth away from where they are, is the Rock, being offered and with the very words of God. That is as far as we can go, it is our duty, at least until we are convicted otherwise by God Himself, (and we are quite capable of getting in our own way in that matter), for none have ever heard the voice of the Shepherd and followed Him, without the regeneration from above by the Holy Spirit. Until then, it was foolishness to us also.

It is interesting the different ways God reaches us, and how it is always according to who we are as individuals. For me, it was my adult search for that absolute truth that I knew must exist, and I wanted to find it. I looked everywhere but Christianity, as my attitude was that that had been tried as the absolute truth and failed to be what it claimed. Even though I had no idea what it claimed, other than that the Bible was that truth.

So, in my heart and mind, the Bible was a good book, but it did not contain absolute truth, and was of no help for finding it. What changed was waking up one morning knowing---not just believing or giving assent to it---but knowing that every word in it was The Truth, including what it said about Jesus. And I began to read it to find out what those words were. Not randomly but from the beginning and straight through, both testaments simultaneously. And there is no end to the learning this side of the consummation.
Brother, this is a wonderful testimony!