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The Rapture

I see you are studying and doing your homework :)
Hmm; I just took a Cursory look at it...

I'm sure it's problematic like all Eschats; but I like it better. Now I would have to figure how to hook this Trailer to Covenant Theology...

Probably can't. It would be like hitching a Travel Trailer to a Truck set up to haul a 5th Wheel; Redneck Style...
Hmm; I just took a Cursory look at it...

I'm sure it's problematic like all Eschats; but I like it better. Now I would have to figure how to hook this Trailer to Covenant Theology...

Probably can't. It would be like hitching a Travel Trailer to a Truck set up to haul a 5th Wheel; Redneck Style...
Well you can't which is why MacAuthur is not a covenant theologian/teacher.

From Macs systematic Theology on covenant theology

"Among those who most strongly insist that God is through with the nation of Israel are those whose theology is commonly referred to as covenant theology. It is ironic that, because of a distorted view of Israel, covenant theology cannot escape the implication that God is not faithful in fully honoring His covenants."

@ReverendRV I added a quote from Mac

Well you can't which is why MacAuthur is not a covenant theologian/teacher. :)
If I could get Covenant Theology and Amillenialism to push a Post-Trib Rapture, instead of Pulling it; I would be on to something! 😂

It would take God to Steer something like that; not a Redneck...
If I could get Covenant Theology and Amillenialism to push a Post-Trib Rapture, instead of Pulling it; I would be on to something! 😂

It would take God to Steer something like that; not a Redneck...
Does a Horse push or pull a Wagon?

It PUSHES it?! 🤔 😯

All I have to do is change the Hitch, and back my Covenant Theology Hemi, 8 Cylinder Post-Trib Rapture powered truck to it!
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Be careful if your view of covenant theology changes who knows where you will end up, maybe like me. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Now I have to make a Sound Argument for it...

I just need the Millenium to Tow the Seven Year Tribulation, instead of the Seven Year Tribulation Tow the Millenium...

Now all I need is Tow 'Mater...
Well you can't which is why MacAuthur is not a covenant theologian/teacher.

From Macs systematic Theology on covenant theology

"Among those who most strongly insist that God is through with the nation of Israel are those whose theology is commonly referred to as covenant theology. It is ironic that, because of a distorted view of Israel, covenant theology cannot escape the implication that God is not faithful in fully honoring His covenants."

@ReverendRV I added a quote from Mac

I don't think God is done with Israel, so that isn't me...
Now I have to make a Sound Argument for it...

I just need the Millenium to Tow the Seven Year Tribulation, instead of the Seven Year Tribulation towing the Millenium...

Now all I need is Tow 'Matter...
If one holds to both then the mil always follows the tribulation peiod. Maybe you can come up with a whole new view 🤣
then you are not a full fledged covenant theology person right ?
I would say that I am. I think Eschatology such as Amillenialism is not Covenant Theology...

I would unhitch them...
Now I have to make a Sound Argument for it...

I just need the Millenium to Tow the Seven Year Tribulation, instead of the Seven Year Tribulation Tow the Millenium...

Now all I need is Tow 'Mater...
All joking aside, it may be the way I kind of look at things...

Making an Argument for it, would be a Journey...

What to call it? Post POST Millenialism? A Post Millenialism that gets worse, instead of getting better? Post Millenialism with the Seven Year Tribulation, as you understand it; at the end?
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Well you can't which is why MacAuthur is not a covenant theologian/teacher.

From Macs systematic Theology on covenant theology

"Among those who most strongly insist that God is through with the nation of Israel are those whose theology is commonly referred to as covenant theology. It is ironic that, because of a distorted view of Israel, covenant theology cannot escape the implication that God is not faithful in fully honoring His covenants."

@ReverendRV I added a quote from Mac

I don't see anything in the NT regarding Israel's future other than their destiny of being grafted back into the one olive tree of God's people, the church, going all the way back to Abraham (Ro 11:16-23), IF (not "when") they do not persist in unbelief, which they have for 2,000 years now, and counting.
See? I have no Eschatological CLUE...
perhaps you should pick up and read the Scriptures. Or is your faith in the eternal, everlasting, infallible, and inerrant word of GOD that low?

Luke 16:17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

ROMANS 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged