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Six Problems Inherent in Dispensational Premillennialism; Part 5: The Lack of Accountability

The OT saints are saved via faith. Faith that God will provide a future savior. I'm not all sure what you mean about "regeneration" but we know the Holy Spirit wasn't given to the believers until the day of Pentecost.
Regeneration is rebirth. . .from spiritual death to spiritual life in and by the sovereign choice of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3-5) whose sovereignty is as unaccountable as the wind (Jn 3:6-8).
Yes, that speaks of the day and hour....not the season.

The full Gospel is the life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, return/resurrection, and final return and kingdom of Christ Jesus.
His kingdom is not of this world never was never could be.

The idea that Jesus the Son of man our brother in the Lord will reign physically on Earth is not a biblical teaching

Dispensations work to divide what Christ calls one bride . . separating the Jews from Gentiles . Therefore taking away the promise in Isaiah 62 that Christ the husband will rename the bride. Previously calling her the church, Israel. . to the more befitting name to name the bride of all the nations of the world . The Father renamed her Christian in Acts

The goal of Satan to deceive all the nations of the world that God is a Jewish man as King of kings
The idea that Jesus the Son of man our brother in the Lord will reign physically on Earth is not a biblical teaching
Dispensations work to divide what Christ calls one bride . . separating the Jews from Gentiles
Yes. Either knowing or unknowing.
Yes. Either knowing or unknowing.
Amen! This is important for all to hold onto, as topics are discussed. We all have different backgrounds being schooled differently. There are doctrinal positions salvific or not that are taken as axiomatic. A Internet forum is often, for folks, the first time their hard formed views are challenged. It can be quite a shock to some and not all are equipped to deal with it.
Not all are debaters.