How near, exactly?
What, specifically, do you mean by "near"? Would you please tell us how much time we have to prepare.
Also....I think we need to go back to the OP which shows just how near we are;
I think we can look at prophecy, news, technology, etc. to help us present a "window".
Here's 15 off the top of my head.
For example Israel becoming a nation again is one indicator.
The Ezekiel nation alignment is a second. Russia aligning with Iran, Turkey and the other nations mentioned in that text. Sometimes it's hard to convert from the old nation names to the current nation names. Currently those nations appear to be aligned against Israel.
3.....Technology has been developed that would allow for the mark of the Beast to be employed. It's not quite there but almost there.
4....The Gospel pretty much has been preached to the entire world.
5....The NWO, UN as well as the WEF are working on a one world Government.
6....Plans for the new Temple in Israel are well under way.
7....A "peace treaty" known as the Abrahamic accord has been drafted.
8....The "like the days of Noah" is pretty much here. Transhumanism is being developed and rolled out.
9....AI currently is becoming closer to the "singularity.
Rev 13:15 may be the singularity.
10...Peole are traveling t
o and fro..and knowledge is increasing at a startling rate.
11...A one world currency is being established.
12.... UN
"peace and security" statue.
13...Many false Churches.
14....Wars and rumors of Wars. Though this seem to have always been happening.
15....Earthquakes in diverse places? I don't know if I would count the many "small" earthquakes but would expect to hear of major earthquakes happening every month or perhaps every week.
Currently we seem to be in that window.
Can anyone add to the list?
Luke 21:28...And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. KJV