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Raptures In The Movies


Well Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
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I've watched a number of films pertaining to the so-called Rapture and every one of
them left out the part where the remains of 2,000 years of deceased Christians
from all over the globe will be restored to life. (1Thess 4:14-17)

The films also left out the part where Jesus' followers rise into the air to meet him.
Instead the films showed them here one second and gone the next, but I rather
suspect the event should be easily observed all 'round the world if it proceeds as
described in 1Thess 4:13-17 because 2,000 years of deceased believers from all
over the globe added to the world's current believers, will likely construct a flash
mob resembling a mini Oort Cloud when they all levitate together at one time to
rendezvous with the Lord up in the sky.

The mob is likely to get pretty noisy too what with all the cheering, laughing, and
shouting that's sure to take place when Jesus' followers receive their new bodies;
which of course will be immune to death and the aging process. (1Cor 15:51-53)

* The "blink" element of the rapture pertains to the miraculous transformation that
Jesus' followers will undergo during the event. (1Cor 15:51-52)

The films also showed tiny children being taken while their parents are left behind.
That's highly doubtful because minors have often been collateral damage in the
Bible when God slammed their parents, e.g. zero children survived the Flood, and
120,00 would've been lost had God found it necessary to follow thru with His threat
to annihilate Nineveh. (Jonah 4:11)

One of the films depicted a Christian pastor left behind and to him it was no
mystery. He frankly admitted to being a career minister rather than a called
minister, i.e. he was a man of business rather than a man of faith. In real life, there
will likely be quite a few like him miss the cut because numbers of men coming out
of seminaries take up the cloth as a career rather because of a longing to be of use
to Christ.

I once heard a retired pastor say on radio that if the rapture were to occur
Saturday, quite a few churches would have no members missing Sunday morning.
That's a strong possibility as some card-carrying, church-attending Christians, are
so because it rounds out their week and it looks good on a social resumé.
I've watched a number of films pertaining to the so-called Rapture and every one of
them left out the part where the remains of 2,000 years of deceased Christians
from all over the globe will be restored to life. (1Thess 4:14-17)

The films also left out the part where Jesus' followers rise into the air to meet him.
Instead the films showed them here one second and gone the next, but I rather
suspect the event should be easily observed all 'round the world if it proceeds as
described in 1Thess 4:13-17 because 2,000 years of deceased believers from all
over the globe added to the world's current believers, will likely construct a flash
mob resembling a mini Oort Cloud when they all levitate together at one time to
rendezvous with the Lord up in the sky.

The mob is likely to get pretty noisy too what with all the cheering, laughing, and
shouting that's sure to take place when Jesus' followers receive their new bodies;
which of course will be immune to death and the aging process. (1Cor 15:51-53)

* The "blink" element of the rapture pertains to the miraculous transformation that
Jesus' followers will undergo during the event. (1Cor 15:51-52)

The films also showed tiny children being taken while their parents are left behind.
That's highly doubtful because minors have often been collateral damage in the
Bible when God slammed their parents, e.g. zero children survived the Flood, and
120,00 would've been lost had God found it necessary to follow thru with His threat
to annihilate Nineveh. (Jonah 4:11)

One of the films depicted a Christian pastor left behind and to him it was no
mystery. He frankly admitted to being a career minister rather than a called
minister, i.e. he was a man of business rather than a man of faith. In real life, there
will likely be quite a few like him miss the cut because numbers of men coming out
of seminaries take up the cloth as a career rather because of a longing to be of use
to Christ.

I once heard a retired pastor say on radio that if the rapture were to occur
Saturday, quite a few churches would have no members missing Sunday morning.
That's a strong possibility as some card-carrying, church-attending Christians, are
so because it rounds out their week and it looks good on a social resumé.

This genre is a little bit like trying to depict demons. We get enough by reading the accounts of the gospels to know it is very strange business, so a person doesn't really need it shown. Don't know if you covered it but back in the 70s was THIEF IN THE NIGHT. I guess it was the novelty of the idea of 'vanishing' that made it popular. But you are right: there are glorious simultaneous features that have been missed by an age which had just discovered how video editing could make characters disappear seamlessly.

In addition to this, we should note that the orientation of the NT is clearly that everything was expected in that generation: Israel would be destroyed and the end would come. A delay was allowed for redemptive purposes and 2P3 explains that, as well as a couple other passages. There is no guarantee, though, that God's way of collecting his people will be exactly has found there since it did not take place then, as though God was locked to that.

The important pastoral contribution is simply that God collecting his people together with those who have died is a piece of cake to Him, though a question to us.
Heaven? Not Interested!

It's an alien world with which I am totally unfamiliar; and when I leave here, I will
be leaving behind everything near and dear to me, e.g. photos, mementos,
souvenirs, collections, sights and sounds, mountains, creeks, rivers and forests,
clothing and equipment, tools, landmarks, entertainment, hobbies, my BFF, and
my antiquated Ford Ranger pick-up truck, etc, etc.

The culture shock tsunami of leaving all that I know & love and going to a foreign
land where I know & love nothing at all, is not my idea of a good time. Personally; I
dread the thought of having to start all over again from scratch.

NOTE: I've heard tell of folks thoroughly unable to form attachments to anything,
to anybody, nor to any place. When they leave this life, they will leave nothing
behind of sentimental value; nothing in the least, nothing at all. It's like they lived
their entire lives as turnips and carrots instead of sentient beings.

For many of us working stiffs, the first day on a new job is stressful and quite an
adjustment. The night before that first day can cause enough anxiety to keep us
awake worrying about what we might expect.

I'd imagine that, whether we end up in the right place or the wrong place in the
afterlife, we will be just as stressed on our first day there as the first day here on a
new job.

The anxiety associated with death is to be expected seeing as how most of us have
no experience at all with that particular journey. But much of my own anxiety in
regards to death is related to what comes after. Pity there are no guide books
available in print to prepare us in advance for the adjustment folks are required to
undergo as they struggle to fit into Heaven's (or Hell's) way of life.

* The one thing I do look forward to in Heaven is the possibility of a library where
everything that can be known about the cosmos is stored. Carl Sagan would've
loved a library like that because he went to his grave with a lot of unanswered
questions. But now they'll never be answered because Carl was, at best, an
agnostic, and at worst, an atheist.
FAQ: Supposing I don't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Will I be left behind if
perchance it turns out to be true?

REPLY: Well; it appears to me that the only prerequisite to being taken up is that
people be in Jesus a.k.a. in Christ (1Thess 4:14-17) In other words: there is
quite a bit of information in the Bible that's handy to know but not really essential
to one's afterlife safety.

* I kinda suspect that when many of us get to Heaven we'll be whisked off to a sort
of Bible camp where all our errors will be corrected and all the blanks filled in so that
when we're released to general population there will be no arguments or heated
debates that never get to the bottom of anything.
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FAQ: Supposing I don't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Will I be left behind if
perchance it turns out to be true?
I doubt it. As you said, all christians go.

What will it be like? Will there be a pile of clothes laying on the ground? Who knows.

What happens when the driver of a car is raptured...or the pilot of an airliner?

Some will say the "aliens" took us to some sort of rehab camp...or the christians with their bad vibrations were eliminated. Many will believe this lie.
Some will say...my brother was right after all...and become saved.

What will come after the rapture....looks like some sort of false peace...then literally all hell will break loose.
I've watched a number of films pertaining to the so-called Rapture and every one of
them left out the part where the remains of 2,000 years of deceased Christians
from all over the globe will be restored to life. (1Thess 4:14-17)

The films also left out the part where Jesus' followers rise into the air to meet him.
Instead the films showed them here one second and gone the next, but I rather
suspect the event should be easily observed all 'round the world if it proceeds as
described in 1Thess 4:13-17 because 2,000 years of deceased believers from all
over the globe added to the world's current believers, will likely construct a flash
mob resembling a mini Oort Cloud when they all levitate together at one time to
rendezvous with the Lord up in the sky.

The mob is likely to get pretty noisy too what with all the cheering, laughing, and
shouting that's sure to take place when Jesus' followers receive their new bodies;
which of course will be immune to death and the aging process. (1Cor 15:51-53)

* The "blink" element of the rapture pertains to the miraculous transformation that
Jesus' followers will undergo during the event. (1Cor 15:51-52)

The films also showed tiny children being taken while their parents are left behind.
That's highly doubtful because minors have often been collateral damage in the
Bible when God slammed their parents, e.g. zero children survived the Flood, and
120,00 would've been lost had God found it necessary to follow thru with His threat
to annihilate Nineveh. (Jonah 4:11)

One of the films depicted a Christian pastor left behind and to him it was no
mystery. He frankly admitted to being a career minister rather than a called
minister, i.e. he was a man of business rather than a man of faith. In real life, there
will likely be quite a few like him miss the cut because numbers of men coming out
of seminaries take up the cloth as a career rather because of a longing to be of use
to Christ.

I once heard a retired pastor say on radio that if the rapture were to occur
Saturday, quite a few churches would have no members missing Sunday morning.
That's a strong possibility as some card-carrying, church-attending Christians, are
so because it rounds out their week and it looks good on a social resumé.
Serves you right for spending hard earned money on rapture films. I've heard the Book was better.lol
FAQ: What is the purpose of the rapture?

REPLY: It's basically an evacuation.

For example Rev 16:17-18 predicts a global earthquake so overwhelming on the
Richter scale that cities all over the world will collapse at once.

Something like 2,829 lost their lives when the World Trade Center was demolished
by a terrorist attack in 2001. Well that was only a few acres of New York City. Just
imagine the body count when all of Manhattan comes down at once. along with
other major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Paris, Moscow,
Beijing, Tokyo, et al.

The carnage will be beyond belief; and that's just one of the many life-threatening
events set to take place.
To the best of my knowledge thus far; Jesus is on track to return to Jerusalem
seven years after the rapture to set up the theocratic kingdom predicted in the
old testament, and of course everyone unified with him will return too. Well; I
for one plan on taking some time off to visit all the sights I missed this time

For example, the only foreign country I've ever been to is Mexico and even then
just the border towns of Tijuana and Tecate so I have a lot to catch up on; that's if
anything is left. It appears to me from accounts in the book of Revelation that the
world will undergo catastrophic damage during the interim between the rapture and
when the Lord gets back so I may be in for some disappointment on a few fronts.

But what the hay; at least I won't be on the wrong side of things with that myriad
of lost souls down below who have nothing to look forward to except the great
white throne event depicted by Rev 20:11-15.

Oh! and another thing; according to Matt 26:29, Luke 22:15-16, and Luke 22:28-30,
folks who make the cut for the Lord's kingdom will be able to dine upon
ordinary foods and beverages. Just imagine the pleasure of touring the world and
tasting samples of cuisine in every culture on earth; and in perfect safety too
because according to Isa 2:4 there won't be any war zones to worry about.

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"We who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
(1Thess 4:17)

I was a young paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division during the Cuban
missile crises. My unit was fully armed and equipped, ready to be in the air within
one hour had President Kennedy given us the green light.

Anyway, my point is: I was always amazed how quiet and peaceful it is outside an
aircraft in the open atmosphere. (Well; except maybe for a few guys around me
whooping and yelling to each other; but other than that: just silence. Some guys
loved jumping but for me it was only duty and a way to earn a little extra pay.)

Now; I've seen lots of photos of the earth from space but I have never seen it from
space with my own eyes. That'll be a treat. However; I expect the ride up to be
kinda scary because with a parachute, at least I had something to hang on to, but
in space I'll be walking on air (so to speak) with no visible means of support.
"We who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
(1Thess 4:17)

I was a young paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division during the Cuban
missile crises. My unit was fully armed and equipped, ready to be in the air within
one hour had President Kennedy given us the green light.

Anyway, my point is: I was always amazed how quiet and peaceful it is outside an
aircraft in the open atmosphere. (Well; except maybe for a few guys around me
whooping and yelling to each other; but other than that: just silence. Some guys
loved jumping but for me it was only duty and a way to earn a little extra pay.)

Now; I've seen lots of photos of the earth from space but I have never seen it from
space with my own eyes. That'll be a treat. However; I expect the ride up to be
kinda scary because with a parachute, at least I had something to hang on to, but
in space I'll be walking on air (so to speak) with no visible means of support.
Just a thought question...will we go deep into space..or slip somehow into a higher dimension?
Just a thought question...will we go deep into space..or slip somehow into a higher dimension?
I would say into another dimension, rather than deep space, otherwise how would Stephan have been able to see Jesus...

Acts 7:55-56 (KJV) But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
I would say into another dimension, rather than deep space, otherwise how would Stephan have been able to see Jesus...

Acts 7:55-56 (KJV) But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
I tend to lean in the dimension direction.

Some say the Haldron collider is trying to open that door.
Acts 7:55-56 . . But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw
the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the
heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

The actual person of the supreme being dwells in seclusion, cloaked in a light that
no man's eyes can penetrate. (1Tim 6:15-16)

So; this celestial being at Jesus' left hand said to be God? Somebody explain it to
The actual person of the supreme being dwells in seclusion, cloaked in a light that
no man's eyes can penetrate. (1Tim 6:15-16)

So; this celestial being at Jesus' left hand said to be God? Somebody explain it to
Stephan said "Jesus receive my spirit". Jesus willingly receives worship (without refusing it) so I would say that makes him God.
I tend to lean in the dimension direction.

Some say the Haldron collider is trying to open that door.
Haldron works with particles and particles are part of this dimension...

Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

1 Corinthians 15:50 (KJV) Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

I just don't think Haldron will successfully penetrate from our dimension into Into the spiritual dimension of heaven. IMHO
Haldron works with particles and particles are part of this dimension...

Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

1 Corinthians 15:50 (KJV) Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

I just don't think Haldron will successfully penetrate from our dimension into Into the spiritual dimension of heaven. IMHO
Heaven no. Hell...or wherever the fallen angels are held....yes. Or perhaps something else.

Satan has a throne..a place where he dwells.

Rev 2: 13“‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

The location...at the Apollonion temple in Geneva Switzerland. From what I read that's area where Antipas mentioned in Rev 2:13 was killed.
It's also where CERN is.
The CERN logo is a 666.....you can see it here.
They even have a statue of Shiva at CERN. Shiva is known as The Destroyer.

Is this coincidence or have some of the .............dots been connected?

Is CERN trying to open a portal to that location?