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The Rapture/Resurrection of the Church is near.

Great. Thank you for that additional information. To the best of your ability, when is the rapture of the Chruch going to happen? How much time do you think we have to prepare?
How does one prepare for the rapture? Shouldn't we always not be looking for it?

Luke 21:28 Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Can you argue that these things are not taking place..or at least beginning to take place?

When is it going to happen? Some say it could happen on a Jewish festival this October. Perhaps the The Feast of Tabernacles. Yup, this October. Then again next October may still be in the window.
When is it going to happen?
Yes, when is it going to happen in your opinion?
Some say it could happen on a Jewish festival this October. Perhaps the The Feast of Tabernacles. Yup, this October. Then again next October may still be in the window.
Let me makes sure I understand correctly. You believe the rapture/resurrection of the Church is near and it may happen this October, possibly sometime between October 16th and the 24th during the Festival of Tabernacles and, if not this October, then perhaps next October 2025.

Do I have that correct?
Can you argue that these things are not taking place..or at least beginning to take place?
Can you argue that they have not always been happening during this age?
Can you argue that these things are not taking place..or at least beginning to take place?
My concern is not with whether or not those "things" are taking place. My concern is with the nearness of the rapture/resurrection of the Church. The title states the rapture/resurrection is near and I would like to know how near.
When is it going to happen? Some say it could happen on a Jewish festival this October. Perhaps the The Feast of Tabernacles. Yup, this October. Then again next October may still be in the window.
Thank you for that. I want to make sure I understand that correctly. Is it correct for me to understand you believe the rapture/resurrection of the Church may happen this October, possibly sometime between October 16th and the 24th during the Festival of Tabernacles, and if not this October, then perhaps next October 2025?

Just want to make sure I have that correct.
My concern is not with whether or not those "things" are taking place. My concern is with the nearness of the rapture/resurrection of the Church. The title states the rapture/resurrection is near and I would like to know how near.
Your order is reversed in the NT apostolic teaching where it is
second coming, resurrection, rapture (1 Th 4:16-17), judgment all in the last day.

Jesus locates the resurrection in the last day (Jn 6:39).
Paul locates the resurrection preceding the rapture (1 Th 4:16).
Jesus locates the rapture with the second coming (Mt 24:39-41).
Jesus locates the second coming with the judgment of the sheep and goats (Mt 25:31-33).
See it again. . .it's not there.

Do you agree with that order of rapture/resurrection, which is reversed?

Apostolic teaching locates the resurrection preceding the rapture (1 Th 4:16).
My interest in this thread is NOT to discuss or debate the order of anything. I want to know exactly what @CrowCross specifically means when he uses the word "near," and he has answered that question. He thinks the rapture is going to occur next month, or possibly next October. Time will tell if the prognostication is correct. We will ALL know and there will not be any debate whether or not the speculation is correct.

I asked my question because Dispensationalists and modern futurists have been making failed predictions for almost 200 years now and not once has a single prediction ever come true, and when a speculation is demonstrably proved not to be true there's no accountability and no confession, repentance, no amends, and life goes on as usual despite the false teaching. What do you think will happen when next October comes and goes and we're all still here? :unsure::unsure::unsure: Anyone up for the premise we all missed the boat because we're not part of the Church (we wrongly imagine we are, but we're not)? 😯 Will there be any in-house call from other Dispies for, "Please stop making false predictions and please examine why it is the theology drives such bad behavior?" and if there is, will it be heeded?
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My interest in this thread is NOT to discuss or debate the order of anything. I want to know exactly what @CrowCross specifically means when he uses the word "near," and he has answered that question. He thinks the rapture is going to occur next month, or possibly next October. Time will tell if the prognostication is correct. We will ALL know and there will not be any debate whether or not the speculation is correct.
You don't think apostolic teaching locating the rapture after the resurrection (1 Th 4:16) is pertinent to a discussion on the time of the rapture?
I asked my question because Dispensationalists and modern futurists have been making failed predictions for almost 200 years now and not once has a single prediction ever come true, and when a speculation is demonstrably proved not to be true there's no accountability and no confession, repentance, no amends, and life goes on as usual despite the false teaching. What do you think will happen when next October comes and goes and we're all still here? :unsure::unsure::unsure: Anyone up for the premise we all missed the boat because we're not part of the Church (we wrongly imagine we are, but we're not)? 😯 Will there be a call for, "Please stop making false predictions and please examine why it is the theology drives such bad behavior?" and if there is, will it be heeded?
Here's 15 off the top of my head.
But not so from the scriptures.

For example Israel becoming a nation again is one indicator.
That has no bearing concerning bible prophecy.
Ezekiel nation alignment is a second. Russia aligning with Iran, Turkey and the other nations mentioned in that text. Sometimes it's hard to convert from the old nation names to the current nation names. Currently those nations appear to be aligned against Israel.
You have been reading too much news, and listening to Jimmy Swaggart's SBN.

3.....Technology has been developed that would allow for the mark of the Beast to be employed. It's not quite there but almost there.
You are born with the mark of Beast~it is called human depravity! Only those who have a new man within them have not the mark of beast ruling them. We have the mind of Christ and fellowshipping (right hand) with those who love and fear God.

.The Gospel pretty much has been preached to the entire world.
You finally got one correct.
The NWO, UN as well as the WEF are working on a one world Government.
Okay, all the world will give their strength unto the beast to labor to destroy God and his people from off of this earth.
Plans for the new Temple in Israel are well under way.
That will never happen, never. Besides, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands and he will never do so.
A "peace treaty" known as the Abrahamic accord has been drafted.
Again, read the scriptures not the New York Times.
The "like the days of Noah" is pretty much here.
The best one you have given, and we agree. Still does not tell us how much worse it can get. But, it is pretty bad now.
AI currently is becoming closer to the "singularity. Rev 13:15 may be the singularity.
What is this suppose to mean?
People are traveling to and fro..and knowledge is increasing at a startling rate.
I'll give you this one
...A one world currency is being established.
Where is your proof for this?
What do you mean?
Many false Churches.
A good one.
14....Wars and rumors of Wars. Though this seem to have always been happening.
15....Earthquakes in diverse places? I don't know if I would count the many "small" earthquakes but would expect to hear of major earthquakes happening every month or perhaps every week.
These have a spiritual applications. I believe they are in the process of being fulfilled.
You don't think apostolic teaching locating the rapture after the resurrection (1 Th 4:16) is pertinent to a discussion on the time of the rapture?
What, specifically, do you read in this opening post that indicates "a discussion on the time of the rapture" is wanted or requested?

This is one of the biggest problems in the Eschatology board. (Too) Many people think every single thread is an opportunity to assert their point of view. I just want to know what the op means by "near." Nothing more. And you'll get nothing more out of me.
Dipsy Mentality
The mark of the beast has to wait for advanced futuristic technology.
But the use of horse stables and armories of the first century will remain the same mode of travel and weapons used.
You finally got one correct.
Yes but it is still being preached in the nations and the point is His people being gathered through this preaching. Every Calvinist/Reformed should recognize that Jesus will not return until the last one is gathered. (And I am not saying you do not know that. I am just making a statement) but dispensationalist, who are also Calvinists(MacArthur case in point) should know better than to use that as a sign of his return.
The best one you have given, and we agree. Still does not tell us how much worse it can get. But, it is pretty bad now.
Many take that comment about the days of Noah to mean more evil that ever before but what is it that Jesus actually says about the days of Noah? 37. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah enter the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

He is saying that life will be just as it has always been, under the sun and people will be oblivious to it. "Therefore" he says "you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

So why then is there all this reading news accounts, and looking at earthly things trying to determine the hour of his coming, and so little concern for being ready? Do we even know what Jesus means when he says be ready?
Yes but it is still being preached in the nations and the point is His people being gathered through this preaching. Every Calvinist/Reformed should recognize that Jesus will not return until the last one is gathered. (And I am not saying you do not know that. I am just making a statement) but dispensationalist, who are also Calvinists(MacArthur case in point) should know better than to use that as a sign of his return.
Many take that comment about the days of Noah to mean more evil that ever before but what is it that Jesus actually says about the days of Noah? 37. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah enter the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
He is saying that life will be just as it has always been, under the sun and people will be oblivious to it. "Therefore" he says "you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
So why then is there all this reading news accounts, and looking at earthly things trying to determine the hour of his coming, and so little concern for being ready?
Do we even know what Jesus means when he says be ready?
At your post. . .in obedience.
Yes, when is it going to happen in your opinion?

Let me makes sure I understand correctly. You believe the rapture/resurrection of the Church is near and it may happen this October, possibly sometime between October 16th and the 24th during the Festival of Tabernacles and, if not this October, then perhaps next October 2025.

Do I have that correct?
No, you do not have that correct. lets start out with this...I don't know when the rapture will happen.
Now, what I do believe is that the rapture is much sooner than you think. Post one presented a lot of reasons why.

The fall festivals were mentioned because all of the spring festivals have been fulfilled in Christ.

At this time in human history the window appears to be WIDE open and rapture ripe.
See it again. . .it's not there.

Do you agree with that order of rapture/resurrection, which is reversed?

Apostolic teaching locates the resurrection preceding the rapture (1 Th 4:16).
I don't know what Josheb is pointing at....

The resurrection will precede the rapture.
Much of this reply will get lost due to the simple ad-hoc way in which you replied.

But not so from the scriptures.
The fifteen mentioned are based upon current events and biblical prophecy. So, I have to say...you're incorrect.
That has no bearing concerning bible prophecy.
Israel becoming a nation again is very much Biblical prophecy. So much so many books and documentaries have been printed on this subject. If you don't believe it, then so be it.
You have been reading too much news, and listening to Jimmy Swaggart's SBN.
LOL....Is Jimmy still around? Anyway, when you look at the names of the biblical nations and convert them to current nation names.....they match. If you don't believe it, then so be it.
You are born with the mark of Beast~it is called human depravity! Only those who have a new man within them have not the mark of beast ruling them. We have the mind of Christ and fellowshipping (right hand) with those who love and fear God.
No, you are not born with the mark. The mark will incorporate technology...that we now or just about have.

You finally got one correct.
Phew, I was getting worried bout you.
Okay, all the world will give their strength unto the beast to labor to destroy God and his people from off of this earth.
We saw another step forward with the latest UN vote that happened just a few days ago.
That will never happen, never. Besides, God does not dwell in temples made with human hands and he will never do so.
Who says the temple will be God temple?
Again, read the scriptures not the New York Times.
I have..the bible says there will be some sort of treaty.

here's what Dan 9:27 says....27 This king will make a seven-year treaty with the people, but after half that time, he will break his pledge and stop the Jews from all their sacrifices and their offerings; then, as a climax to all his terrible deeds, the Enemy shall utterly defile the sanctuary of God. But in God’s time and plan, his judgment will be poured out upon this Evil One.”
The best one you have given, and we agree. Still does not tell us how much worse it can get. But, it is pretty bad now.
Jesus tells us how much worse it will get.

Math 24;21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.
What is this suppose to mean?
The "singularity" is when AI achieves the following definition....is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.
I'll give you this one
Where is your proof for this?
The WEF...World Economic Forum seems to think so.
What do you mean?
Did you not click on the link?
Rev 13:2 ...same thing depicted? Perhaps Dan 7?
A good one.
Yes, there are many false teachers.
These have a spiritual applications. I believe they are in the process of being fulfilled.
...and increasing.
No, you do not have that correct. lets start out with this...I don't know when the rapture will happen.
Then why tell everyone the rapture is near?

That's not a rhetorical question. If one is available, I would like a genuine, sincere answer to that question.
Now, what I do believe is that the rapture is much sooner than you think.
And I will simply ask you what, exactly, you mean by "sooner." Nothing is accomplished by changing the "near" to "sooner than you think."

Let's start simple. Basic. Relevant to this op's assertion the rapture/resurrection of the Church is near...

  • What does the word "near" mean to you?
  • What does the word "soon" mean to you?

The dictionary states the definition of "near" is "a short time away in the future, a short time ahead, within a brief period of time," and the definition of "soon" is "promptly, in or after a short time, without undue lapse of time." Are these the definitions you are using in the title of this op? Are these the definitions the reader is supposed to use when reading the title of this op? Is the title of this op intended to be understood to say the rapture/resurrection of the Church is a short time away; it will occur within a brief period of time without undue lapse of time?

If not, then please provide definitions for the terms used so that everyone may understand what is being asserted with disparity.
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