Before I respond to this I will first mention something in reference to the title. It asserts that there is a pre-trib, pre-mil rapture without first establishing that there is such a thing as this rapture or a seven year tribulation. But to continue.
@Arial...nice to "talk" to you again...
I have read this entire forum...all of it...and...I see and understand your...umm...discontentment and perhaps how I will frame it...clarify if you so chose.
Your statement above concerning what you call a
"pre-trib, pre-mil rapture seven year tribulation" is spot you suggested...establishing the basis of these, is a requirement for the furthering of this discussion...perhaps you should have left it at that? Just an after thought now...for future consideration?
Given that the "Truth" of the matter at hand is founded in the invisible spirit realm...the Kingdom of God...most of the religious rely upon "human reason" [the immature and carnal] for their interpretation of the Scripture and are very accomplished at making it flow with how they chose to's called is the religious order of the day...and even if they knew that...the record shows that it is highly unlikely that they repent.
Here is something to consider...the title of this forum is
"The Rapture/Resurrection of the Church is near." In which the author
@CrowCross posits that there is presently a
"window" of time in which these stated events are/can occur.
Then after listing 15 various proofs for
"The Rapture/Resurrection of the Church is near"...the author states
"Currently we seem to be in that window." I suppose that without stating the "duration?" of the "window"...the author's conclusion is not actually attached to anything tangible time wise...other than "their" perceived status of the 15 proofs listed...which when pulled together for assessment seems completely subjective…really.
This is fine by I may read and understand what is being presented...I receive it as...merely one’s observations and opinions...that may or may not play out as CrowCross suggests…the one who owns these words.
I agree that some of what "CrowCross" posted in the list of 15 are actually progressing...things like...Israel is a nation, one world government, plans for a temple, AI, UN "peace and security" false churches, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and there are more...which is what was asked for…for me that’s enough.
However...I see a few issues here with CrowCross's conclusions...for example…much or even all of what is on the list of 15 is the work of the dragon and his beast...which is being carried out by humans on the earth today...but...CrowCross states...that the
"mark of the beast" is not yet here?
The question here would be...if the
"motb is not” here...whose mark are these obviously evil slaves of destructive darkness carrying...surely not the mark of God...right? I have only seen two marks in the Scripture...this is because there are only two "spirit kingdoms" in are in one or the other as designated by God and represented by the corresponding "mark."
The picture the "list of 15" paints of great and powerful authority being exerted upon the earth over a very long period of time. As though there is a powerful ruling king upon his throne systematically extending his rule over the entire earth as his kingdom. This is reminiscent of both Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.
"Thus he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it." Daniel 7:23 NASB
"I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; (4) they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" Revelation 13:3-4 NASB
Lastly concerning the list of is CrowCross setting a time frame for the "rapture/resurrection" like so many have CrowCross is on the record for "their" belief…meaning that their prophetic and eschatological credibility is on the line…and there is a judgment for falsely prophesying.
While I can agree with much of the list of 15...there is nothing about that list that adds up to the outcome CrowCross is presenting…among other oversights some of which I pointed out.
It’s just noise from a clanging cymbal Arial which is what you similarly indicated in the beginning.