It seems to me that there is an idea brewing here...
That someone might come to Christ, believing in Him and following Him, but that it might be all of the flesh and therefore would be to no avail for the believer.
I will say again that the thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10).
And that this concept in Calvinism is conducive to a person doubting their salvation and also to satan stealing the love of the Lord from a person's heart.
Because, I love Jesus because He saved me from hell.
But I am told here that He may not have saved me because my faith might have been carnal.
So, the possibility that I am not of the elect is not conducive to assurance of salvation.
Nevertheless, the scripture says,
1Th 1:5, For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
I will say again that we love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
But you are preaching that maybe He didn't love some of us.
How is that conducive to us falling in love with Jesus?
Someone here has said that if my faith is carnal, it will not save me; and that therefore one might have faith that is not unto salvation.
But if only a faith that is not carnal will save, then there is something meritorious about that faith.
And if one might have a faith that is not unto salvation, how can one have real assurance of salvation?
I believe that the Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God; though initially, my faith may have indeed been based in a sinful instinct of self-preservation.
But because of that, my faith is not meritorious.
I feel that some of you are judging my salvation because I have shown that my initial faith was not meritorious.
But my assurance is based in the word of the Lord.
I know that I know that I know that I am saved; because I have done what is prescribed for salvation in Hosea 14:2, Romans 10:9-13, and Acts 2:38-39.
In the last thing, the Holy Ghost is absolutely promised to those who fulfill the condition of the promise; and so is remission of sins.
There is no possibility of it being a carnal faith; because it is faith in an absolute promise of holy scripture.
However, the initial reasoning, in obtaining that promise (by fulfilling its condition), might be considered to be a carnal faith (based in a sinful instinct of self-preservation).
Nevertheless, God keeps His promises and is trustworthy (for it is impossible for God to lie).
So, even if someone wants to cast disparity on my salvation by saying that it was not valid for that it was not meritorious,
I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him against that day.
I stand on the word of the Lord and I base my salvation what it teaches.
I have not only confessed with my mouth Jesus as Lord, believing in my heart that God hath raised Him from the dead; and not only have I called on the name of the Lord; but I have been baptized in His Name.
Therefore, based on the promise of Acts 2:38-39, I know that I know that I know that I have been given remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Ghost.