Forum: free and open exchange of ideas!
Christian forum: everyone can defend their faith!
Its all good!
But these ain’t!
Sins against charity, personal attacks, ridicule, hatred!
When the ball is in the air, & you move the goal posts!
Un-level playing field!
Double standards! (Especially my Mods)
response was ignored, or ignore most of my points!
Six against one! Piling on!
Rude people butting when we are trying to have a discussion!
Your understanding, interpretation, meaning is valid and acceptable mine is not!
Catholics always being on the down side of these and at the bottom of the pile!
Not fun, and if you understand these then you know carm! In spades!
Let us examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith?
2 Corinthians 13:5
Let us practice the royal virtues of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Ephesians 4:13
Till we all come
in the unity of
thefaith, and of
the knowledge of
theSon of God, unto a perfect man, unto
the measure of
thestature of
thefulness of Christ:
Please respond to all of my concerns, ignoring them is rude