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No one knows the Day or the Hour !

That is quite possibly true. It is just something that I hold in consideration with everything else. They do plan on having a habitable base on the moon first.

The crazy thing is, Revelation reads as a book full of prophecy that one can't imagine being fulfilled. However, as technology as progressed, it is no longer fantasy, or beyond our reality for these prophecies to be fulfilled as written. For instance, I am becoming more convinced that if fulfilled as written, that AI, robots, or these lab engineered humans, will play a very important role in the utter blasphemy of God by satan/the anticrhist. I feel (this isn't some rock solid belief) that these creations of man, when perfected, could most likely be what will be the "image of the beast". Further technology will be part of what makes up the mark, but it will still be a mark...his mark. A mark of possession, just like the Holy Spirit marks us as God's possession.

Also, when speaking of the great deception, I sometimes feel like I know too much about how that will work. The foundation and ground work has already been laid out, and is already in full use today.
Social media as a worldwide platform is so deceiving and people are buying into it hook, line and sinker. And its getting worse by the day. People prefer their news and beliefs from social media over the traditional news media. Its a huge shift in our society.
Mars is a one way ticket to a very expensive death. We still cannot get a viable biosphere operating on Earth without cracking a window. So Elon's efforts to get there will likely succeed but any colonization will be very short, and horribly, lived.
I wonder if God will create a new mars when He makes a new heaven and earth.
Social media as a worldwide platform is so deceiving and people are buying into it hook, line and sinker. And its getting worse by the day. People prefer their news and beliefs from social media over the traditional news media. Its a huge shift in our society.
Add to that isolation of what people say and think, something that people have been doing for millennia. Now with video and other media, it has been weaponized. There was someone on Youtube who attacked Justin Peters, and some of Justin Peter's staunchest supporters fell for it. Then they watched Justin Peter's response and basically repented of having been deceived by this other person. It is too easy today.
It has come to mean a lot to me as of late, because I see us right at the door. I consider a few things. Trump, who almost brought peace to Israel in the Middle East, Elon Musk wanting to see people living (habitation) on Mars, where the Bible says that we will only have our habitation on Earth, etc. For that last one, either we blow ourselves back into the stone age, so we no longer have the technology, or something happens that prevents it from happening. There are also other happenings that are so close to prophecy that it is a toss up. Also, what you have said is not at all that different from what my main belief is. Most of what I am saying now branches off of what I would consider the rock foundation of my eschatological beliefs.
"or something happens that prevents it from happening. "......Like the rapture.
Social media as a worldwide platform is so deceiving and people are buying into it hook, line and sinker. And its getting worse by the day. People prefer their news and beliefs from social media over the traditional news media. Its a huge shift in our society.
Social news media and traditional news media are run by the same people. One must spend time in the Alt media to see and hear the truth. (and a lot of that is corrupted)
I wonder if God will create a new mars when He makes a new heaven and earth.
Don't crush my dreams. I want to go travel the stars if possible. I had a dream once, where I was on a space station and looking out at the wonders of space. It is the first time I think I was ever upset in a dream because I didn't have a camera. It felt so real, and it was a mind blowing experience.
Don't crush my dreams. I want to go travel the stars if possible. I had a dream once, where I was on a space station and looking out at the wonders of space. It is the first time I think I was ever upset in a dream because I didn't have a camera. It felt so real, and it was a mind blowing experience.
....Angels currently have "star ships".
"or something happens that prevents it from happening. "......Like the rapture.

Social news media and traditional news media are run by the same people. One must spend time in the Alt media to see and hear the truth. (and a lot of that is corrupted)
Have you ever seen the documentary "Our Social Dilemma"? It's mind blowing. I was in the reserve, and for a little while, apparently, it was the only thing our headquarters was talking about. (I probably shouldn't have brought it up.)
Don't crush my dreams. I want to go travel the stars if possible. I had a dream once, where I was on a space station and looking out at the wonders of space. It is the first time I think I was ever upset in a dream because I didn't have a camera. It felt so real, and it was a mind blowing experience.
All I know is the new heavens and earth will be better than the existing one. That is biblical and its true.
Have you ever seen the documentary "Our Social Dilemma"? It's mind blowing. I was in the reserve, and for a little while, apparently, it was the only thing our headquarters was talking about. (I probably shouldn't have brought it up.)
I'll look it up and check it out.
All I know is the new heavens and earth will be better than the existing one. That is biblical and its true.
Yes it will be. The other one will be lost in a nuclear mushroom cloud. (Consider that God is the power behind the nuclear forces that hold atoms together. What happens when they all split at the same time?)
That is quite possibly true. It is just something that I hold in consideration with everything else. They do plan on having a habitable base on the moon first.

The crazy thing is, Revelation reads as a book full of prophecy that one can't imagine being fulfilled. However, as technology as progressed, it is no longer fantasy, or beyond our reality for these prophecies to be fulfilled as written. For instance, I am becoming more convinced that if fulfilled as written, that AI, robots, or these lab engineered humans, will play a very important role in the utter blasphemy of God by satan/the anticrhist. I feel (this isn't some rock solid belief) that these creations of man, when perfected, could most likely be what will be the "image of the beast". Further technology will be part of what makes up the mark, but it will still be a mark...his mark. A mark of possession, just like the Holy Spirit marks us as God's possession.

Also, when speaking of the great deception, I sometimes feel like I know too much about how that will work. The foundation and ground work has already been laid out, and is already in full use today.

The technology is interesting. Not, to me, as mind blowing as Israel. Israel as a recognized nation vanished for millennia until suddenly in 1948...Bang. Which is pretty remarkable and sent the world of Theology into a tizzy. Really shouldn't have though. If certain luminary theologians had actually believed their Bibles a lot of error could have been avoided. Should be a major warning to many. The world may "lose" Israel but God will never do so.
The technology is interesting. Not, to me, as mind blowing as Israel. Israel as a recognized nation vanished for millennia until suddenly in 1948...Bang. Which is pretty remarkable and sent the world of Theology into a tizzy. Really shouldn't have though. If certain luminary theologians had actually believed their Bibles a lot of error could have been avoided. Should be a major warning to many. The world may "lose" Israel but God will never do so.
I don't think it was that they didn't understand the Bible, but that the direct interpretation did not fit their beliefs. They were talking about it before Israel became a nation, and everyone was saying it would never happen.
2 Thessalonians 2:1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. This passage does not support a pre-trib rapture.
Romans 11 is a stumbling block for the preterist and amil systematic. God still has 2 peoples- Israel and the church. Remove Romans 11 from scripture and then and only then they might have an argument with "some" validity. Pre-mil is the only one that brings harmony to the scriptures in both testaments. :)
Maybe you can show where Amillennialism has an issue with Romans 11. I assure you, they do not.