I am not an Eschatology or even Prophecy in general fan (
I need to wait for the angel to come along and explain what it meant) ... but if "Jerusalem" is the "City of God" [
ie. poetic-speak for "God's People"], then it plays out over and over in this world.
- How is the mighty Hun empire doing that attacked Christian Europe?
- How did the medieval Caliphate fare? Is Norh Africa still a force to be reckoned with?
- How did Hitler's "final solution" work out for Germany and the Third Empire [Reich]?
- How has destroying the Russian Orthodox Church to teach Atheism worked out for the Soviet Union? (last I heard, the Church was still alive in Russia but the Soviet Union had died.)
- Let's watch China and see if THEIR efforts to crush the Church and worship the state produce similar fruit.
It seems to me, that God HAS DESTROYED the nations that come against "Jerusalem" (His Holy City) ... we were just looking at the "real estate" when we should have been looking at the "people".
But, as I said ... prophecy isn't really my thing. Now ask me about my Jesus and THAT's a whole different matter.]