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Man's responsibility.

It would be an excuse if a person chose to reject Christ because God ultimately from before the foundations of the world chose to reject them; and also gave them only one option: to reject Christ.

Again I will say that this is not the Jesus of holy scripture (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).

The Jesus of holy scripture is love (1 John 4:8,16) and is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4) but that all (without exception) should come to repentance...

As 2 Peter 3:9 is most assuredly speaking of those who need repentance; and that includes every sinner.
It is responses like this that identify you as a troll. You treat everything you repeat as though it is the first time you said it, and used the same scriptures, and they have been responded to and given refuting with actual biblical hermeneutics and exegesis, by several people and each time you act like it never happened. Troll. Troll. Troll.
God's justice requires that the sinner be condemned to hell. If it were up to God, no one would be condemned.

1 John 4:8,16, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4.
Where is your logical link there, between the two statements? You've skipped a few steps.
And also that our sins can be forgiven by God and then not be forgiven.
Where does it say, once forgiven, always forgiven?

I think that that may apply to soil type #4;

but as for soil type #2, he is clearly forgiven (because he believes) and is a living plant.
What is so false about it is that it makes the actions of man determine who God is.
That is where you are wrong. The actions of man reveal the fidelity of God's word because it is God who said he will save believers. So, when a believer is saved? God is shown to be true to His word.
On what basis do you make that statement? Does it matter to you that we know that is just something you are saying and that there is no way you could know any such thing. You would have to talk to them after they died.
There have been cases of men who denied Christ after having ministered the gospel for many years. One of them even worked closely with Billy Graham.
It is responses like this that identify you as a troll. I have given an exegesis of that entire dialog on John 6 at least three times, and so have others.
However, you have not shown that being drawn to Christ guarantees being given to Christ.
It is responses like this that identify you as a troll. You treat everything you repeat as though it is the first time you said it, and used the same scriptures, and they have been responded to and given refuting with actual biblical hermeneutics and exegesis, by several people and each time you act like it never happened. Troll. Troll. Troll.
May the Lord abundantly bless you with grace and mercy; and may He feed you with extravagant foods for the rest of your life.
Of course in salvation God made the provision in coming to this planet and dying on the Cross for us. So, He is the first cause of salvation.
But you have man being the first cause of that dying having any effect at all.
But I think that you, in your theology, would venture to decline the concept that man is the secondary cause.
I think you are just borrowing other people's words because you like the authoritative sound of them without really having a clue what you are saying when you use them. There is no secondary cause to the effectiveness of Calvary. It is all of God, from beginning to end, front to back. top to bottom. There are only secondary causes in what occurs on earth that leads to the King being killed and achieving the victory in His death.
So, Proverbs isn't really inspired, is what I hear you saying.
Clean out your ears. What I said in no way, shape, or form, means that Proverbs is not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

(Please God for your glory and honor, set a guard over my lips.)
Believing does not guarantee that one is of the elect.
Jesus says it does on many an occasion so now you have made another contradiction in the Bible by your misinterpretation of the parable of the soils.
Those who are practically righteous (1 John 3:7, Romans 5:19, Matthew 5:6).
Wrong. They are those who are in Christ and have His! His! His! righteousness imputed to them.
Going forward, I think I will just observe
.... the logic arguments ares getting close to a Twilight Episode.
It is responses like this that identify you as a troll. You treat everything you repeat as though it is the first time you said it, and used the same scriptures, and they have been responded to and given refuting with actual biblical hermeneutics and exegesis, by several people and each time you act like it never happened. Troll. Troll. Troll.
Luk 6:44, For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
Luk 6:45, A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
I'm not talking about the letter of the law. I'm talking about rebellion against God.
I'm saying that sin is the transgression of the law.

Rebellion against God in NT theology would be disobedience to the Spirit and/or rejection of Christ.
only with unsubstantiated opinion.
I am not going through the last 17 posts you posted to me or anymore of the 21 you posted earlier. I already went through the 23 you posted in the night and through the early hours of the morning. None of them address anything posted, nothing say anything new. none preach the gospel, cannot even say who God is or who Jesus is. I will put you on ignore for awhile and hope you stop the incessant harassment and trolling. And you better hope that you do. Or you will find yourself only welcome in that other place you found where you can preach to the choir.
But you have man being the first cause of that dying having any effect at all.

No, I have Him as the secondary cause in salvation; in that a man must receive Christ if he is going to be given the power to become a child of God.
I think you are just borrowing other people's words because you like the authoritative sound of them without really having a clue what you are saying when you use them. There is no secondary cause to the effectiveness of Calvary. It is all of God, from beginning to end, front to back. top to bottom. There are only secondary causes in what occurs on earth that leads to the King being killed and achieving the victory in His death.

Man is a secondary cause in salvation; he must receive what Jesus did for him on the Cross or else he is not saved.

Clean out your ears. What I said in no way, shape, or form, means that Proverbs is not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

(Please God for your glory and honor, set a guard over my lips.)

Amen (me, too, Lord!)

Jesus says it does on many an occasion so now you have made another contradiction in the Bible by your misinterpretation of the parable of the soils.

You have to take all of scripture into account; including Luke 8:13. There is a plain meaning to that verse; and it contradicts no other passage.

Wrong. They are those who are in Christ and have His! His! His! righteousness imputed to them.
You need to realize that you are saying that something is wrong, that has been substantiated by holy scripture.

Do you not realize that in doing so, you are rejecting the testimony of holy scripture?
That is where you are wrong. The actions of man reveal the fidelity of God's word because it is God who said he will save believers. So, when a believer is saved? God is shown to be true to His word.
You left out a heck of a lot. You just came up with a theory you think will work, but your still have the tail wagging the dog. It makes a mockery of the cross. But I don't expect you to even try to think through that.
I am not going through the last 17 posts you posted to me or anymore of the 21 you posted earlier. I already went through the 23 you posted in the night and through the early hours of the morning. None of them address anything posted, nothing say anything new. none preach the gospel, cannot even say who God is or who Jesus is. I will put you on ignore for awhile and hope you stop the incessant harassment and trolling. And you better hope that you do. Or you will find yourself only welcome in that other place you found where you can preach to the choir.
Because obviously here, I am not preaching to the choir but to unbelievers.

I have preached the gospel and I have said who God is and who Jesus is. I have even posted a link to my take on what the Trinity is all about on one occasion.

But, why don't you tell me who you think God is?

Do you think that that is a simple question?

Then come up with a simple answer.