God is omniscient!
Therefore, He planted truth to be found about Himself as to make His drawing even possible.
How else could one be drawn to God if man is not first drawn into God consciousnesses?
The drawing of God is not a one phase operation of grace. Its a process that will keep advancing until a soul reaches the finish line.
When that line is crossed, then the Father hands that soul over to Jesus. That soul is then 'given' to Jesus!
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them,
and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:44
The question is? What involves God's drawing process?
Is it some irresistible mindless magnetic pulling to Christ?
No.. the process requires being exposed to Biblical truths during the process and THINKING positively.
It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who
has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me." John 6:45
I believer hyper Calvinism's TULIP's Irresistible grace concept stemmed from a lack of patience along with a strong desire to be sure about something before God was willing to provide the needed insight to understand it. Which took place while working out their salvation in fear and trembling with someone craving to become sure and unmovable.
"Irresistible grace!" That settles it!
Happens all the time in other areas of life as well when men are not willing to tolerate uncertainly of what seems hopelessly ambiguous.
In Christ (in spite of my self) grace and peace ....................