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Jesus is God {title edited}

I am hoping so .let me ask my wife?

Same little one that whispered in Peter our brother in the Lords ear ? ."John will not die he will go straight to Limbo" pass that secret I heard it through the dying fathers grape vine around the table for a few thousands years.
There is no defence against the sword of the word the Holy Spirt of God ( sola scriptura) it as it is written defends those born again from above. .
Someone ought to bait that bird.
Christ's genealogy per the gospel of Luke is sometimes appropriated to establish his
mother's connection to David, but I don't recommend that route because the
language, the grammar, and the punctuation of Luke 3:23 are much too

It's also been suggested that both genealogies are Joseph's. However, in Matthew's
genealogy, Joseph descends from Solomon, whereas Luke's has him descending
from Solomon's brother Nathan.

Solomon and Nathan weren't distant kin. According to 1Chron 3:5 they were
siblings; both born of David & Bathsheba (a.k.a. Bathshua).

I have no clue how it's possible for two siblings to both be somebody's grandfather
when it's more likely that one of them would've been an uncle.

Along with that: there's a serious question about the listings of Shieltiel and
Zerubbabel. In Matthew's genealogy the two men are linked to David via Solomon.
In Luke's genealogy, they're linked to David via Solomon's brother Nathan.

Their respective descendants are different too. Zerubbabel's son is listed as Abihud
in Matthew's genealogy, whereas his son is listed as Rhesa in Luke's.

It's been suggested that Shealtiel and Zerubbabel are common names so we
shouldn't be surprised to find them listed in both genealogies. However, they are
listed as father and son in both genealogies, which we cannot expect reasonable
people to accept as mere coincidence.

Unfortunately, to date there exists no consensus among the experts how best to
resolve the confusion caused by the presence of Shieltiel and Zerubbabel in both
genealogies. Were we scientific in our thinking; we'd have to consider the data
compromised; which is unfortunate because if we disregard Luke's genealogy, then
we pretty much have to disregard Matthew's too.

So the situation with Jesus' genealogies is such that I think it best to go about
establishing his family history from a different angle.
Send Him a DNA kit.
Gen 3:15 . . And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your
seed and her seed. He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on
the heel.

Petty much everybody on both sides of the aisle agrees that prophesy pertains to

Gen 22:18 . . In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

It's pretty much agreed that one also pertains to Messiah.

Now, there's no need for a genealogy relative to Gen 3:15 because the only
qualification required is that the candidate be Eve's posterity, i.e. a human being.

But for sure a genealogy is needed for Gen 22:18 because any man claiming to be
Messiah has to present credible evidence that he descends from Abraham-- plus
Isaac (Gen 26:4) Jacob (Gen 28:14) and Judah. (Gen 49:9-10)
Please post it every where.

I posted a link to it.
Click the link.
Put cursor on where it says "Genesis 1" at the top.
Wait 2 seconds and it will give you an option as to where you want to search.
I posted a link to it.
Click the link.
Put cursor on where it says "Genesis 1" at the top.
Wait 2 seconds and it will give you an option as to where you want to search.
Good job. Now begin reading it. You'll see in Genesis that YHWH is the creator, not Jesus.
Not a good job for you because you dodged the question from post 339.
You act is if all of your questions merit any sort of direct answer. Maybe you need to get off your high horse and just accept people respond to you at all in they way the want to respond.
Saved for the next time you ask me a question.

Your excuse for dodging.
I only ask you questions when you need to self-reflect. I won't learn anything from you. Whether or not you answer me publicly, it's enough that I know you thought about what I asked.
Yes, it is nice to see when Unitarians can't figure out if Jesus should be prayed to or not.

I don't want to be a heretic.
There is a division among Unitarians on the single issue of praying to Jesus, but they are united in known that Jesus is not God.

Trinitarianism is fractured into over 45,000 denominations worldwide according to some estimates. You all eat each other alive with the heresy claims so maybe you need to look in a mirror.
There is a division among Unitarians on the single issue of praying to Jesus,


but they are united in known that Jesus is not God.

Many Unitarians say that only God is to be prayed to. Which would mean (in their thinking)...
Those Unitarians praying to Jesus are praying to God without knowing it (?)

This is a mess.
This is a mess.
A mess like this?

Trinitarianism is fractured into over 45,000 denominations worldwide according to some estimates. You all eat each other alive with the heresy claims so maybe you need to look in a mirror.