An issue I've had, and Paul brings it up in Rom 9 and (is tied in with limited atonement)...
Romans 9:19
Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
Or, 'how does God fairly judge those whom He has passed over in election?'
Paul continues...
Romans 9:20-23
Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? [21] Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [22] What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: [23] And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
I'm still not clear on this aspect.
No, salvation is by faith in the Savior.It bothers @fastfredy0 that I viewed Jesus, Santa and the Easter Bunny as equally “real” at the moment that I “encountered” God … so it begs the question of the possibility of a “Road to Damascus” salvation knowing NOTHING about Jesus and his Gospel except a contemptuous myth from TV cartoons as a child.
Is it possible to BE SAVED, and then learn about the SAVIOR?
May need a definition of 'saved'. In one respect we are saved before the foundation of the earth ... it's a done deal. On the other hand some association "saved" with being 'born again'.No, salvation is by faith in the Savior.
It's a done deal in the councils of God, but it's not a done deal until it is done in time.May need a definition of 'saved'. In one respect we are saved before the foundation of the earth ... it's a done deal.
Thanks.On the other hand some association "saved" with being 'born again'.
My 2 cents.
So is every aspect of all people determined by God?Perhaps God is the potter. Perhaps every aspect of your being is determined by God; nothing is determined independent of God. So it is not what you've done independent of God that is judged and dealt with, it is God creation to do with as He wishes including determining your entire life and how He will deal with his creation which He decided to do in eternity past.
- Acts 17:28 for “‘In him we live and move and have our being
- Hebrews 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power
Yes, this could be difficult for many.God predestines some, and then turns around and judges those weren't predestined.
i'm not saying I disagree, I just have a difficult time with that truth.
Yes (if I understand your meaning), but doesn’t the Savior's revealing Himself during a "Road to Damascus" experience count as "learning" in the most important way?... so it begs the question of the possibility of a “Road to Damascus” salvation knowing NOTHING about Jesus and his Gospel...
Is it possible to BE SAVED, and then learn about the SAVIOR?
That's about as close as I can get to grasping it.Justice and Glory requires that everyone without exception SHOULD be judged, condemned and damned for “rejecting so great a salvation”
I said no such thing.It is not a point of contention between you and me but it was the confusion I had with what @Ritajanice was saying. She said she was born again when Jesus popped into her head. That it did not take any knowledge or scripture. That is a very difficult thing for me to understand what she means without clarification. All I was ever trying to do was get clarification and whenever I try to get clarification she gets offended and angry.
You must be birthed in the Spirit, ..only a Born Again will see the Kingdom of God.You must have the new birth in order to have faith but also you have faith because of the new birth.
I think sometimes we as believers forget that the completed Bible came centuries later after Christianity had already grown and spread enormously. It's hard to think of a time without the Bible since we've always had it. But during the crucifixion-resurrection and pentecost the first believers experienced what we now only read about. Because of this it's easy to slip into a functional deism of sorts where faith becomes academic and in a twisted sort of way we somehow use the Bible to restrict God's real, tangible presence in our lives, and forget that the whole point of the Incarnation and Christ's atoning death and resurrection and promised indwelling of the Holy Spirit is "Immanuel, God with us." It's not about reading how "God is with us," but actually experiencing "God with us" as a living, loving, tangible, reality.God speaks to the heart of his children, as he’s indwelling them, he testifies with our spirit that we are his children, it’s a “ Living “ birth, it’s a mind blowing birth.
It took no knowledge of scripture , no bible reading, for God to birth me in the Spirit, that is correct,but, when I went out and bought a Bible, there was his word that he testified to my spirit that we are his children.
I always refer to by birthing, like that of Paul’s.....I can certainly relate to what he must have experienced on that road to Damascus....mind blowing!!!.Yes (if I understand your meaning), but doesn’t the Savior's revealing Himself during a "Road to Damascus" experience count as "learning" in the most important way?
Amen!!!..great summary..completely understood all that you say here...Praise God!I think sometimes we as believers forget that the completed Bible came centuries later after Christianity had already grown and spread enormously. It's hard to think of a time without the Bible since we've always had it. But during the crucifixion-resurrection and pentecost the first believers experienced what we now only read about. Because of this it's easy to slip into a functional deism of sorts where faith becomes academic and in a twisted sort of way we somehow use the Bible to restrict God's real, tangible presence in our lives, and forget that the whole point of the Incarnation and Christ's atoning death and resurrection and promised indwelling of the Holy Spirit is "Immanuel, God with us." It's not about reading how "God is with us," but actually experiencing "God with us" as a living, loving, tangible, reality.
So yes, God absolutely can reveal Himself to us independently of the Bible (and also through the Bible, of course! God is omnipotent and can do anything afterall!).
In fact, here's a question to all believers: would you rather read about "God with us" in the Bible or experience the God you're reading about? Fortunately for us, we don't have to choose, but can experience both. The Holy Spirit then is the same Holy Spirit now.
God predestined those in Christ to be conformed to His image. These are those after Christ ascended and the Father made Him head of the Body. People before that time are not able to be made like Christ, because His divine nature was not as yet available, (for Christ hadn`t been manifest on earth, die, rose and ascended to give the Holy spirit to make believers like Himself).Yes, this could be difficult for many.
Here is my understanding.
God does predestine His chosen to salvation and passes over the rest. He does not force others to reject Him, they reject God because they choose to. Because they choose to reject Him dores not release them from their obligation to worship and believe.
I knew I was birthed in the Spirit/ Born Again straight away, I’m not understanding why believers don’t understand this straight away....that’s ok “ I” don’t have to.....that’s between them and God.Regeneration and faith happen at the same time. We may not realize we are believers instantly, and it may also take a bit before we confess this reality. And the gospel has everything to do about it. The gospel (the whole bible) is about Christ. Though we may not understand it all, there is just something about Jesus that we cannot get away from, and we finally confess to him as what he is, Lord. We don't ask him, or accept him to be our Lord, we confess him because he is Lord.
We are Born Again and saved from eternal damnation all at the same time.....when God births us in the Spirit.May need a definition of 'saved'. In one respect we are saved before the foundation of the earth ... it's a done deal. On the other hand some association "saved" with being 'born again'.
My 2 cents.
Amen!!...these words really spoke to my heart...God is Alive!!...His Spirit is Alive ....His Spirit is “ Alive” in our spirit...Because of this it's easy to slip into a functional deism of sorts where faith becomes academic and in a twisted sort of way we somehow use the Bible to restrict God's real, tangible presence in our lives, and forget that the whole point of the Incarnation and Christ's atoning death and resurrection and promised indwelling of the Holy Spirit is "Immanuel, God with us." It's not about reading how "God is with us," but actually experiencing "God with us" as a living, loving, tangible, reality
If you hear the gospel we believe it it is because we have been regenerated..After reading this I must backtrack a bit on what I just said to @Eleanor or at least make clear what I meant. This is the same way I see it. If when we hear the gospel we believe it it is because we have been regenerated.