Well I personally do not believe that any man has the ability to choose to believe.
Yet you choose to believe that? Makes one wonder. What irony.
What hyper-Calvinists miss is the Biblical reason why we can not choose to believe.
We can not choose to believe until God's power of grace opens the door for the soul to make a choice to believe. Or, to not believe.
Before Grace is made operational the conclusion will always default one way without choosing.
Grace is the power of God given to man to accomplish what God would like have done that man in himself does not have the ability to do.
Here is one example of the power of Grace.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may
rest on me." 2 cor 12:9
So, what holds back the unregenerate human soul from believing in Christ?
In two words? "The Flesh."
True total depravity would have to say.... "The Flesh, and The Soul."
It is why Jesus saved the soul, but crucified the flesh!
Calvinists are stuck with what amounts to an early stage primitive theological understanding of the depravity of man.
It needed more work, but was made at that time to look great when standing next to the corrupted moronic RCC theology.
It was only a start in the right direction walking away from the Vatican.
Truth does not change.
Misunderstanding of truth must go through a process in clearing off the dross to get to the pure gold and silver.