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Interesting hermeneutics ..

The Syro-Phoenician believed and was praised above everyone there; sounds to me like a clever technique to get 'rejects' into the kingdom. Obviously, from Gen 3 and 15, the mission of the Gospel has always been to all nations.
😮Ooooo.... Do you think Dems are coming with us or will be left behind? :unsure:
Doesn't matter. Either way, what matters is that they think they are coming.
I am not sure just why you responded in this way.
It's like the parent that tells their child to stop doing what they did or else.
Only to repeat the same threat over and over and over again until it is nothing but an empty threat.
🤨 Because the verse has nothing to do with ancient or modern Israel? :unsure:
I would offer.

That idea that it would have something to do fleshly Israel (Jacob) would seem to be a lying sign that some wonder... after walking by sight. Not looking by faith the unseen eternal. . . at both ways as to how the word Israel is used .It must be rightly divided or interpreted A distinction it would seem must be made..

The foundation of born again name Israel as power with God . Previously Jacob the deceiver, powerless.

Genesis 32:32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed

The father of lies the spirit of the antichrist another teaching authority, false prophecy as oral tradition of mankind . . . the fool . .would make it all one in the same a fleshly Jewish god . As if God was a racist .

As many as Abba our adopting Holy Father empowers to come will .. . .they will .

It is not as though the living born again word of God. . . the seed Christ has not taken effect. Every child of God can call out Abba, they would be is adopted into the Christian family. They obey and call no man on earth Abba , Holy father

Galatians 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Roman 9: I-6 say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy (born again ) seed be called.

Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

It would seem in John 3 when Jesus the Son of man the apostle prophesied the loving will of his Abba He Marvel not at the greatest possible miracle (born again) dying mankind must be born again Nicodemus who previously sought after signs to wonder or marvel after .Nicodemus was given the faith (unseen adopting power) to believe prohecy rather than lying signs to wonder after Satan the king of lying signs .His only voice .

The word Israel would seem to be used in the same way a the word Christian .Not all that say they are are.

Abba the pure religion of our Holy father as a father to the fatherless and widow not married as the bride of Christ.

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Deuteronomy 10:18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment

Fatherless and widow used that way 31 times

Ephesians 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God
I think your odds of being left behind are greater if you are a Dem.
:unsure: I guess the 5% of Americans are saved .... and assuming 1/2 the population are Dems ... :unsure:... I'll say the 5% is split 3% Republicans and 2% Dems.
The president I think most likely to not be left behind is a Dem: Carter
Ooooo.... I get the sentiment and the rationale but disagree with the particulars. Supposedly (according to polls like Pew) at least 10% of any given population in the US is a Christian as you and I would define the term..... but that assumes our definition is correct. All that is required to make it into heaven is to lay (sincere) claim to the name of Jesus and those of us from the Reformed end of things say that is accomplished by God, not the sinful will. So.... there could be more Christians than we imagine. However, if we go with the 10% figure then your numbers are at least doubled :). As far as Carter goes, he was a terrible POTUS but a fairly good Christian outside his presidency. If his claim to Christ's name is sincere then he makes it through the rapture. I remember being shocked to hear Bush 2 describe his Dispensational beliefs in one of his final interviews before leaving office. We might have avoided two decades of war (and thousands of lives) had he not been Dispensationalist. It's a glaring example of how the otherwise minor doctrine of eschatology can and does have very real and profound effect on how one lives his/her life. Yet I have no doubt he'd make the rapture. If I had to pick POTUSes that wouldn't make it, I'd say Clinton tops the list. He qualifies for most to the items listed in Galatians 5's "works of the flesh." I'm not sure Trump makes it, either, because he's misrepresented his religious affiliation and takes his lead from prosperity preacher Paula White-Cain. I have some hope he had a real, genuine come-to-Jesus moment after he got shot. Otherwise, I have my doubts about the prosperity folks making the grade due to their teaching a gospel different than the one Paul taught.
Disclaimer: I have little empirical data to back up my guesses.
I'm using a dart board ;). I don't have to think as much since God handles the path of the dart 😮.


Doesn't matter. Either way, what matters is that they think they are coming.
Ummm... 🤨 Why does that matter? :unsure: I didn't follow that
Ooooo.... I get the sentiment and the rationale but disagree with the particulars. Supposedly (according to polls like Pew) at least 10% of any given population in the US is a Christian as you and I would define the term..... but that assumes our definition is correct. All that is required to make it into heaven is to lay (sincere) claim to the name of Jesus and those of us from the Reformed end of things say that is accomplished by God, not the sinful will.
Agreed ... save the evidence that we are saved by a "sincere claim to the name of Jesus" would need clarification. I have two interesting/controversial caveats.

However, if we go with the 10% figure then your numbers are at least doubled :).
Granted, my 5% is but half the true number if the true number is 10% and I really don't know the number save it's a minority. I hope I'm wrong and the universalists are correct (giggle). I put the numbers out there to may the discussion more objective/interesting. :)

As far as Carter goes, he was a terrible POTUS but a fairly good Christian outside his presidency.
Agreed...only time my dad voted dem was for Carter and he was disappointed.

I remember being shocked to hear Bush 2 describe his Dispensational beliefs in one of his final interviews before leaving office. We might have avoided two decades of war (and thousands of lives) had he not been Dispensationalist. It's a glaring example of how the otherwise minor doctrine of eschatology can and does have very real and profound effect on how one lives his/her life. Yet I have no doubt he'd make the rapture.
I didn't know Bush 2 had dispensational beliefs. I was not impressed by him, though I assume the alternative dems would have been worse. I was a dispensationalist ... I do like the idea of a more literal hermenuetic. We are affected by what we read, especially what we read first and I read Lewis Chafer's Systematic Theology that 'seemed' to put all the pieces together, so I was hooked for awhile. I'm not a dispensationalist now.

If I had to pick POTUSes that wouldn't make it, I'd say Clinton tops the list. He qualifies for most to the items listed in Galatians 5's "works of the flesh.
I got to think Biden is a tied with Bill ... lol .... and I saw some real horrible stuff about Obama's past.
....ah, Galatians 5 ... that is VERY INTERESTING .... and has one of the "two interesting/controversial caveats" I mentioned in the my first response statement.

I'm not sure Trump makes it, either, because he's misrepresented his religious affiliation and takes his lead from prosperity preacher Paula White-Cain.
I'd bet and give good odds he doesn't ... we have to wait till we get to heaven to collect. Considering God gives us ALL THINGS I am not sure what could bet. :)

Otherwise, I have my doubts about the prosperity folks making the grade due to their teaching a gospel different than the one Paul taught.
I guess we all preach/teach the gospel differently than Paul to some degree.

I'm using a dart board ;). I don't have to think as much since God handles the path of the dart 😮.
Ha, true enough.
Anyone hear the (rebroadcast of) Fox interview with Reza Pahlavi?

Thinking there can be negotiation with the regime in Iran is an indication the system in Iran is not understood. They will not honor any agreement. Their one ambition it to export their ideology. The regime must be replaced and the greatest asset the west has to do that is the Iranian people. Strong leadership in the west gives courage to those who wish to escape the regime and its system. Appeasement empowers the regime, and it will continue to make maritime trade in the area bound and unsafe because Iranian-funded proxies like the Houthis will continue to sink ships as long as the current Iranian regime stays in power. The current regime cannot continue to co-exist with democracy.

The man whose father was ousted by an uprising hopes for an uprising.

Or how about the Brookings Institute's recent assertion the Houthi's cannot properly be called an Iranian proxy because the Iranians don't control Houthi decision making? The Houthis would disrupt trade and attack Israel whether or not Iran supported them, and other Arab (and non-Arab) countries wanted restraint.

Anyone buying it?
Not rocket science. Iran an its ideology says destroy Israel and the USA. Convert or kill the infidel.
And their ideology says it’s fine to lie and deceive along the way.
I must say, that we are very blessed in knowing that Lord is at work in many citizens in Iran. It seems the power of the Gospel and work of the Holy Spirit is apparent and after a fashion, miraculous. The Lord will break all barriers to rescue His Elect. The same has been happening in China for many decades.
Praise the Lord! He gathers in our brethren.
Anyone buying it?
I don't buy any nations truth assertions. COVID, Iran has weapons of mass destruction, global warming and the end of mankind, C.P.I. (inflation %), R.C. church, D.E.I., Ukraine good/ Russia bad, on and on ... I wouldn't know the truth (save the Bible) if it hit me smack in the face. Aside: I do have opinions though, some entities lie more than others.
I must say, that we are very blessed in knowing that Lord is at work in many citizens in Iran. It seems the power of the Gospel and work of the Holy Spirit is apparent and after a fashion, miraculous. The Lord will break all barriers to rescue His Elect. The same has been happening in China for many decades.
Praise the Lord! He gathers in our brethren.
Haven't you heard? The Church is losing. ;)
I don't buy any nations truth assertions. COVID, Iran has weapons of mass destruction, global warming and the end of mankind, C.P.I. (inflation %), R.C. church, D.E.I., Ukraine good/ Russia bad, on and on ... I wouldn't know the truth (save the Bible) if it hit me smack in the face. Aside: I do have opinions though, some entities lie more than others.
Are you saved from sin and wrath?
Are you saved from sin and wrath?
Yes, hopefully. I wouldn't say 100.0% sure. There are a lot of people that have this wrong. Logically, it could be me. If you ask 10 people who claim to be Christians what one does to be saved you will get 9 different answers. The nice thing about Reformed theology is that it is not up to me and what I do or don't do as what I do and/or don't do is an effect and not a cause (IMO).

Aside: Would be bad to get to the judgement seat and be told "I never knew you".
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The gates of hell cannot withstand the onslaught of the Gospel and results.
Its impossible.
It was written and it is done.
Rejoice saints for He is victorious.
Better tell the other guy because he has an entirely different pov.