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If the Wailing Wall is the Remains of the Temple Then Jesus Made A False Prophecy

This thread is about facts and truth.
Yes, and several posters have pointed out errors in the op's "facts and truth," and in generosity and service to you and the op added facts and truth to the thread only to be dismissed.
Your statements have been shown to be incorrect.
No, they have not. Postured protest is not proof of anything.
Please stop reposting the same things continually and constantly.
No. You stop posting the same things continually and constantly! Practice what you preach.

In Post #17 you stated, "Josephus also very clearly indicates that all of the temple was destroyed. So much so that no one would ever have known that any kind of human structure had existed on that site. That is why nothing remains of the temple. But the retaining wall structure of the Antonia Fortress does remain - and was renamed the Wailing Wall." Regardless of whether or not the Wailing Wall" is part of the Antonia Fortress we both agree: Nothing remains of the temple. The same is true regarding Post 26's disagreement with @Hobie and the words, "The "walls of the inner court" remaining is not factual. The Wailing Wall is the western portion of a retaining wall." I completely agree!!! and so does everyone here outside the Dispensational eschatologies. You've been arguing with people who agree with the o, even if we do not agree with the op's methodology.

So, you've been arguing with me and others who hold the same view for almost two weeks when we agree the temple has been destroyed.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm interested in enabling your argumentative opinions. I am not. Not interested in the slightest. Please stop trying to get an argument started and stop posting the same information over and over again.

Or, you could just answer questions and build your credibility. You seemed to be defensive.

About your title: as you know there is a feature that is 'hidden'/embedded in the scriptures, but now revealed in Christ. Rom 16's wrapup of the letter. Would you say you are very close to the meaning of that when you mention 'hidden rhythms'?
Yes, and several posters have pointed out errors in the op's "facts and truth," and in generosity and service to you and the op added facts and truth to the thread only to be dismissed.

No, they have not. Postured protest is not proof of anything.

No. You stop posting the same things continually and constantly! Practice what you preach.

In Post #17 you stated, "Josephus also very clearly indicates that all of the temple was destroyed. So much so that no one would ever have known that any kind of human structure had existed on that site. That is why nothing remains of the temple. But the retaining wall structure of the Antonia Fortress does remain - and was renamed the Wailing Wall." Regardless of whether or not the Wailing Wall" is part of the Antonia Fortress we both agree: Nothing remains of the temple. The same is true regarding Post 26's disagreement with @Hobie and the words, "The "walls of the inner court" remaining is not factual. The Wailing Wall is the western portion of a retaining wall." I completely agree!!! and so does everyone here outside the Dispensational eschatologies. You've been arguing with people who agree with the o, even if we do not agree with the op's methodology.

So, you've been arguing with me and others who hold the same view for almost two weeks when we agree the temple has been destroyed.
Not arguing at all. YOU are arguing. Posting the same thing again and again and again. Please stop it now.
Not arguing at all. YOU are arguing. Posting the same thing again and again and again. Please stop it now.
Well, let's take a look at the evidence, shall we? Here's a sampling of what you posted.

  • Let us know when you check out the research. Your assumptions aren't facts.
  • I'm not interested in playing childish gotcha games.
  • How about you get your quotes right first.
  • Yes, your games continue. Not interested.
  • It continues to boggle my mind how very few want to accept Jesus's own words as a literal prediction.
  • copy and pasting some author does not make something true. This material you post goes against sound Biblical exegesis and historical facts.
  • When you show respect for the subject of this thread and actually read and verify the research I have presented, then I might do the same for the material you present.
  • Probably best to take your discredited views elsewhere.
  • And again presenting views that can not be supported with scripture and history and then making false statements about me is not the way to have a discussion.

And that is just from the first three pages of posts! The odd thing is I do not read a single poster here saying the temple was not destroyed. As far as I can see, every poster here has agreed. Even Hobie, someone who holds an eschatology completely opposite to what I and most others here in this thread believe came right out and stated, "the temple was completely destroyed," and he said it twice and you accused him of not accepting Jesus' words as a literal prediction!

The facts, the evidence does prove you are arguing AND arguing with people who agree the temple was destroyed exactly as Jesus predicted, people who read what he said literally.
Not arguing at all.
The posts prove otherwise.

The overwhelming consensus is with scripture. The overwhelming consensus is that the temple was destroyed, and the wailing wall is not part of the temple. Despite that agreement your response is, "This is like arguing that the sky is blue. It's laughable what you people are saying. I just shake my head."
Not arguing at all.
The posts prove otherwise.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm interested in enabling your argumentative opinions. I am not. Not interested in the slightest. Please stop trying to get an argument started and stop posting the same information over and over again.

Asking for an explanation of the Davidics/Messianics of the 4 most quoted Psalms doesn't seem argumentative. How would it be?
Is it argumentative for Paul to say the OT scriptures he taught were limited to Christ's suffering and being preached to the nations? He said he limited himself to that.
And that is just from the first three pages of posts! The odd thing is I do not read a single poster here saying the temple was not destroyed. As far as I can see, every poster here has agreed. Even Hobie, someone who holds an eschatology completely opposite to what I and most others here in this thread believe came right out and stated, "the temple was completely destroyed," and he said it twice and you accused him of not accepting Jesus' words as a literal prediction!
I would offer it was destroyed when Jesus the prophet was given powerful words from the Father it is desolate not will be when a few bricks fall.

The Son man Jesus the prophet apostle has no power to rebuke or raise mankind from the dead. The lord not seen does all the rebuking

It made the whole wall, the abomination of desolation to no effect . .desolate. It is testified until I will see you no more . The Son of man disappeared before 70 AD .

Mathew 23 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me (dying flesh and blood )henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he. . (Not the Son of man, Jesus ). that cometh in the name of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 2:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

One promised demonstration of the Lamb of God "the Spirit of Christ"..
Mt 24A is about current times, in direct, ominous warnings that must be acted upon by them. The warnings worked. Best if you got familiar with all of the 1st century, instead of your concerns. THE COVENANT WAR could start that, at Amazon.
A paywall to discussion. Nice. Matthew 24 is not just about those present times as discussed. When the disciples asked about signs of the end, the greek word they used is for the complete end. That is, final judgement day. That obviously has not happened yet as sin is still alive and well in this world, and the world has not yet been judged and destroyed.
A paywall to discussion. Nice. Matthew 24 is not just about those present times as discussed. When the disciples asked about signs of the end, the greek word they used is for the complete end. That is, final judgement day. That obviously has not happened yet as sin is still alive and well in this world, and the world has not yet been judged and destroyed.

No sign is given to the end

I would offer believers have prophecy signs are for faithless unbelievers.

We are never encouraged to seek after a sing to wonder after rather than prophecy God's Holy word the J Holy Spirit is not longer bringing new revelations we have the perfect sealed with 7 seals til the end of time, the last day under the Sun

Jonas the last sign given to the unbelieving world .

Matthew 12:39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Matthew 16:4A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

Mark 8:11And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him.

Mark 8:12And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation

It can be seen when Jesus was approached as sign and wonder seeker, Nicodemus who sought after sign to wonder safter and again and not prophecy the living abiding word. Jesus in regard to the greatest misrule "born again" instructed Nicodemus to marvel not .Maveling and wondering is not believing.

It is the work of Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after, Mankind that seeks after signs they never coming to the end of faith.the salvation of our soul . Believe upon the lord not wondering or marveling (faithless)

In John the sign and wonder seekers made Jesus into a circus seal.In efect saying. . Work some magic, create a miracle then when we see with our own eye of dying mankind , then and only then we will exercice faith Not one twinkling of the eye sooner. . we demand a sign now!

John 4:48Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
Again believer have prophecy till the end of time

I would stay away from the idea of signs to wonder after.
No sign is given to the end

I would offer believers have prophecy signs are for faithless unbelievers.

We are never encouraged to seek after a sing to wonder after rather than prophecy God's Holy word the J Holy Spirit is not longer bringing new revelations we have the perfect sealed with 7 seals til the end of time, the last day under the Sun

Jonas the last sign given to the unbelieving world .

Matthew 12:39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
This was related to the sign that they were asking for. They refused to accept that Jesus was the Messiah, and demanded a sign from Him that He was the Messiah. The sign He gave them? His death and resurrection, shown through Jonah.
Matthew 16:4A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

Mark 8:11And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him.

Mark 8:12And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation

It can be seen when Jesus was approached as sign and wonder seeker, Nicodemus who sought after sign to wonder safter and again and not prophecy the living abiding word. Jesus in regard to the greatest misrule "born again" instructed Nicodemus to marvel not .Maveling and wondering is not believing.

It is the work of Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after, Mankind that seeks after signs they never coming to the end of faith.the salvation of our soul . Believe upon the lord not wondering or marveling (faithless)

In John the sign and wonder seekers made Jesus into a circus seal.In efect saying. . Work some magic, create a miracle then when we see with our own eye of dying mankind , then and only then we will exercice faith Not one twinkling of the eye sooner. . we demand a sign now!

John 4:48Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?
Again believer have prophecy till the end of time

I would stay away from the idea of signs to wonder after.
Matthew 24 are signs to believers, to the disciples. After all, that is whose questions He was answering. The only signs He did not give, that He could not give, was that related to the complete end of anything, for, as Jesus says, only the Father knows. Not the Son. Not the angels in heaven. Which may be why Revelation starts with stating that it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ given by the Father to Jesus Christ. If Jesus already knew (in the way we comprehend/understand) then why did the Father have to give it to the Son? And that He shared by way of angel with His bond servant John. Amd John faithfully recorded all that he saw.
" The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and [a]communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, 2 who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, everything that he saw. "

(I post references because if I screw up, it can be seen in the actual reference.)
A paywall to discussion. Nice. Matthew 24 is not just about those present times as discussed. When the disciples asked about signs of the end, the greek word they used is for the complete end. That is, final judgement day. That obviously has not happened yet as sin is still alive and well in this world, and the world has not yet been judged and destroyed.

Did you notice it was about Mt 24A?
This was related to the sign that they were asking for. They refused to accept that Jesus was the Messiah, and demanded a sign from Him that He was the Messiah. The sign He gave them? His death and resurrection, shown through Jonah.
Yes they that had no faith as power of the Father that could please the Father.They were asking is the Son of man . . . . if you are God prove it create an miracle work some magic. They did not desire to hear of a Holy Father they could not see. It was offensive they followed a law of dead men oral traditions of dying mankind that they called venerable worshipable fathers (legion) The foundation of Catholicism.

John 6:65-65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.

Jesus the Son of man had no power of his own to raise men mankind from the dead or rebuke the spirit of lies. When the unbeliever were made aware those disciples in John 6 walked away faithless without a clue and did not follow

John 4:4Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Shown through Jonah the prophecy fulfilled by the Son of man Jesus as the last sign given to wonder after (when where why?)
believers have prophecy.It a evil generation (no faith as it is written) that seeks after the temporal

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
If you believe that Messiah Jesus was always correct, how do you explain Mark 13:1-2, Matthew 24:1-2, and Luke 21:5-6?

[Mar 13:1-2 LSB] 1 And as He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, "Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!" 2 And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down."

It's very clear that the New Testament Gospel writers record that Jesus predicted total and complete destruction of the 2nd temple complex. It is verified and accepted history that the Roman army beseiged, captured and ultimately destroyed the temple and the city walls in 70 AD.

Yet, we are told by the Jewish religious leaders and archaeologists that a portion of that temple still exists. The Wailing Wall. The western portion of the temple mount. It is considered one of the most holy sites.

Both can not be true. Either Messiah Jesus is a liar or Jewish tradition is believing a lie. Oh, but the inventive minds of Christian scholars provide an answer. They get around this problem by stating that the Wailing Wall is only the retaining wall of the temple - not really part of the temple itself. However, Jesus said "not one stone will be left".

Josephus provides some inconvenient facts in his history. "NOW as soon as the army had no more people to slay or to plunder, because there remained none to be the objects of their fury, (for they would not have spared any, had there remained any other work to be done,) Caesar gave orders that they should now demolish the entire city and temple, but should leave as many of the towers standing as were of the greatest eminency; that is, Phasaelus, and Hippicus, and Mariamne; and so much of the wall as enclosed the city on the west side. This wall was spared, in order to afford a camp for such as were to lie in garrison, as were the towers also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valor had subdued; but for all the rest of the wall, it was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it had ever been inhabited. This was the end which Jerusalem came to by the madness of those that were for innovations; a city otherwise of great magnificence, and of mighty fame among all mankind." War of the Jews, Book VII, Chapter 1

Josephus states the entire city AND temple were demolished. But scholars would have you believe that the army left the foundations intact. Josephus says that part of the city's western wall was spared including 3 truly magnificent towers. This western wall had nothing to do with the temple. But all of the rest of the wall was so thoroughly destroyed no one could even tell anything had ever been there. Anyone can research where the temple was located. It was part of the EASTERN wall of the city. That means, the temple buildings AND the retaining walls and complex would have been thoroughly demolished. Just as Jesus predicted.

But no one has ever discovered where the Roman fort of Antonia was. The fort that was located just north of the temple, on a hill which provided an overview of the temple complex. A fort that was a city within a city. Housing for an entire legion. Why would the Romans destroy their own massive fort? They wouldn't. So what the Jews consider the Wailing Wall and the current temple mount, is actually the location of that Antonia Fortress. They are deluding themselves and believing a lie.

This is an important realization. If any part of the temple still exists, then Jesus' prophecy is not true. Can you accept that?
Christ spoke of the Temple, he said nothing about the wall.
Yes they that had no faith as power of the Father that could please the Father.They were asking is the Son of man . . . . if you are God prove it create an miracle work some magic. They did not desire to hear of a Holy Father they could not see. It was offensive they followed a law of dead men oral traditions of dying mankind that they called venerable worshipable fathers (legion) The foundation of Catholicism.

John 6:65-65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.

Jesus the Son of man had no power of his own to raise men mankind from the dead or rebuke the spirit of lies. When the unbeliever were made aware those disciples in John 6 walked away faithless without a clue and did not follow
Which is why He raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus is God, however, there how He would be presented on Earth was determined. Sent by the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, yet, as we read in scripture, He knew the very hearts of men.
John 4:4Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Shown through Jonah the prophecy fulfilled by the Son of man Jesus as the last sign given to wonder after (when where why?)
believers have prophecy.It a evil generation (no faith as it is written) that seeks after the temporal

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
Even if He showed them a sign, they wouldn't believe. Don't forget the story of Lazarus and the rich man. If the family didn't listen to Moses and the prophets, a miracle would not sway them, even one of someone coming back to life from the dead.
I would offer it was destroyed when Jesus the prophet was given powerful words from the Father it is desolate not will be when a few bricks fall.
I would argue otherwise. I see nothing in that particular exchange with the disciples that is allegorical. At that point in the discussion Jesus is quite literal.

The Bible reader should understand what Matthew is reporting is a narrative that covers a single day in the life of Jesus and his disciples, a narrative that Matthew uses five chapters and part of a sixth to describe. The narrative begins the day after Jesus entered Jerusalem. In a few days he would be dead. Jesus knew this; he knew his death was imminent and as he approached Jerusalem the nature of his parables changed. They changed from being soteriological to being eschatological, form salvation to judgment and wrath.

So it's not possible to wholly grasp what Jesus is saying in two or three sentences in one chapter unless we read and understand the whole narrative and what lead up to that narrative. It also helps to examine the parallel and informing passages in the other gospels, the OT references employed by Jesus and the writer, and the later explanatory passages in the epistolary (such as John 2:13-22.

I rarely see anyone noting the larger contexts when they discuss anything in Matthew 24. It is egregiously common for discussion board Christians to select one or two verses and remove them from their context and makes claims nowhere supported by the text itself, especially when rendered in light of whole scripture. For now, I'll keep it simple.

The first, and most basic rule in exegesis is to read a verse or passage literally (normal usage, ordinary meaning of the words) unless the text itself gives reason to do otherwise. When it comes to the temple, the temple of stone is a temple God never wanted. Yes, God abided the temple and used it to foreshadow the Messiah, but God never asked anyone to build Him a temple of stone and the post-gospel texts plainly tell us God does not live in houses built by human hands (Acts 7:48, 17:24). To understand the history of the stone temple one has to start with 2 Samuel 7 where God said He would build the temple, and the prophets spoke of a temple not built by human hands.

So, yes, there is a very real (and valid) sense in which the temple itself was desolate and had always been so. The entire structure (like the earthly monarchy) was an act of disobedience, wholly sinful, and an enduring snub toward God. This is part of the basis for the eight "woes" of chapter 23.

But..... is Jesus being allegorical when he speaks Matthew 24:2? Is he spiritualizing or should his words be taken figuratively or metaphorically? I don't think so. The disciples are not being metaphorical when they admire the buildings.

Jerusalem sat atop a geographic area of seven hills or mountains (as did Rome). The temple sat above the city walls, and it was clad in gold. It's not clear from scripture if this was both interior and exterior but 1 Kings 6 and 2 Chronicles 3 describe how the interior, even the floor, was covered with gold by Solomon. This was replicated by Herod ancient writers describe how portions of the temple's exterior was covered with "plates of gold," and decorative devices like "vines of gold," adorned the outside. They also describe how the temple shined brightly and travels approaching Jerusalem could not look directly at the temple if the sun was shining at the right angle. It was literally a ball of light coming from Jerusalem to the naked eye. Which is probably why the Romans did not destroy it when the first captured the city. In every other city the captured they either destroyed the temples or usurped them as their own and subjugated them to Caesar. They would normally have scoffed at the Jewish leaders' protests about Gentiles entering the Holy of Holies (and killed the protesters right there) but for some reason ;) that did not happen in Jerusalem. All this also explains how and why the temple was an idol, and idol that violated the Commandment, and had to be destroyed. To this very day there is a large swath in Christendom who still think another temple of stone is God's wish. The have a two-temple theology.

The point being, the disciples were admiring the stone temple, a work of human hands that stood in idolatrous disobedience to God. Jesus, being God, found it insulting and he knew it was coming down. Just the day before he'd found it infested with idolators - the profiteering money changers and collaboratively grifting temple priests and administrators. So he cleaned it out. In the OT Law of Moses an infested house had to be cleaned out and remain uninhabited for seven days. The next day (the Matthew 24 narrative begins at Matthew 23:18) Jesus returned to the temple to find priests and elders there and Matthew recounts how various groups of leaders came to test Jesus. Over and over, again and again until Jesus finally confronts them in chapter 23 and pronounces judgment on them and the house desolate. In the OT Law, when a previously infested house was cleaned out and the infestation returned the house had to be torn down..... never to be inhabited again (see Lev. 14).

Lastly, the term "desolate" has its origins in the creation account in Genesis 1. When God began the beginning the scriptures state the earth was "formless and void." That word for "void," "wabahu" is the root for "desolate." The Hebrew "bohu" means empty. Throughout the OT desolation is described as an abomination to God, so the phrase "abomination of desolation" is not some figure of speech (as many imagine it). It is quite literal. Desolation is abominable to God. The temple had just been declared desolate and the disciples are stupidly admiring it.

The Son man Jesus the prophet apostle has no power to rebuke or raise mankind from the dead. The lord not seen does all the rebuking.
Perhaps I am not correctly understanding that because the grammar is problematic but, as written, that statement is incorrect. Even people who deny Christ's divinity should understand Jesus is the perfect human and as such he possesses all the power and authority Adam had at Genesis 1:27-28. In addition to all the power and authority A&E had in the beginning with the divine mandate to conquer and rule over that which was desolate 😯, Jesus was also the tree of life. Jesus did not become the tree of life just because he came back from the dead. That would be works, not grace. Jesus stated, "I am the resurrection and the life, and he said that long before he was dead. He did not say, "I will become the resurrection," or "I am going to be the resurrection." Jesus made an ontological statement. He is the resurrection and the life before he dies and is raised. On a more elementary level the stories of lazarus and Jairus' daughter contradict the premise he has no power to raise mankind from the dead.
It made the whole wall, the abomination of desolation to no effect . .desolate. It is testified until I will see you no more . The Son of man disappeared before 70 AD .

Mathew 23 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me (dying flesh and blood )henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he. . (Not the Son of man, Jesus ). that cometh in the name of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 2:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

One promised demonstration of the Lamb of God "the Spirit of Christ"..
Irrelevant to Matthew 24:2 and the whole of scripture explains how and why Jesus said what he said with literal meaning. The full force of human history was bearing down on the temple and the disciples as they walked away from that desolate idolatrous abomination that was so glorious to the human eye even the Caesars admired it.

(my apologies for the length)
Which is why He raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus is God, however, there how He would be presented on Earth was determined. Sent by the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, yet, as we read in scripture, He knew the very hearts of men.
Thanks for the reply I would offer the Father alone knows the hearts of all men

1 Kings 8:39 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;)
Even if He showed them a sign, they wouldn't believe. Don't forget the story of Lazarus and the rich man. If the family didn't listen to Moses and the prophets, a miracle would not sway them, even one of someone coming back to life from the dead.
Prophecy show or reveals . we are not to seek after sign before we believe. rather than prophecy . Prophecy for the believer, sign to wonder after a evil generation

No sign weres given .The last Jonah was fulfilled with the Son of man Jesus The three days and nights propmised den monstration of the father and The Son of man .

Signs were given to Moses knowing they would not hear prophecy. saying you will surely die if you do not let God's people go .
the sign of death putting hand in bosom and pulling it out dead .Saying they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.

they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.

Satan the serpent performed a lying wonder . God swallowed it up

Exodus 4: 1-7King James Version And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.

The believers were trusting prophecy of Abraham In four hundred years I will kill those if they do not let you go .signs for unbelievers Prophecy for those who do believe. God

Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
Christ spoke of the Temple, he said nothing about the wall.
Jesus specifically said NO stone would remain on another. Wall. Court. Paving. Column. No stone on top of another. Complete and utter destruction. And Josephus described that exact thing. After the army was done, no one could even tell that any structure had ever been there. The entire temple site was turned into a garbage/human waste dump. The only thing left was the Roman Antonia Fortress - where the garrison lived.
Jesus specifically said NO stone would remain on another. Wall. Court. Paving. Column. No stone on top of another. Complete and utter destruction. And Josephus described that exact thing. After the army was done, no one could even tell that any structure had ever been there. The entire temple site was turned into a garbage/human waste dump. The only thing left was the Roman Antonia Fortress - where the garrison lived.
In regards to the Temple:
Matthew 24:2
“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

Mark 13:2
“Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus. “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

Luke 21:6
“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

There is no mention of the wall.
Randomly claiming symbolism can lead to error on many Blblical issues.
Yes and rightly dividing the parples lead to biblical truth.

We look to the unseen things of God the eternal not to the things of men the temporal.

When Jesus walked out for the last time he declared the abomination that causes desolation void, desolate of its purpose. Not will.be. . is desolate .No signs were given to wonder after

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Jesus specifically said NO stone would remain on another. Wall. Court. Paving. Column. No stone on top of another. Complete and utter destruction. And Josephus described that exact thing. After the army was done, no one could even tell that any structure had ever been there. The entire temple site was turned into a garbage/human waste dump. The only thing left was the Roman Antonia Fortress - where the garrison lived.
And the western wall, that was not a part of the temple. It was a retaining wall. That doesn't count against what Jesus said. Probably the reason Josephus doesn't mention it.