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If the Wailing Wall is the Remains of the Temple Then Jesus Made A False Prophecy

Jesus used the specific aramaic word "kepa" - meaning stone or rock. In idiomatic usage it refers to the foundation stones.
Just info stone "kepa" can be used spiritually too (not that you were saying it couldn't, just a note)
Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock (kepa) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Peter wasn't a literal stone
Even if you want to hold to a physical "no stones on each other", it is an end time event so there is still time for stones to fall and Jesus is not a liar:

Mark 13:7 + "And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?"

Jesus responds to them with end time prophecy, so "these things" (the throwing down of the stones) happens in the end times.
Read, read read. And understand. You say things absolutely false. There was NO wall surrounding anything. The geography of that site meant the temple foundation was built on a retaining wall. Jesus used the specific aramaic word "kepa" - meaning stone or rock. In idiomatic usage it refers to the foundation stones.

k)p noun sg. abs. or construct= k)p N --> kyp N

1 crag Qum, JLAtg, Sam, LJLA. --(a) large rock Com. --(b) bedrock, large ground rock (as a symbol of infertile ground) JLAtg.
2 stone Syr, JBAmb, JBA. --(a) as a substance Hat, Syr, LJLA. --(b) paved road Sam.
3 idiomatic usages . --(a) w. brq, brd : hailstone Syr, JBA. --(b) w. ܦܐܬܐ‏ : cornerstone Syr. --(c) דנורא‏ : meteorite, meteor JBA.

You can NOT properly interpret the Bible using English translations.
Let me guess, you're using a new-age, modern translation translated from the Westcott & Hort Greek translation of 1881. A Greek text that used corrupt Greek manuscripts that not even the Church was using in their fellowships, manuscripts found in Alexandria and a waste basket in a Catholic convent (Sinaiticus/Vaticanus.) No wonder your Greek word is flawed. You know, the work that W&H did reminds me of the Tower of Babel, how God confused the languages in order to eventually scatter the people as He commanded them, NOT to remain together. What W&H did was bring confusion into the Gentile Church with their Greek translation, a translation shot down by John William Burgon and another individual who was among the translation committee who tried to do right but was always outvoted by the rest and told about what happened behind closed doors that was very suspect as to the inner workings of the whole purpose and goals of the committee. I can't recall his name.
Then there are the sons of these two men and their wives. They tell how both men (W&H) were closet Catholics who worshiped Mary. Yes, this can be verified. We have their letters to each other and once you find out some of the things, they wrote to each other I think you'll burn your translation.

No, the word is as follows:

building: [Strong's #3619] (noun, feminine) οἰκοδομή oikodomē feminine (abstract) of a compound of [#3624] (oikos) and the base of [#1430] (doma); architecture, i.e. (concrete) a structure; figurative confirmation.

It's an architecture term.
Translated in the KJV as "building," "edify" "edification" "edifying."

And I got to ask about what you say in the first paragraph, "there was no surrounding anything." If that's true why is there a wall standing in the exact place where the Temple stood? You don't make sense. No, there is enough historical record written that there was a wall surrounding the Temple. It clearly says that Nehemiah went back to Israel and began building the wall which eventually encircled the Second Temple. And there was nothing adorned in the wall. But the buildings themselves. Now, these were adorned as the text says in the gospel passages your quote. Well, none of those structures are standing thus proving what Jesus said is true, "no stone is left upon another."
Stop trying to make the Word of Truth out a liar. True Christians don't do such things.
Well, Jesus answered talking of spiritual bread when the disciples were concerned with physical bread in Matthew 16:6 " And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees". so there's precedent for interpreting Jesus responding spiritually ref. physical items.
Yes, but that is not applicable here. They were talking about the physical buildings, not the wall that encircled the buildings.
Gentile Christians can be so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. The bible is literal. So, interpret it in the way it was written and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Let me guess, you're using a new-age, modern translation translated from the Westcott & Hort Greek translation of 1881. A Greek text that used corrupt Greek manuscripts that not even the Church was using in their fellowships, manuscripts found in Alexandria and a waste basket in a Catholic convent (Sinaiticus/Vaticanus.) No wonder your Greek word is flawed. You know, the work that W&H did reminds me of the Tower of Babel, how God confused the languages in order to eventually scatter the people as He commanded them, NOT to remain together. What W&H did was bring confusion into the Gentile Church with their Greek translation, a translation shot down by John William Burgon and another individual who was among the translation committee who tried to do right but was always outvoted by the rest and told about what happened behind closed doors that was very suspect as to the inner workings of the whole purpose and goals of the committee. I can't recall his name.
Then there are the sons of these two men and their wives. They tell how both men (W&H) were closet Catholics who worshiped Mary. Yes, this can be verified. We have their letters to each other and once you find out some of the things, they wrote to each other I think you'll burn your translation.

No, the word is as follows:

building: [Strong's #3619] (noun, feminine) οἰκοδομή oikodomē feminine (abstract) of a compound of [#3624] (oikos) and the base of [#1430] (doma); architecture, i.e. (concrete) a structure; figurative confirmation.

It's an architecture term.
Translated in the KJV as "building," "edify" "edification" "edifying."

And I got to ask about what you say in the first paragraph, "there was no surrounding anything." If that's true why is there a wall standing in the exact place where the Temple stood? You don't make sense. No, there is enough historical record written that there was a wall surrounding the Temple. It clearly says that Nehemiah went back to Israel and began building the wall which eventually encircled the Second Temple. And there was nothing adorned in the wall. But the buildings themselves. Now, these were adorned as the text says in the gospel passages your quote. Well, none of those structures are standing thus proving what Jesus said is true, "no stone is left upon another."
Stop trying to make the Word of Truth out a liar. True Christians don't do such things.
I quoted the original language of the text. Aramaic. Everything in your opinion is wrong. Every single statement is misunderstanding, wrong thinking, assumption and not according to established history. It's absolutely useless speaking truth to people like this.
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I quoted the original language of the text. Aramaic. Everything in your opinion is wrong. Every single statement is misunderstanding, wrong thinking, assumption and not according to established history. It's absolutely useless speaking truth to people like this.
I have the same sentiment but I am under command of my Lord so I will continue to plant and water and let God give the increase. The thing is that He hardens hearts in order to bring about one of two things: Conversion to Christ, or judgment.
You have to work out your own salvation (if you have it) and pray God open your eyes to HIS TRUTH, not Gentile propaganda.
I have the same sentiment but I am under command of my Lord so I will continue to plant and water and let God give the increase. The thing is that He hardens hearts in order to bring about one of two things: Conversion to Christ, or judgment.
You have to work out your own salvation (if you have it) and pray God open your eyes to HIS TRUTH, not Gentile propaganda.
Your hebrewish idolatry is a very big problem.
My Christianity is moored to its Hebrew roots. And I am very far from idolatry.
As stated before, modern Hebrew roots movement is not according biblical and accurate Judaism. Neither is modern Judaism actually following biblical Judaism. Have to work through the corruptions to get to the truth of the matter.
As stated before, modern Hebrew roots movement is not according biblical and accurate Judaism. Neither is modern Judaism actually following biblical Judaism. Have to work through the corruptions to get to the truth of the matter.
How do you know? You're on the outside looking in. You don't study the writings of the rabbinic teachers of their religion. You're A Gentile who holds to Constantinian teaching, one that has stolen the covenants from Israel and her inheritance and teach that God has "cast away His people." Don't you believe the bible where Saul says, "God forbid!"? You claim to know the bible, but I can see you know nothing that you ought to know. I was also at one time an ignorant adherent to the Constantinian theology of Gentiles, much teaching that has unmoored itself from true Hebraic roots and has become a false Church 1900 years after the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple.
How can you take a Jewish Messiah and separate Him from His Jewish roots and His Hebrew covenants He has existing with Abraham and his seed? You do it because you, too, are ignorant of the fallacies of the Gentile propaganda machine. I can tell you now, that Gentile teaching is unbiblical and heretical when it severs Yeshua from His Hebrew roots to create a new religion that has nothing to do with a salvation that is OF THE JEWS.
You don't go to any synagogue. You don't even gather to worship on the Lord's sabbath that was never changed nor abolished. You need to learn history and Scripture - ALL Scripture, not just the places that the Gentile Church uses to prop up its own theology.
Good luck.
How do you know? You're on the outside looking in. You don't study the writings of the rabbinic teachers of their religion. You're A Gentile who holds to Constantinian teaching, one that has stolen the covenants from Israel and her inheritance and teach that God has "cast away His people." Don't you believe the bible where Saul says, "God forbid!"? You claim to know the bible, but I can see you know nothing that you ought to know. I was also at one time an ignorant adherent to the Constantinian theology of Gentiles, much teaching that has unmoored itself from true Hebraic roots and has become a false Church 1900 years after the destruction of the Second Jewish Temple.
How can you take a Jewish Messiah and separate Him from His Jewish roots and His Hebrew covenants He has existing with Abraham and his seed? You do it because you, too, are ignorant of the fallacies of the Gentile propaganda machine. I can tell you now, that Gentile teaching is unbiblical and heretical when it severs Yeshua from His Hebrew roots to create a new religion that has nothing to do with a salvation that is OF THE JEWS.
You don't go to any synagogue. You don't even gather to worship on the Lord's sabbath that was never changed nor abolished. You need to learn history and Scripture - ALL Scripture, not just the places that the Gentile Church uses to prop up its own theology.
Good luck.
Wow. Such false talking. Such assumption. Go away already.
Yes, please do. It is pointless discussing truth when you can't even get the very basics correct.
Truth? You're infected with a Gentile theology that has separated itself from its Hebrew roots. How can your Christianity be Biblical when it has become UNBiblical?
Your house is built on sand as is every Gentile so-called "Christ"-ian which isn't Christian because you don't FOLLOW Christ.