You are misunderstanding something, for he also said:
"No one knows about that day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mt 24:36)
And that explains your bridge too far.
I'm afraid it doesn't. That was a
present tense statement - true at the time Christ uttered those words. No one
at that present time knew the day nor the hour yet, but that ignorance would not last for long. It would be the same if I said, "No one knows the day nor the hour when the first hurricane of the season will arrive." Well, ignorance of that fact will only last as long as it takes the first hurricane to make landfall. Then it becomes common knowledge.
You are trying to make Christ's statement say that no one would
ever know the day or the hour of Christ's second coming return. And that
no one should even attempt to investigate this information, or it is a sin of some sort. That puts words in Christ's mouth that were never uttered.
The date of Christ's return was going to be based on the appearance of the new moon, which appearance of this sign in the heavens (Matthew 24:30) dictated the schedule for the Israelite Passover, and consequently the day for Pentecost 50 days later. No one knew exactly when that first sighting of the new moon would appear, so
they were to keep watch. Daniel 12:11-12's 1,335th day (which Christ told people to read and understand) gave two events which would occur together in the same season. Counting down 1,335 days from those two events, a resurrection was going to take place in which Daniel would participate as he was promised. That 1,335th day fell on Pentecost day in AD 70. If the believers at that time had been watching the skies for the appearance of the new moon at Passover, they would have recognized that the culmination point 50 days later would coincide with Daniel's 1,335th day at Pentecost day in AD 70.
Why do you think that the Israelites were instructed to worship in the Sabbaths
and the new moons at the eastern gate in the rebuilt temple that Zerubbabel constructed? (Ezekiel 46:1-3) It was because God was highlighting
the location and
the time when Messiah the Prince would return. That gate was shut the six working days and was only to be used for the Prince to enter and leave by that gate (Ezekiel 46:8).
Since that temple has been torn down completely in AD 70, that tells us its intended use was already fulfilled for Christ to return to that location and at that time. That eastern gate didn't need to be preserved after that purpose was fulfilled.
The moon not giving its light, the stars falling from the sky, and the heavenly bodies shaken (Mt 24:29),
Jesus' coming down from heaven (1 Th 4:16), appearing in the sky,
all nations of the earth mourning as they see him on the clouds of the sky (Mt 24:30).
Yours is still a bridge too far.
Zechariah wrote that it would be the Israelite tribes of the earth who would be doing that mourning when they saw Christ return. Not all nations of the earth. The sun being darkened, the moon not giving its light and stars falling from the sky is indicative of Joseph's dream of the sun, moon, and stars representing the family that composed ethnic Israel. This is typical apocalyptic language God used often to portray the destruction of a nation. Daniel 12:7's predicted "shattering the power of the holy people" was portrayed by this symbolism.
And the "powers of the heavens" being shaken (so that they could be removed in that shaking process) was the eradication of the Satanic realm whose utter destruction had been predicted long before then.