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For the very few who may read this post, let it be known that this site is getting rid of me for revealing the Truth of this thread and the thread on Toxic Persons.

The information contained in these threads is a major threat to their dark works in this world and it is unacceptable to them.

They are doing what all sites do when they need to remove a member. They are making false accusations and setting up trumped-up excuses to ban me. This is very common on these discussion forums.

Know for certain that 99% of Christian Discussion Forums are run by non-Christians in a concerted effort to undermine Truth and the sanctity of God's Word. It is very dangerous for them if Christians connect and share their thoughts and Biblical knowledge.

Be fully aware of these things and God bless.
Feel better now?
For certain people have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into indecent behavior and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Jude 1:4.
Talk about an parallel to Calvin's predeterminism on picturesque steriods. I must admit, that trying to at least make the devil the creator of the wicked, is not accusing the Lord as the Creator of evil angels and men only fit for destruction.
Are there people who have been created for the sheer purpose of destruction?
My experience of people preaching the true God as the Creator of children fit for destruction, are usually the ones so fitted. So far, they are verify themselves as sinners that will surely continue sinning on earth unto the grave.

Pro 16:18Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Pro 21:15It is joy to the just to do judgment: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
God of destruction creating his own children for destruction

Not only by their own self-condemnation, but also by their implied accusation that only others are created for destruction, with the underlying pride, that they themselves are always created for the good.

BUT that is not the only way they were created for destruction. These people were also created "to destroy". They were created for the purpose of causing destruction upon the earth.

In my Bible, The only god of destruction loosing his own destroyers upon the earth, is called Apollyon and Abaddon.
that God would never ever do that and still remain a loving and sane God, etc
Not that accusations against God of being 'unloving' in the eyes of unbelievers, is for destroying the destroyers, not creating them.

The Creator would be an unjust Judge to create anything evil, just to 'judge' them as only fit for destruction.

They were generated ... by the devil.
You mean impregnated. Such as the angels of God that sinned with the dauthers of men.

The only problem is that would require the Bible evidence of continually evil giants, with 6 Gathic fingers.

Jesus makes very clear in the New Testament that there are people He has no intention whatsoever of saving and gives the Wheat and Tares teaching to explain this.
True. They are the righteous that need no repentance from their own sinning, because they are righteous in their own eyes.

That includes works only Jews and faith alone Christians.

It's in fact the wicked that Jesus comes to call to repentance. Paul claimed to be a cheif example of how Jesus can save the worst transgressors from all their sins and trespasses.

Jesus also declares very clearly that He chose twelve to be His disciples and only ONE is a devil.
So he says at the end of His ministry on earth, not when choosing 12 disciples to be His very own disiples.

Only Judas betrayed Him, but all 12 forsook Him. And only Judas hung himself rather than repent like Peter and the rest.

This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved.
The statement is true, but by erroneous teaching.

What blows out of the water that any soul is a born child of the devil, is that all souls are created by Christ, who lightens every man and woman now coming into the world.

Men that sin make themselves children of the devil by following his example, but the Bible does not say he is the father of any angel nor man, but only of lies.

The fact that these people exist is the evidence in itself of the reason why this doctrine has been kept so secret
You mean the apostles who wrote Scripture of Christ, suppressed the part about Jesus Christ not being the only Creator and Maker of all things? But the devil is a creator and maker of his own devilish souls too?

But of course, since Christ's will is for all men to repent and be saved by Him, then He doesn't write off any man or woman coming into the world.

and why any who even inquire of it are attacked and silenced.
Paul says to put to silence the foolishness of men, by rebuking them with the truth of Scripture. Heretics are simply to be left alone to themselves and their own works and faith alone.

Some people are just sensitive to the 'macro persecutions' of sound rebuke, or worse yet, being unbelieved.

I've know some sabbath-commanders that cry persecution, when their commanded sabbath is mocked and rejected out of hand.

Your errors are 2:
No person coming into the world is lightened with darkness from the devil, but everyone created in God's image is lightened by Christ.

And Christ is also the only Creator and Maker of souls, which are all His from the beginning.

Ezek 18:4Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Even as the angels created in heaven by Christ, so are the souls of men and women on earth. Only them that sin make themselves children of disobedience and of the devil.

The tares are simply the hearers only, that do not the truth. They are the wayside hearers of the word, that Satan immediately takes away from the heart of them that only agree, but repent not.

They remain in their sins and trespasses among the righteous wheat, with their own faith alone, and not the righteous faith of Jesus, that converts from ungodly sinning to godly living.
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Did God Predestinate some to Hell/Wrath ?

The answer to the question is an absolutely yes ! Many scriptures indicate that, if we receive them honestly. Heres one that teaches it by antithesis 1 Thess 5:9

9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

This statement presupposes that God has appointed some to wrath, that word appointed tithémi also means destined, to decree one to be subject to wrath,

All whom God did not choose in Christ and to obtain Salvation by Him, He destined, appointed, decreed them to wrath. This is a work of God, and as it is written Acts 15:18

18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
The Bible does use those words.

Is God fair and just with each and every individual if he predestined some to hell and others to eternity?

Why does the Bible indicates that God ask every individual to choose life, to choose righteousness. To make a choice?

Why does the Bible indicate that God ask each and every individual to reframe from sin, even demands.

Could it be the Greeks just chose to use a word, that in English means preordained - not fully understanding the Hebrew language?

Could it be it's not actually preordained but because God already knows what the ending is - he knows who will accept him -he knows who will and who will not be redeemed, he knows those are saved, and they have already been ordained in his eyes..... Or judgment has already taken place and the Earth is hell.

Why would God even send the good news to the gentiles (are the gentiles not everyone in existence that is not of Israel) if there is predestination to wrath.

The Bible say that the gospel must be preached to All Nations as a witness then the end will come. Isn't that giving them a chance to choose - predestined to wrath by God one does not have a choice.

I can understand why it's teached in many churches. Some Churches even teach that nobody is actually going to hell and have scriptures that seemingly support that theory.

Well maybe for a brief instant we will know the truth - when he returns because it is written the things of this Earth will not be remembered.
The Bible teaches the truth of reprobation, in that God has created men and hath decreed their everlasting destruction, which are called in scripture vessels of wrath, and vessels to dishonor Rom 9:22

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

The vessels of wrath, in the purpose of God, while they live, are being fitted for destruction. So there's no hope of salvation from this destruction as long as they live, for that would be contrary to Gods purpose for them !
The Bible does use those words.

Is God fair and just with each and every individual if he predestined some to hell and others to eternity?
Where do you get your notions of fair and just?

Fair and Just is, we all are condemned.

Why would you have a problem with God showing mercy to some of his creatures?
Why does the Bible indicates that God ask every individual to choose life, to choose righteousness. To make a choice?
To make it self-evident that nobody has any excuse for being his enemies. They choose it!
Why does the Bible indicate that God ask each and every individual to reframe from sin, even demands.
Among other reasons, such as the above, so that everyone will be able to see that they will not refrain from sin, unless he does it in them.
Could it be the Greeks just chose to use a word, that in English means preordained - not fully understanding the Hebrew language?

Could it be it's not actually preordained but because God already knows what the ending is - he knows who will accept him -he knows who will and who will not be redeemed, he knows those are saved, and they have already been ordained in his eyes..... Or judgment has already taken place and the Earth is hell.
Cut to the chase —you want the eternal well-being of the individual to hinge on the integrity of the individual's freewill choice.
Why would God even send the good news to the gentiles (are the gentiles not everyone in existence that is not of Israel) if there is predestination to wrath.
Wow! You have here gone through the self-determinist's standard reasoning, step-by-step. Nothing new to say?

Get this simple fact through your head: Whatever happens, happens because God created —whatever happens is the result of that creating. And God created specifically, intentionally, so that it happen, with the final purpose that of the beginning of our lives with him in Heaven. This life is about HIM. So when we go through whatever happens, it is the means by which that final purpose is accomplished —not just our 'salvation', but the precise specifics of what the individual in Heaven is like.

Even in your own soteriology, since you would (I expect) agree that God is omnipotent and omniscient, and according to your reasoning, God should just speak the final result into being. So why, in your soteriology, does God bother to take us through all this? Freewill doesn't answer that question. But self-determinism does —self-determinism says that the self earns his favor with God, of his own freewill, and not by God's grace.
The Bible say that the gospel must be preached to All Nations as a witness then the end will come. Isn't that giving them a chance to choose - predestined to wrath by God one does not have a choice.
Of course they choose? Who says otherwise? Whether one is predestined to Heaven or to wrath is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they choose. They do choose, and choose according to their nature —the reprobate chooses, according to his nature, enmity with God, the regenerate chooses according to his [new] nature.
I can understand why it's teached in many churches. Some Churches even teach that nobody is actually going to hell and have scriptures that seemingly support that theory.

Well maybe for a brief instant we will know the truth - when he returns because it is written the things of this Earth will not be remembered.
Your notion of what should be orthodoxy in Christendom is skewed; because your view is so common, and so taken-for-granted as truth, everything else looks skewed. You have been handed counterfeit money and have used it so long, that the real thing looks off. Your counterfeit doctrine is based on the creature's ability to determine their own temporal path and their eternity to hinge on THEIR choice. The truth, though, is that GOD is the one working all this for HIS purposes. HE is the one who made us and not we ourselves. And our choosing is one of the means he uses to accomplish it.

This is all about him and not about us.
The Bible does use those words.

Is God fair and just with each and every individual if he predestined some to hell and others to eternity?
Reformed Theology does not teach "God predestined some to hell." in the sense God arbitrarily decided this guy/gal goes to hell and that guy/gal goes to heaven. That has always been a gross misrepresentation of Augustinian/Calvinist salvation. The correct understanding is that all humans sin and by sinning relegate themselves to hell. God then takes some from among all the ones headed to hell by their own doing and selects them for something other than hell. God is not selecting people from a never-sinning group who are available for "fair" treatment. @makesends is correct when he observes what is "fair," what we ALL deserve is destruction. God meting out the just recompense for sin (death) is what would be fair. Every single human (except Jesus) ever born deserves death. We've all earned that wage.

Yes, there are Reformed theologians and pastors who teach it incorrectly. They can be found to say God predestines some to hell but many of them who say that should be read in the context of what I wrote above. Others, sadly, don't teach in a consistent manner (a manner consistent with their own soteriology) and they end up giving readers the wrong impression. They are also the ones critics of monergism tend to select because if the more orthodox within monergism were used there would be no basis for saying God predestines so for hell.

  • The wages of sin is death.
  • All have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.
  • God has saved the elect. God has not saved all those who had all sinned and were all brought on themselves the wage of death.
  • Jesus paid the wage of death.
  • Paying the wage of death, Jesus redeemed those God gave him. God bought them with that price paid.
  • He chose those He'd save in Christ before the foundation of the world.
  • He chose them/us to be holy (separated for sacred purpose) and blameless (even though none are blameless in and of themselves).
  • Those he chose in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless He predestined to be adopted as sons (and daughters), and He did that predestining according to the kind intention of His will and to the praise of the glory of His grace.
  • In His Son those God chose have redemption and forgiveness of their trespasses, according to the riches of God's grace.
  • God made known the mystery of His will in Christ to those He chose, and God did so according to His kind intention which He purposed in His Son.
  • Those God chose have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to God's purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, the end of which is to the end to be the first to hope in Christ to the praise of God's glory.
  • Those God chose heard the gospel of salvation and believed. That is the stated order. It is not sinners destined for hell heard, then believed, and then were saved. The hearing and believing are predicated on the choosing that occurred before the foundation of the world.
  • Those same sinners who had brought upon themselves the fair wage of death from which God chose to save some were sealed in Jesus with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of their inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory.

That is biblical soteriology.
Where do you get your notions of fair and just?

Fair and Just is, we all are condemned.

Why would you have a problem with God showing mercy to some of his creatures?

To make it self-evident that nobody has any excuse for being his enemies. They choose it!

Among other reasons, such as the above, so that everyone will be able to see that they will not refrain from sin, unless he does it in them.

Cut to the chase —you want the eternal well-being of the individual to hinge on the integrity of the individual's freewill choice.

Wow! You have here gone through the self-determinist's standard reasoning, step-by-step. Nothing new to say?

Get this simple fact through your head: Whatever happens, happens because God created —whatever happens is the result of that creating. And God created specifically, intentionally, so that it happen, with the final purpose that of the beginning of our lives with him in Heaven. This life is about HIM. So when we go through whatever happens, it is the means by which that final purpose is accomplished —not just our 'salvation', but the precise specifics of what the individual in Heaven is like.

Even in your own soteriology, since you would (I expect) agree that God is omnipotent and omniscient, and according to your reasoning, God should just speak the final result into being. So why, in your soteriology, does God bother to take us through all this? Freewill doesn't answer that question. But self-determinism does —self-determinism says that the self earns his favor with God, of his own freewill, and not by God's grace.

Of course they choose? Who says otherwise? Whether one is predestined to Heaven or to wrath is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they choose. They do choose, and choose according to their nature —the reprobate chooses, according to his nature, enmity with God, the regenerate chooses according to his [new] nature.

Your notion of what should be orthodoxy in Christendom is skewed; because your view is so common, and so taken-for-granted as truth, everything else looks skewed. You have been handed counterfeit money and have used it so long, that the real thing looks off. Your counterfeit doctrine is based on the creature's ability to determine their own temporal path and their eternity to hinge on THEIR choice. The truth, though, is that GOD is the one working all this for HIS purposes. HE is the one who made us and not we ourselves. And our choosing is one of the means he uses to accomplish it.

This is all about him and not about us.
I see how you misconstrue scripture. You have taken my statement broke it down bit by bit and not understanding a word I said but put your own flawed interpretation of my words.
My counterfeit doctrine - actually yours - and from all you wrote you are extremely argumentative and uses form of insults. And the Bible teaches don't argue over scripture words, it accomplishes nothing!!!!! I see why there are so many different denominations !!!!! goodbye
I see how you misconstrue scripture. You have taken my statement broke it down bit by bit and not understanding a word I said but put your own flawed interpretation of my words.
My counterfeit doctrine - actually yours - and from all you wrote you are extremely argumentative and uses form of insults. And the Bible teaches don't argue over scripture words, it accomplishes nothing!!!!! I see why there are so many different denominations !!!!! goodbye
No answer then, but self-defense.
You mean impregnated. Such as the angels of God that sinned with the dauthers of men.

The only problem is that would require the Bible evidence of continually evil giants, with 6 Gathic fingers.
Twilight zone, Outer limits .

Having nothing to do with the gospel.

Beware of horny giants with six evil fingers? I don't think so

Believers as sons of God were being unevenly yoked with daughters' of men (unconverted mankind)

2 Corinthians 6:1Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

They continued to be unevenly yoke after the flood .
Are there people who have been created for the sheer purpose of destruction?
Yes! Yes, there are. And this truth actually carries with it a DUAL meaning. Were these people created so that they could be destroyed by God at the end of their physical lives? Yes. BUT that is not the only way they were created for destruction. These people were also created "to destroy". They were created for the purpose of causing destruction upon the earth.

There are countless blogs and videos about how God never created anybody for destruction, and all the various arguments why this cannot possibly be the case; that God would never ever do that and still remain a loving and sane God, etc. The big point that so many of these authors are missing is that, well, ... God didn't create these people.

They were generated ... by the devil. There is ample evidence of this in the Bible beginning with Genesis 3:15 and 6:4 and moving throughout the Bible on into the New Testament. Jesus makes very clear in the New Testament that there are people He has no intention whatsoever of saving and gives the Wheat and Tares teaching to explain this. Jesus also declares very clearly that He chose twelve to be His disciples and only ONE is a devil.
And every single one of them was a sinner who were headed for destruction and would have ended that way had God, in His grace, not intervened on their behalf where they could not.
This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved....
I'm not seeing it, and I am an ardent monergist.
Who planted the Tares according to Matt. 13?
The enemy of the man living in the kingdom who is planting a harvest.
The Tares, and the giants, were not created/generated by God.
"Planted" is not identical to, or synonymous with "created."
If A: God created mankind,

and B: the devil injected his own DNA into mankind resulting in a brand new breed of human,

then C: the devil CREATED/GENERATED a new breed of human that the Bible (Jesus Christ to be exact) calls the "Tares".

Like it or hate it, the Bible plainly teaches it and there's no getting around that. So sorry.
Do please provide the verses stating the devil injected his own DNA into humanity.
The Tares, and the giants, were not created/generated by God.
Well, let's see....

John 1:3
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

1 Corinthians 8:5-6
For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the world has been created by the word of God so that what is seen has not been made out of things that are visible.

Matthew 13:25 CANNOT be made to contradict the many, many verses stating God made everything. The correct way to understand Matthew 13:25 is to know that the enemy took form what was already made and that what was already made had become corrupted by sin. The "tares" were not made by satan or the devil; they were made by God. They were originally made good and sinless but as a consequence of one man's disobedience sin, death, hostility came to all men because all men sin. God makes wheat out of the dead.

The word "sowed," is not synonymous or identical in meaning with "created."

Matthew 13:25
But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.

NOT Matthew 13:25
But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and created tares among the wheat, and went away.

The latter is NOT scripture.
Why are these replies to the op ignored?
Believers as sons of God were being unevenly yoked with daughters' of men (unconverted mankind)

2 Corinthians 6:1Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

They continued to be unevenly yoke after the flood .
I see. The debate about angel sons of God or men. The context leads to the angels that sinned.

If the righteous taking daughters of men to wives, and bearing wicked men of renown, then so today.
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This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved.
"He who sins is a slave to sin."
I see. The debate about angel sons of God or men. The context leads to the angels that sinned.

If the righteous taking daughters of men to wives, and bearing wicked men of renown, then so today.

Nephilim. . .Biblical offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" Believers and unbelievers

men of renown . . ."to make famous;"

Renown . . Used of the enemy and of the believer. David a renown of Israel the little giant of faith (Christ in him) He stood against Goliath the renown the big Giant of the Philistines. One little GPS (Gods position stone) guided right between the eyes and and fell on his face

Isaiah 14:20Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.("to make famous;")

Ezekiel 16:14And thy "renown ("to make famous;")went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:15 But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown,("to make famous;") and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was.
I see. The debate about angel sons of God or men. The context leads to the angels that sinned.

If the righteous taking daughters of men to wives, and bearing wicked men of renown, then so today.
Nephilim. . .Biblical offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" Believers and unbelievers

men of renown . . ."to make famous;"

Renown . . Used of the enemy and of the believer. David a renown of Israel the little giant of faith (Christ in him) He stood against Goliath the renown the big Giant of the Philistines. One little GPS (Gods position stone) guided right between the eyes and and fell on his face

Isaiah 14:20Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.("to make famous;")

Ezekiel 16:14And thy "renown ("to make famous;")went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.

Ezekiel 16:15 But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown,("to make famous;") and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was.
Try these articles...

Who Are The Nephilim?

My apologies for the site's not putting all four on one page. The fourth article answers the question.
Now did God ordain some to destruction because of sin ? The answer is by no means, for God is not subject to the actions of His creatures, but His Purpose is the primary cause that some are ordained to destruction, however He decreed sin to enter to serve His purpose. Sin served Gods purpose as it related to the vessels of mercy and the vessels of wrath ! For all things, to include the actions of His creatures, serve the good pleasure of His will ! Eph 1:5,11

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
Try these articles...

Who Are The Nephilim?

My apologies for the site's not putting all four on one page. The fourth article answers the question.
If they are not natural men and women, but estranged and alien, then they are not the offspring of natural men and women, but that of angels and natural women.

Angels are called sons of God, and the angels that sinned did so with natural daughters of men.

The teaching is that they sought to alienate the bloodline of natural man from the promised seed Christ. Noah and his sons would have been the only natural seed left on earth. The flood was not only to save Noah from the wickedness of the wicked, but also from the alienated blood of an earth full of giant Nephilim.

We know they were all destroyed by the time of Paul, when Scripture declares all nations of earth are of one blood, by Adam through Noah.
He decreed sin to enter to serve His purpose.
God does not tempt any angel nor man to sin, much less command it.

No angel nor man keeps any commandment of God by sinning against Him.