Are there people who have been created for the sheer purpose of destruction?
Yes! Yes, there are.
And this truth actually carries with it a DUAL meaning.
Were these people created so that they could be destroyed by God at the end of their physical lives? Yes.
BUT that is not the only way they were created for destruction. These people were also created "to destroy". They were created for the purpose of
causing destruction upon the earth.
There are countless blogs and videos about how God never created anybody for destruction, and all the various arguments why this cannot possibly be the case; that God would never ever do that and still remain a loving and sane God, etc. The big point that so many of these authors are missing is that, well, ... God didn't create these people.
They were generated ...
by the devil.
There is ample evidence of this in the Bible beginning with Genesis 3:15 and 6:4 and moving throughout the Bible on into the New Testament. Jesus makes very clear in the New Testament that there are people He has no intention whatsoever of saving and gives the Wheat and Tares teaching to explain this.
Jesus also declares very clearly that He chose twelve to be His disciples and only ONE is a devil. This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved.
This scary and fascinating Truth is one of the most unknown and un-preached Truths in the Bible - and for good reason. The fact that these people exist is the evidence in itself of the reason why this doctrine has been kept so secret and why any who even inquire of it are attacked and silenced.