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You still have the devil generating people---and only God generates people (causes them to come into being) and they come into being as descendants of Adam who became a sinner, and as our father, we are sinners also. All of us.

What you are presenting is a form of heresy on man's preexistence in non body form some who belong to the devil and some to God, and they both plant them on the earth. They interpret all the parables concerning wheat and tares in that light. I no longer remember what this heresy calls itself. In the rules section is it suggested that members identify their religious association so that when communicating with one another we know where the other person is coming from. It keeps conversations from running sideways of the participants or being vain arguments and biblical support. Most ignore this. You are saying some very strange things here, so would you please identify by name your religious view.
Subjects can either be supported on not supported biblically. Truth is truth. All truth is God's truth. It matters not what denomination you are. That's an easy way to simply dismiss someone due to your biases. If the subject is true, it doesn't matter what denomination supports it.
Subjects can either be supported on not supported biblically. Truth is truth. All truth is God's truth. It matters not what denomination you are. That's an easy way to simply dismiss someone due to your biases. If the subject is true, it doesn't matter what denomination supports it.
That is not my intention. Things have identifying names. Religious beliefs have identifying names. It tells us their beliefs and how they interpret biblical words, so that all participants in the conversation are aware of them. Words, definitions. labels are necessary for communication. I.E. Christian Science uses all the same words as orthodox Christianity, but they do not mean at all the same things by the use of those words. ANd the subject being presented here is not true, yet they are using the same texts to prove it's truth as the other side considers to refute it. Tell me how such a conversation can possibly progress beyond "he said" "she said."
That is not my intention. Things have identifying names. Religious beliefs have identifying names. It tells us their beliefs and how they interpret biblical words, so that all participants in the conversation are aware of them. Words, definitions. labels are necessary for communication. I.E. Christian Science uses all the same words as orthodox Christianity, but they do not mean at all the same things by the use of those words. ANd the subject being presented here is not true, yet they are using the same texts to prove it's truth as the other side considers to refute it. Tell me how such a conversation can possibly progress beyond "he said" "she said."
And that is why I don't subscribe to, or claim, any specific denomination.

They are nonsensical divisions in the Faith of Christianity.

You are either a Bible-believer or you are a heretic.
You still have the devil generating people---and only God generates people (causes them to come into being) and they come into being as descendants of Adam who became a sinner, and as our father, we are sinners also. All of us.

What you are presenting is a form of heresy on man's preexistence in non body form some who belong to the devil and some to God, and they both plant them on the earth. They interpret all the parables concerning wheat and tares in that light. I no longer remember what this heresy calls itself. In the rules section is it suggested that members identify their religious association so that when communicating with one another we know where the other person is coming from. It keeps conversations from running sideways of the participants or being vain arguments and biblical support. Most ignore this. You are saying some very strange things here, so would you please identify by name your religious view.
According to Matt. 13, who created/generated the Tares?

And I saw that you preach some absolute nonsense about Gen. 6:4 and the sons of Seth poppycock horse pee.

The Tares, and the giants, were not created/generated by God.
According to Matt. 13, who created/generated the Tares?
The tare seed produced the tares. It is a parable and the "punchline" is "Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will----" There is nothing in there about anyone being created. Are you one who believes in our disembodied pre-existence and we get planted on the earth as a testing ground? Make yourself clear where you are coming from.
And I saw that you preach some absolute nonsense about Gen. 6:4 and the sons of Seth poppycock horse pee.
Actual educated and skilled theologians arrived at the possibility as was stated and why and how, that you dismiss as poppycock and horse pee. WHat are your qualifications? How would you actually systematically disprove what was said, with something besides calling it poppycock and horse pee?
The Tares, and the giants, were not created/generated by God.
What is the name of this other creator? If there was another creator that created out of nothing but himself, he would also have to be eternal and self existent, rather than a created being. And if that is the case there is more than one God.
we are sinners also
So many preach this nonsense and it's often made me wonder.

If we're ALLL sinners in this world, what's the difference between Christians and non-Christians?

The Bible thoroughly contradicts this notion, but I'd be interested to hear your explanation. Remember that your answer must align with all of Scripture on the matter.
And that is why I don't subscribe to, or claim, any specific denomination.

They are nonsensical divisions in the Faith of Christianity.

You are either a Bible-believer or you are a heretic.
That is a nonsense position and it is impossible for it to be accurate as well. The way in which you present the Bible, for example, is way different than the way I do. The two are utterly opposed to one another. And all heresies came from Bible believers. To say you do not align yourself to any specific set of doctrines, or even any consistent doctrine, is just another way of saying that you have never read anything, listened to anything, or been influenced by anything, but the Bible. That all your ideas are yours alone and not only that, that they are right.
The tare seed produced the tares. It is a parable and the "punchline" is "Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will----" There is nothing in there about anyone being created. Are you one who believes in our disembodied pre-existence and we get planted on the earth as a testing ground? Make yourself clear where you are coming from.
Nice dodge.

Who planted the Tares according to Matt. 13?
Actual educated and skilled theologians ... WHat are your qualifications?
(Ahem) There are a whole lotta pretty laughable "educated and skilled theologians" out there like, say ... Bart Ehrman?

What is the name of this other creator? If there was another creator that created out of nothing but himself, he would also have to be eternal and self existent, rather than a created being. And if that is the case there is more than one God.
Nobody said all that nonsense.

That is a red-herring you are throwing out that nobody stated.

If A: God created mankind,

and B: the devil injected his own DNA into mankind resulting in a brand new breed of human,

then C: the devil CREATED/GENERATED a new breed of human that the Bible (Jesus Christ to be exact) calls the "Tares".

Like it or hate it, the Bible plainly teaches it and there's no getting around that. So sorry.
That is a nonsense position and it is impossible for it to be accurate as well. The way in which you present the Bible, for example, is way different than the way I do. The two are utterly opposed to one another. And all heresies came from Bible believers. To say you do not align yourself to any specific set of doctrines, or even any consistent doctrine, is just another way of saying that you have never read anything, listened to anything, or been influenced by anything, but the Bible. That all your ideas are yours alone and not only that, that they are right.

You just can't get this right, can you?

They're not MY ideas if they come straight from the Bible.

And I have ALWAYS used Scripture to make my cases here.

You HATE that because you can't claim it's all MY ideas, but it is what it is.

You believe every single denomination is right, which makes ZERO sense, but that's pretty much you in all that you post.
So many preach this nonsense and it's often made me wonder.

If we're ALLL sinners in this world, what's the difference between Christians and non-Christians?

The Bible thoroughly contradicts this notion, but I'd be interested to hear your explanation. Remember that your answer must align with all of Scripture on the matter.
Do you consider yourself to not be a sinner? It seems you have missed the entire gospel message if you have to ask what makes the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian. The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is that the believer has been born again by God (John 3). His natural birth is in Adam. Adam became a sinful being. All his children are therefore sinful beings---beings that sin.

We cannot change this. Only God can, and He did by sending His Son in the likeness of man, (who was not born in Adam but begotten (brought forth)by the Holy Spirit. He is the very Seed of the woman who would crush the serpent's head promised way back in Gen 3. Jesus was God with us in the form of man. He came to live in this fallen world, fulfill all the Law, fulfill perfect righteousness, that He might substitute Himself for us. He suffered the death we deserve for our sin in our place, He suffered the penal code of law breaking that we deserve. He gave Himself as a satisfaction for our debt to God, took sins punishment Himself for all who would believe. He satisfied God's just demand for our sins to meet His justice.

He justified His people before God. Our sins (those who are placed in Christ through faith and by grace)are forgiven because they have been paid for by Christ. And when we are given, by God, faith to believe and trust in the person and work of Jesus, we are justified, reconciled to God. What that means is that through the imputation of our sin to Christ on the cross, Christ's righteousness is imputed to us. In the flesh, while we await the fullness of redemption at HIs second coming, sin no longer has any power to condemn us. Christ has defeated their power over us. But we will still sin. The work of God in us does not end with our initial salvation, but through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He continues to conform us more and more into the image of Christ, for which he created us.
Who planted the Tares according to Matt. 13?
An enemy of the farmer. Stop spiritualizing parables and hear their message.
(Ahem) There are a whole lotta pretty laughable "educated and skilled theologians" out there like, say ... Bart Ehrman?
True, there are many who claim to be be educated and skillful, but that isn't an argument it is a fallacy. ANd if they are laughable they aren't also skilled and educated.
If A: God created mankind,

and B: the devil injected his own DNA into mankind resulting in a brand new breed of human,

then C: the devil CREATED/GENERATED a new breed of human that the Bible (Jesus Christ to be exact) calls the "Tares".

Like it or hate it, the Bible plainly teaches it and there's no getting around that. So sorry.
The Bible teaches no such thing. Itchy ears finds its own theories fascinating is all. You do not even know that the devil has DNA. Or that he injected it into mankind---which is not the same things as creating. ANd funny how Jesus left all of that out of His teaching on the wheat and the tares, and it is found nowhere in any of His teaching or in the writings of the apostles. The devil does not need to inject his dna into humans in order to cause them to be sinners. They already are sinners in their father Adam. ANd every sinner is a child of devil (which is an expression and does not mean he fathered them.) Only those in Christ through faith and by the grace of God are not condemned by that sin. And only because of the substitutionary work that Christ did in His life and on the cross.
Are there people who have been created for the sheer purpose of destruction?

Yes! Yes, there are.

And this truth actually carries with it a DUAL meaning.

Were these people created so that they could be destroyed by God at the end of their physical lives? Yes.

BUT that is not the only way they were created for destruction. These people were also created "to destroy". They were created for the purpose of causing destruction upon the earth.

There are countless blogs and videos about how God never created anybody for destruction, and all the various arguments why this cannot possibly be the case; that God would never ever do that and still remain a loving and sane God, etc. The big point that so many of these authors are missing is that, well, ... God didn't create these people.


They were generated ... by the devil.

There is ample evidence of this in the Bible beginning with Genesis 3:15 and 6:4 and moving throughout the Bible on into the New Testament. Jesus makes very clear in the New Testament that there are people He has no intention whatsoever of saving and gives the Wheat and Tares teaching to explain this.

Jesus also declares very clearly that He chose twelve to be His disciples and only ONE is a devil. This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved.

This scary and fascinating Truth is one of the most unknown and un-preached Truths in the Bible - and for good reason. The fact that these people exist is the evidence in itself of the reason why this doctrine has been kept so secret and why any who even inquire of it are attacked and silenced.
I'm trying to get this picture straight —do these people know which they are? After all, in the NT teachings concerning the false teachers, they appear to INTEND to deceive.
Are there people who have been created for the sheer purpose of destruction?

Yes! Yes, there are.

And this truth actually carries with it a DUAL meaning.

Were these people created so that they could be destroyed by God at the end of their physical lives? Yes.

BUT that is not the only way they were created for destruction. These people were also created "to destroy". They were created for the purpose of causing destruction upon the earth.

There are countless blogs and videos about how God never created anybody for destruction, and all the various arguments why this cannot possibly be the case; that God would never ever do that and still remain a loving and sane God, etc. The big point that so many of these authors are missing is that, well, ... God didn't create these people.


They were generated ... by the devil.

There is ample evidence of this in the Bible beginning with Genesis 3:15 and 6:4 and moving throughout the Bible on into the New Testament. Jesus makes very clear in the New Testament that there are people He has no intention whatsoever of saving and gives the Wheat and Tares teaching to explain this.

Jesus also declares very clearly that He chose twelve to be His disciples and only ONE is a devil. This blows the modern nonsense out of the water that suggests that we are all children of the devil until/unless we are called/saved.

This scary and fascinating Truth is one of the most unknown and un-preached Truths in the Bible - and for good reason. The fact that these people exist is the evidence in itself of the reason why this doctrine has been kept so secret and why any who even inquire of it are attacked and silenced.
"God didn't create these people", you say. You say, "They were generated by the devil." How did they come to exist, then, if they were not created but only generated? What do you mean by "created" and "generated". Sounds like equivocation.
If A: God created mankind,

and B: the devil injected his own DNA into mankind resulting in a brand new breed of human,

then C: the devil CREATED/GENERATED a new breed of human that the Bible (Jesus Christ to be exact) calls the "Tares".

Like it or hate it, the Bible plainly teaches it and there's no getting around that. So sorry.
Do please provide the verses stating the devil injected his own DNA into humanity.
The Tares, and the giants, were not created/generated by God.
Well, let's see....

John 1:3
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being.

1 Corinthians 8:5-6
For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

Hebrews 11:3
By faith we understand that the world has been created by the word of God so that what is seen has not been made out of things that are visible.

Matthew 13:25 CANNOT be made to contradict the many, many verses stating God made everything. The correct way to understand Matthew 13:25 is to know that the enemy took form what was already made and that what was already made had become corrupted by sin. The "tares" were not made by satan or the devil; they were made by God. They were originally made good and sinless but as a consequence of one man's disobedience sin, death, hostility came to all men because all men sin. God makes wheat out of the dead.

The word "sowed," is not synonymous or identical in meaning with "created."

Matthew 13:25
But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.

NOT Matthew 13:25
But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and created tares among the wheat, and went away.

The latter is NOT scripture.
An enemy of the farmer. Stop spiritualizing parables and hear their message.

True, there are many who claim to be be educated and skillful, but that isn't an argument it is a fallacy. ANd if they are laughable they aren't also skilled and educated.

Now that is laughable poppycock and horse pee. The Bible teaches no such thing. Itchy ears finds its own theories fascinating is all. You do not even know that the devil has DNA. Or that he injected it into mankind---which is not the same things as creating. ANd funny how Jesus left all of that out of His teaching on the wheat and the tares, and it is found nowhere in any of His teaching or in the writings of the apostles. The devil does not need to inject his dna into humans in order to cause them to be sinners. They already are sinners in their father Adam. ANd every sinner is a child of devil (which is an expression and does not mean he fathered them.) Only those in Christ through faith and by the grace of God are not condemned by that sin. And only because of the substitutionary work that Christ did in His life and on the cross.

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I can't say that I agree with some people are created for destruction.
Has God appointed any men to wrath, yet you disagree?

“A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”;
for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this they were also appointed.
1 Peter 2:8.
God practically begs people to repent to choose him to live the way he asked to love each other to accept his gift of salvation by obedience.
Nowhere does God beg anyone to repent and believe. If you believe otherwise, please show the scripture.
In the scriptures of the Bible isn't just for certain people it's for everybody who wants to accept it.
Where does it say this?

I see scripture being for believers.
People who will suffer destruction suffers destruction out of their own choosing _ they chose disbelief, they chose unrighteousness, they chose their way instead of God's way.
Well of course they do, God forces no one to deny Him.
Judas chose - Jesus can call him a devil because Jesus already knew what Judas would do and Judas did the works of the devil.
Judas was created for that purpose
A different view would be the devil contaminated people in the beginning possibly with his own seed. Some theologians have taught Eve was holy seduced and Cain was a product of her and the devil, that is why it was so easy for him to slay his brother able who was of Adam. And they were twins conceived at the same time yet having two different fathers and yes that is possible.

One of the few views
He could have used a form of artificial insemination if that happened.
There are many who teach things that give the devil the power of a god. But he is God's devil, he does what God allows, nothing more.