Agra Man
Ok so this right here I need to be serious with you about. I honestly have been trying to come back online I struggle with many health issues that often make life very hard for me even just having energy to go places so I get sick a lot and I have a damahged immune system.Years ago, I got Saved on a Sunday; I took the Leap of Faith in Christ as my Lord and Savior. But in a few weeks, I was laying in my bed thinking; "Since God Judged me as Righteous; everyone else that judges me is just a Critic"...
That's when I felt like a New Creature; and I changed. Later, I would ask questions like, Was I Saved when I first Believed, but was Born Again much later?
Now, I think I first Believed and became a New Creation at the same time; a little later. I don't think people can be Born Again twice. Jesus said you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you are Born of Water and the Spirit. Therefore, being Born Again twice would be entering the Kingdom of God twice. We enter the Kingdom of God through Faith Alone; John 5:24. The Epistle of Hebrews teaches we cannot be Saved twice; and I say re-entering the Kingdom of God, is being Saved twice...
But I feel horrible and don't want anyone to think I am avoiding or something I am just trying my best to get better.
But what you have written here I am wondering after I re read it several times and really take it in if you would be willing to talk about this more via pm I haven't found anyone who even remotely relates and this is new territory for me I am basically entering into the unknown with him and he takes you out of your comefort zone you see everything differently suddenly and yet you know your still blind he wants to take you deeper at least that is how it always seems
But this is I suppose you could say and I say this with all humility as I possibly can a level with him that very few have known the things he has shown me are things that I cannot speak to most and I am basically winging it with him in this journey you literally lern to trust him more and more because quite frankly your going to neeed it.
I mean for me at least he made me go against the flow if you will going about him salvation faith us him the bible everything what the real truth is I actually refused to budge from my knees until he said yes.
I always keep saying how it confused me that the word of God is so divided and seperated and it is supposed to bring life to us but all we see is division all the mess we call denominations doctrines but not what God calls doctrine it seems more like what we would call doctrine
Well basically everything written in scripture alll the promises he gives all the things he says about us about him about the truth about the kingdom none of this felt like that.
So he kind of made me go about it a different way but it doesn't even fit into the Christian standard or flow and very few know what I am talking about but those who he I have personally seen him change from death to life spiritually that is
However I honestly need help in this as I said I am just winging it right now with him but if there was someone who knew this stuff even to a small degree being able to discuss it would greatly help me learn