It has nothing to do with my being or not being a staff member.
.....and you two are adding to the problem to be solved!
What is the subject of this op? The title says we're supposed to be discussing the answer to the question, "
Why did God plan for the fall of man?"
Because if the subject of this thread is not who has been more especially endowed with insight from God and who's better than others then maybe we could all get back on topic.
Which of these comments (or questions) is op-relevant?
- Young earth creationists will not be able to follow what I have to say unless they are willing to drop their bias.
- There you go... Shut closed and slammed tight.
- Are you ready for possible answers, or wanting to shoot everything down?
- Is that how you test things? Or, to keep anything you do not understand, out?
- Do you have the needed knowledge with understanding of doctrine if I do? My vote is that you don't.
- And seem to have a surplus of shot gun shells laying a round that you have nothing better to do with.
- You do not give me the impression that would I want to dialogue with you unless the sheriff is in the crowd.
- Then you know better than to make this discussion about you OR me (or any poster). I could be the most knowledgeable person in the entire history of humanity and my questions still be valid, veracious, and warrant op-relevant answers. I could, alternatively, be the person most ignorant on this topic who has ever lived, and these comments and inquiries would still be valid, veracious, and warrant topical responses.
- If some would calm down here...
- I think I found what was confusing you. You must be confusing __________________________
- Now if you cannot see this? Fine. Others will see it.
- You ask for chapter and verse to spell it out for you? So you do not have to think and figure out what is needed? Here is the problem. I can not solve it for you. You can only solve it by gaining more and more knowledge for yourself before all else.
- I can recommend a good teacher that can teach you more knowledge than you would know what to do with unless that knowledge is needed for an answer to a problem. But? Do you want it? Its free for the asking. That is God's way of raising up a genuine teacher.
- The holes you speak of may simply be truths you have not yet learned to be able to be thinking with.
- It takes gaining more and more knowledge of God's Word. Gained for the love of learning God's Word.
- We need to overcome our deficiency preventing insight by gaining more and more knowledge.
- You are asking the wrong god. You want God with a big "G". It's a common mistake.
- Why are you afraid to let me talk?
- The better question is why are you afraid to talk about the op and keep every word you post about the op?
- The very thing that gets me into trouble with some who want what was discerned by insight to have its own chapter to show the insight. Then the term "speculation" is bantered about and the insight is lost to the one who needed to consider.
- Do you have insight as to why she added to the command? There is a reason for me asking that. For I believe its been the major area of why somethings I say causes the negative reaction I have been getting.
- You did not like what I said. Understood.
- You are just not following.
- You got to get yourself out of that box of only speak about "God."
Which one's were necessary to prove the op (or any alternative)? How many are not ad hominem in nature (blatant, implied, or insinuated)?
Those are from just the first five pages. A couple of them are mine

. I could max out two, maybe three more posts with more. There are at least two occasions where the thread got off track for more than an entire page before this current occasion. Lest anyone get the wrong impression, I'm not judging anyone; I'm making some objective observations and asking you to consider them for yourselves because comments like, "
Funny how I was reading it as is with His help, while you guys were going off to commentaries and education of others for reading His words," and "
Hey! God wrote the Bible to ONLY YOU! Humble you," do not help anyone prove their position. It is well within my "
lane" to observe what all can see. Anyone who doesn't like it can comment according or ignore it but only one of those two options will help get the thread back on topic.
But maybe I misunderstand. If this is what everyone wants, then just say so because I can post non sequitur and fallacy ad nauseam and take this thread far afield

. In fact, if this sort of nonsense is going to be allowed by all then maybe I'll do something like this in all the threads. Just let me know.