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Where was the Sabbath Abolished?

That ignores the fact that the Old Covenant commands (all of them) have been abrogated.
You dodged Hebrews 8:13.
Try again.
No, silly.

The Old Covenant involved animal sacrifices. Everything to do with that was done away with, just as Heb. 9:10 makes plain. Jesus was the Reformation spoken of in that verse.

Explain why Jesus spent His ministry teaching things that He didn't expect anybody to follow in Christianity.

Christian means follower of Christ. 1 Jn. 2:6 declares that if we profess to belong to Jesus, we are to walk and live as He did. He taught and followed the 10 Commandments and He also said that those who do that are "greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matt. 5:19

He ALSO said that if our righteousness does not exceed that of the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees, we would "in no way enter into the Kingdom."
Matt. 5:20

Isn't it interesting that those particular people actually taught the 10 Commandments, but didn't obey them?

That means that ALL those today who teach that the Commandments have been done away with will "in no way enter into the Kingdom."

Are you preaching that we can now murder, rob, rape, fornicate, worship demons, etc., etc.?

I don't think you're saying that - I think you just truly don't know enough about what you are saying.
All before the beginning of the NT Church (cf. Acts 2:4).
The Apostles Paul and Barnabas preached only on the Sabbath in the cities they traveled to. This was after that time and if they were to teach Sunday worship, they would have preached on that day. They did not.

Also in Acts 21:24 Paul is declared to be a "keeper of the Law" because he was one.

So, to clarify your position, when were the 10 Commandments "abrogated"? At the Cross, when the Bible states they were, or when the NT church began in Acts 2:4?
There are many examples of it being observed in the NT by Jesus and the Apostles.
Jesus was born, lived, preached and died under the Old Covenant.
Early church history shows Christians assembling on Sunday and breaking the bread of the Lord's Supper in those assemblies.
Don't forget Christ's followers observed it after His death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56.
Not after his resurrection.
Pretty significant.

In light of that, I don't see how any professed Christian today can believe we are to disregard it.
The NC law is the law of Christ. We are not under condemnation of any law.
We have the fulfillment of the law living in us, our subordination is to him, he is our Sabbath rest in God from our works to save (Heb 3:7-4:11),
and the Spirit has inspired the written word to reflect the living Word (Jn 1:1, 14) in a way that protects our direct close communion with God himself while conforming us to his likeness.
No, silly.

The Old Covenant involved animal sacrifices.

I'll go by how the Greek word is properly defined. You can play make believe all you want.

Furthermore, less than 5 passages after Hebrews 8:13 mention is made of "the tables of the covenant"(Hebrews 9:4) which demonstrates this was also included at to what has been abrogated.

Explain why Jesus spent His ministry teaching things that He didn't expect anybody to follow in Christianity.

See John 16:13.

Christian means follower of Christ. 1 Jn. 2:6 declares that if we profess to belong to Jesus, we are to walk and live as He did. He taught and followed the 10 Commandments and He also said that those who do that are "greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."

He would have also taught obedience in sacrificing animals (cf. Matthew 23:3).
Are you preaching that we can now murder, rob, rape, fornicate, worship demons, etc., etc.?

All forbidden in the New Covenant.

The Apostles Paul and Barnabas preached only on the Sabbath in the cities they traveled to.

Because that is when the Jews gathered together.

Also in Acts 21:24 Paul is declared to be a "keeper of the Law" because he was one.
Did Paul continue to believe the sacrifice of animals was sufficient at this time?
Jesus was born, lived, preached and died under the Old Covenant.
What you're implying makes His entire ministry moot. I don't buy it and neither does any diligent student of the Bible.
Early church history shows Christians assembling on Sunday and breaking the bread of the Lord's Supper in those assemblies.
Yeah, you're talking about that same tired ol' passage that's been debunked ad nauseum and the Apostles going house to house having common meals.

It was no Biblical declaration of the day of worship being changed by God or the Bible.
Not after his resurrection.
"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His Commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in Truth and uprightness."
Psalms 111:7-8

"My covenant will I not break nor alter (forever) the thing that has gone out of My lips."
Psalms 89:34

Clarify exactly when the 10 Commandments were repealed, please.

At the Cross or at some later time of your choosing?
The NC law is the law of Christ. We are not under condemnation of any law.
The 10 Commandments are the Law of Christ.

Nothing that Christ did contradicted the Father and Christ obeyed all the 10.
Jn. 15:10
Taught them.
Matt. 23:1-3
Matt. 5:19-20

They were HIS Commandments, He created them.
Jn. 1:1, 3, 14

And Moses gave them to EVERYBODY on earth, NOT just the Israelites.
Deut. 29:11, 14-15
He would have also taught obedience in sacrificing animals (cf. Matthew 23:3).
No, because He was teaching "the Way" for life after His Crucifixion - which He knew would be the final sacrifice.
Because that is when the Jews gathered together.
I addressed that obvious response when I said they'd have preached on Sundays if that was part of their teaching.

They did not.
Did Paul continue to believe the sacrifice of animals was sufficient at this time?
Did Jesus ever teach anything about sacrifices being necessary?
No, because He was teaching "the Way" for life after His Crucifixion - which He knew would be the final sacrifice.

He told those in Matthew 23 to do what the Pharisees said to do.

One of the things they would have said to do is to sacrifice animals.

Matthew 23:1-3
1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to His disciples,
2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:
3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
I addressed that obvious response when I said they'd have preached on Sundays if that was part of their teaching.

They did (Acts 20:7)

They met on the Sabbath because that is when many Jews gathered, so they had a large audience to preach the gospel to.

They did not.

Did Jesus ever teach anything about sacrifices being necessary?
Yes. Matthew 23:2-3.
He told those in Matthew 23 to do what the Pharisees said to do.

One of the things they would have said to do is to sacrifice animals.

Matthew 23:1-3
1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to His disciples,
2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:
3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.
Sorry, but you're completely mistaken there.

He said do as the say, not as they do.

As they were known hypocrites, they taught the 10 Commandments, just as Jesus did, but they didn't keep them.

That point of argument is null and void.
And Moses gave them to EVERYBODY on earth, NOT just the Israelites.
Deut. 29:11, 14-15

That was for the future generations of the Israelites under the Old Covenant, and/or for those Israelites not there due to illness, etc.
That was for the future generations of the Israelites under the Old Covenant, and/or for those Israelites not there due to illness, etc.
That's preposterous.

The Mt. Sinai event was possibly the most dramatic event to witness in all of history. Nobody stayed home sick.


And verse 11 and 14 declares that there were "strangers" present that Moses specifically declared were included in the Covenant.
That's preposterous.

The Mt. Sinai event was possible the most dramatic event to witness in all of history. Nobody stayed home sick.

No proof for this.


And verse 11 and 14 declares that there were "strangers" present that Moses specifically declared were included in the Covenant.

That's them, not me.
No proof for this.

That's them, not me.
You're posting quotes of my posts a little too fast there, Fred.

You don't want things to become too obvious now.

Pretend a little harder to be legit now. Ok?

Take a little more time to respond or somebody might figure out what's actually going on here.
You're posting quotes of my posts a little too fast there, Fred.

You don't want things to become too obvious now.

Pretend a little harder to be legit now. Ok?

Take a little more time to respond or somebody might figure out what's actually going on here.

Your false teaching is just so easy to refute.

Go ahead and explain why 9 of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Covenant, but the 7th day Sabbath Old Covenant command is not repeated.
Sorry, but you're completely mistaken there.

He said do as the say, not as they do.

Sorry, you are completely dodging the point here.

Matthew 23:3
All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do

They are to observe what the Pharisees say!
What you're implying makes His entire ministry moot. I don't buy it and neither does any diligent student of the Bible.
And you know that I am implying what? how?
Yeah, you're talking about that same tired ol' passage that's been debunked ad nauseum and the Apostles going house to house having common meals.
It is indeed regrettable that you find the word of God in Ac 20:7 a "tired ol' passage," for I find all of his word to be a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet.
It was no Biblical declaration of the day of worship being changed by God or the Bible.
Just as it was no Biblical declaration of the "Trinity" in Mt 28:19.
"The works of His hands are verity and judgment; all His Commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever,
They stand forever and ever in the law of Christ, where we have fulfillment of the law living in us, and our submission is to him.
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They stand forever and ever in the law of Christ, where we have fulfillment of the law living in us, and our submission is to him.
I missed where Christ taught that.

Please share that passage.
And you know that I am implying what? how?
You're very clearly implying that Christ's entire ministry became obsolete upon His death.

That significantly contradicts the Bible.