Red, I believe you and I discussed this before on GCF in a post titled "Is Satan bound today?". Satan was not bound at Christ's resurrection-day ascension. He was loosed on earth at that time after he was cast out of heaven, which is why we have the repeated warnings about Satan's and others' deception being rampant in those first-century days (the whole "Devil walketh about as a roaring lion" thing that was going on back then). John duplicated that timely warning for the first-century believers with his Revelation 12:12 "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the Devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time".
That "short time" and "little season" of Satan's ramped-up deception of the nations was then in progress in John's days, but it would not last for much longer. It would be less than 40 years, which scripture considers to be a "LONG season".
I'm sure we have~after all, I have made several thousands of posts over the years, and it is impossible to remember even a small amount of them. Guess what? You are
still dead wrong, and I will
once again, address most of your points~even though you keep your identity hidden from me, for
some unknown reason~it's truly
strange that you do so, since we once worship together back in the eighties. But, I'm pretty sure I know, even though you deny it~it's kinda dishonest on your part for doing so. But, be as it may be, I'll move forward.
Scripture tells us that every single unclean spirit was going to be imprisoned in Jerusalem in Revelation 18:2.
I got to start somewhere so, why not here with your first point. It is not going to be short, so be patience, because I'm not going to leave any stone unturned if I can help it, and God being my helper. I'm sure he will, once we commit ourselves to defend His truth. Let's look at Revelation 18:2.
So, you believe Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem in the middle east and that it became the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and cage of every unclean and hateful bird
~how precious, that you in your corrupt interpretation of God's word, have you given
a free pass to the rest of the world to walk away free of such evil and wicked spirits!
3 Resurrections, if one starts out wrong, then it is impossible for that person to end up with the correct interpretation of the truth, error will be compounded upon error.
The word of God will clearly give us the biblical meaning of Babylon, as it is used by the prophets, from David to Isaiah to Revelation, where we see
the destruction of Mystery Babylon which is
still a hidden mystery to you, and to most people living in Babylon as used by the holy prophets of God. Bear with me once more as we cover this important subject. This is taken from an outline I did a few years back, ( about 17 years to be exact ) just before I left the COG for good.
The word Babylon is in our Bibles many times, but the number is not important, knowing how many times it is there, does not shed any light on why it is there and what it means. We want to know: What does
MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT mean according to God's definition? God's word is its OWN dictionary. We MUST stay in the word of God and
allow the scriptures to define their own use of words and they will. The Bible WILL interpret its own scriptures by carefully comparing them with each other and allowing them to
FIT TOGETHER with each other.
One has well said, the Bible is a "spiritual puzzle”. The spiritual workman must labor to make the scriptures interpret each other, so one can see the truth on the subject he/she is studying.
Many are like one of my grandsons. When Luke was very young (he's now at Clemson) he was putting a puzzle together that I had gotten for him. He was doing fine, until he came across one that he could not make fit where he wanted to put it; so he stood upon his feet and lifted up his leg into the air, and came down with all of his might, and slammed the piece into the place his little mind thought it went. I said, Luke, that is not the way you do a puzzle. But many do the scriptures the same way. If it does not fit, they still force verses into their doctrine that do not fit and
will never fit. A trained spiritual eye can see it so easily. For a man to have truth on any given doctrine, all verses pro and con must work together,
not against each other.
We must avoid denominationalism, men's opinions, favors, the pressure of exclusion, praises of men, and other things that would hinder us from faithfully standing for the truth. No one loves standing alone among the multitudes and standing alone just to have claims of doing it. But, we must be faithful with what God has given to us and trust Him for His purpose with our life. This one thing we do know, you will never have the multitudes on the side of TRUTH, NEVER! Matthew 7:13-14
We sing the song, Babylon is fallen from Revelation 14:8 and other places in the OT.
"Hail! the day so long expected, hail! the year of full release; Zion's wall are now erected; And her watchmen publish peace. Thru our Shiloh's wide dominion, hear the trumpet loudly roar Babylon is fallen, is fallen, is fallen, Babylon is fallen to rise no more.
All her merchants stand with wonder, What is this that comes to pass? Murm'ring like the distance thunder, Crying, O alas, alas! Swell the sound, ye kings and nobles, Priest and people, rich and poor. Babylon is fallen, is fallen, is fallen, Babylon is fallen to rise no more.
Blow the trumpet in Mount Zion! Christ shall come the second time; Ruling with a rod of iron, All who now as foes combine. Babel's garments we've rejected, and our fellowship is o'er. Babylon is fallen, is fallen, is fallen, Babylon is fallen to rise no more."
THIS IS A GREAT SONG! But, who really understands WHAT they are singing? "Thru our Shiloh's WIDE DOMINION,".........CANNOT be said to be true, UNTIL, Babylon is TRULY FALLEN. When Babylon falls to RISE NO MORE, then our Shiloh's dominion will be over ALL the earth, over every person. The knowledge of the LORD shall cover the earth, as the sea does now.
The Apostle Paul said: ".....I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the UNDERSTANDING also." 1st Corinthians 14:15 We must understand WHAT we are singing WHEN we sing songs unto our God. Also, are we not teaching one another when we are singing? Yes, we are.
Colossians 3:16 ~"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; TEACHING and admonishing ONE ANOTHER in psalms and HYMNS and SPIRITUAL SONGS, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
Yes, we are singing to the Lord at the same time. We must labor to sing with understanding to our Lord. May this thread on Mystery Babylon help God's children to do just that. That is: have a Biblical understanding of Mystery, Babylon the great. May the Lord of heaven and earth, use it for the good of his people.
More to come....