Which does not altar the Greek meaning of dikaiosis (justification), and is the authority for the NT meaning of "justification."
Not according to authoritative NT apostolic teaching.
In Ro 4:2-3, imputed righteousness is justification (Gr: dikaiosis), which in the Greek is a declaration of "not guilty," a sentence of acquittal, a finding of right standing with the Court (justice)--penalty paid, time served, no debt owing to the law.
It is a forensic righteousness, not an actual righteousness as in sanctification (Ro 6:16, 19).
It is the result of Christ's atonement for our sin, which saves us from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on our sin by faith, wherein Christ's righteousness is credited (imputed, applied) to us by that faith, making us adopted sons of God.
But it is not an internal righteousness, only an external righteousness, giving us the position of sons of God.
Internal righteousness is the result of obedience in the Holy Spirit, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).
Your understanding is not in accord with the Greek of the NT.