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What is : Imputed Righteousness

  • Thread starter Thread starter Behold
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In Ro 4:2-3, imputed righteousness is justification (dikaiosis), which is a declaration of "not guilty," a sentence of acquittal, a finding of right standing with the Court (justice)--penalty paid, time served, no debt owing to the law.
It is a forensic righteousness, not an actual righteousness as in sanctification (Ro 6:16, 19).

It is the result of Christ's atonement for our sin, which saves us from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on our sin by faith, wherein Christ's righteousness is credited (imputed) to us by that faith, making us adopted sons of God.
But it is not an internal righteousness, only an external righteousness, giving us the position of sons of God.
Internal righteousness is the result of obedience in the Holy Spirit, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).
Do you have an academic education in theology?
Do you have an academic education in theology?

Seminary Trained.
Have been an "officer in the Church"
"called" Evangelist w/Teaching gift.
Can handle "Pastor" but im not called to be that one.
Music Minister, if need be, of course.
Skilled in manuscript evidence.
I am a Bible Believer.
Minstrel gift (5 CDs) (Professional Musician)
Live on both sides of the world, tho not at the same time.
Have worked in "Christian Radio"
Professional Photographer
Have worked in 'Health Care"
Have worked as an "Industrial Draftsman"

And, i love Ice Cream, and old B/W movies from the '30s - 50's.
I have a ridiculous collection of "Vinyl records" and "Cds", and very expensive Headphones and Hand made Guitars.
Love to study...love to learn.... always learning.

Favorite color is Glossy Black.
My Wife is a Messianic Jew

That is some of my Resume`

Do i get the Job ??
Seminary Trained.
Have been an "officer in the Church"
"called" Evangelist w/Teaching gift.
Can handle "Pastor" but im not called to be that one.
Music Minister, if need be, of course.
Skilled in manuscript evidence.
I am a Bible Believer.
Minstrel gift (5 CDs) (Professional Musician)
Live on both sides of the world, tho not at the same time.
Have worked in "Christian Radio"
Professional Photographer
Have worked in 'Health Care"
Have worked as an "Industrial Draftsman"

And, i love Ice Cream, and old B/W movies from the '30s - 50's.
I have a ridiculous collection of "Vinyl records" and "Cds", and very expensive Headphones and Hand made Guitars.
Love to study...love to learn.... always learning.

Favorite color is Glossy Black.
My Wife is a Messianic Jew

That is some of my Resume`

Do i get the Job ??
Which seminary ?
The born again are made righteous, having become "the righteousness of God in Christ.
Which does not alter the Greek meaning of dikaiosis (justification), and is the authority for the NT meaning of "justification."
So, we exist as "one with God".
We have eternal life.
That is finished.

We understand that Jesus is Salvation and not what we do..., later, after we are born again.
Not according to authoritative NT apostolic teaching.

In Ro 4:2-3, imputed righteousness is justification (Gr: dikaiosis), which in the Greek is a declaration of "not guilty," a sentence of acquittal, a finding of right standing with the Court (justice)--penalty paid, time served, no debt owing to the law.
It is a forensic righteousness, not an actual righteousness as in sanctification (Ro 6:16, 19).

It is the result of Christ's atonement for our sin, which saves us from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on our sin by faith, wherein Christ's righteousness is credited (imputed, applied) to us by that faith, making us adopted sons of God.
But it is not an internal righteousness, only an external righteousness, giving us the position of sons of God.
Internal righteousness is the result of obedience in the Holy Spirit, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).

Your understanding is not in accord with the Greek of the NT.
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Seminary Trained.
Have been an "officer in the Church"
"called" Evangelist w/Teaching gift.
Can handle "Pastor" but im not called to be that one.
Music Minister, if need be, of course.
Skilled in manuscript evidence.
I am a Bible Believer.
Minstrel gift (5 CDs) (Professional Musician)
Live on both sides of the world, tho not at the same time.
Have worked in "Christian Radio"
Professional Photographer
Have worked in 'Health Care"
Have worked as an "Industrial Draftsman"

And, i love Ice Cream, and old B/W movies from the '30s - 50's.
I have a ridiculous collection of "Vinyl records" and "Cds", and very expensive Headphones and Hand made Guitars.
Love to study...love to learn.... always learning.

Favorite color is Glossy Black.
My Wife is a Messianic Jew

That is some of my Resume`

Do i get the Job ??
I don't know if you saw or not, but I quoted Eleanor and asked her.

No problem though.
Do you have an academic education in theology?
I'm thinking that is not a good measure/standard.
Is not Scripture, rather than the academy, the judge of all truth?
I'm thinking that demonstration from Scripture is what matters, no matter how much academic education in theology one has.
There are many academically educated in theology, who are not in agreement with Scripture.
So all I measure by is agreement with Scripture.
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I'm thinking that is not a good measure/standard.
Is not Scripture, rather than the academy, the judge of all truth?
I'm thinking that demonstration from Scripture is what matters, no matter how much academic education in theology one has.
There are many academically educated in theology, who are not in agreement with Scripture.
So all I measure by is agreement with Scripture.
I was only asking because your writing is very good and systematic. It sounds like you would be a good author of books.
I was only asking because your writing is very good and systematic. It sounds like you would be a good author of books.
You are kind, but would there be anything to write on which has not already been more than adequately covered in books?
You are kind.

I'm not sure any editor would want to take on my writing.
Being kind is supposed to be one of the fruits of the spirit. CHECK (Tick) :D

I'm sure there are plenty of editors that would take it on. It's a charm to read as it is. But I don't want to sound like I am flattering you. I guess maybe I'm drawn to posts that resonate with my own view of things. And I wish I had the ability to remember all the theological terms and write them down like that.
Being kind is supposed to be one of the fruits of the spirit. CHECK (Tick) :D

I'm sure there are plenty of editors that would take it on. It's a charm to read as it is. But I don't want to sound like I am flattering you. I guess maybe I'm drawn to posts that resonate with my own view of things. And I wish I had the ability to remember all the theological terms and write them down like that.
Thanks so much, that is encouraging.

I ran into some strong headwinds right out of the chute from a poster, who shall remain nameless, when I first joined a few weeks ago.
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Thanks so much, that is encouraging.

I ran into some strong headwinds right out of the chute from a poster, who shall remain nameless, when I first joined a few weeks ago.
I remember that actually. Was bewildered by that response to you. Perhaps you came across a little too feisty and passive aggressive too quickly? :ROFLMAO: Just kidding.
I think it was my writing style.
It doesn't really matter I suppose. I'm going to have to be less public with my private information around here from now on I think. You never know who they are that talk here.
I am in the righteousness of Christ, you must be “ Born Again” to be in the righteousness of Christ....birthed in the Holy Spirit, which can only come from our Lord God through the power of his Holy Spirit.

All GLORY goes to God....everything is about God and zilch about us!!.....Praise His Holy Name Day and Night.....it’s an Honour and Privilege to have been birthed in the Spirit.....mind blowing!!.....
Which does not altar the Greek meaning of dikaiosis (justification), and is the authority for the NT meaning of "justification."

Not according to authoritative NT apostolic teaching.

In Ro 4:2-3, imputed righteousness is justification (Gr: dikaiosis), which in the Greek is a declaration of "not guilty," a sentence of acquittal, a finding of right standing with the Court (justice)--penalty paid, time served, no debt owing to the law.
It is a forensic righteousness, not an actual righteousness as in sanctification (Ro 6:16, 19).

It is the result of Christ's atonement for our sin, which saves us from the wrath of God (Ro 5:9) on our sin by faith, wherein Christ's righteousness is credited (imputed, applied) to us by that faith, making us adopted sons of God.
But it is not an internal righteousness, only an external righteousness, giving us the position of sons of God.
Internal righteousness is the result of obedience in the Holy Spirit, which leads to righteousness leading to holiness (Ro 6:16, 19).

Your understanding is not in accord with the Greek of the NT.

Yes, well done. very important to keep the debt and the doing of sin very distinct in how we think. Sometimes this is called the legal v. moral aspects of salvation.

Justification does not make a person righteous, and really no one in this life can be so made. But there are improvements! Justification and Christ's righteousness for us deal with debt. The Spirit will then help us with the problem of doing sin.

Eleanor has done the important work, although on word choice 'position' sucks. I guess you could use it if you were talking an estate's overall status. I've just heard it so many times that had no relevance, no vital connection--but the speaker would use it like we struggle with our position every day. Debt, of course, is a real problem.

On this the term reconciliation is often treated emotionally, but should be treated in the same sense of reconciling financial books. And it is so used in 2 Cor 5 ('we have now received reconciliation') where we often go relational.

If requested, I'll put up my 4 fav English uses of the term imputation; they really help get it across.
Yes, well done. very important to keep the debt and the doing of sin very distinct in how we think. Sometimes this is called the legal v. moral aspects of salvation.

Justification does not make a person righteous, and really no one in this life can be so made. But there are improvements! Justification and Christ's righteousness for us deal with debt. The Spirit will then help us with the problem of doing sin.

Eleanor has done the important work, although on word choice 'position' sucks.
It seems I was intending it to mean the same as the statement above it: "making us adopted sons of God."
I guess you could use it if you were talking an estate's overall status. I've just heard it so many times that had no relevance, no vital connection--but the speaker would use it like we struggle with our position every day. Debt, of course, is a real problem.
"Debt" refers to the penalty to be paid to justice for law breaking.
The "debt" to be paid for murder in some states is death of the guilty.
The debt I owe for my sin is likewise death (Ro 6:23).
Jesus paid that debt, and his payment is applied to me through faith in and trust on his atoning work (blood, Ro 3:25) to pay my debt, which then removes my guilt.
On this the term reconciliation is often treated emotionally, but should be treated in the same sense of reconciling financial books. And it is so used in 2 Cor 5 ('we have now received reconciliation') where we often go relational.
Reconciliation can be thought of as in agreement again, the objection being removed; in this case, guilt of sin.
If requested, I'll put up my 4 fav English uses of the term imputation; they really help get it across.
Imputation in the NT is to credit to, to account to, to reckon to, as righteousness was credited to, accounted to, reckoned to Abraham because of his faith (Ge 15:5, Ro 4:3), but I'd like to see your uses of it. Hopefully, it is not a tome.
Justification: what God did in Christ in history for us about debt
Transformation: what God does in us through the Spirit now about doing sin (or righteous things)

These two keep the debt and doing of sin distinct.

re impute:
Capt. Bill Cody: he went to a Louisiana orphanage and wanted to help one of the straggling boys by taking him along a frontier trip. The house mother had just had an incident in which 10 boys made 1 boy their scapegoat. Cody writes: 'their actions were imputed to the boy and he was now guilty. He's the one I took, a win-win solution.'

J. Austen: when a child was being treated neglectfully by people because of an irresponsible father, she asks as a narration in her novel: why was the sin of the father being imputed to the child? It was the father who was actually guilty and should be condemned.

Shakespeare: in Henry V, Henry's son is supposed to win a battle so that the father can enjoy the credit of the victory imputed to him.

Paul, non-redemptive: Philemon had Paul's servant stay with him; the costs as a guest were to be imputed to Paul.

In each case, a set value was accomplished by someone else, but the person was being treated as though he had done it themselves, for better or worse. This is the important line of Rom 4 on imputation.