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Understanding the Prophecy of 70 Weeks

That is what I thought. Hey every body, another one the says: I'm not obligated to answer you.

I am a non-denominational, evangelical that attends a Bible Teaching Church. And I asked him, "What exactly kind of church, do you call home?"
What difference does it make? Is it just another way for you to denigrate, mock and gaslight me and others? I judge you and your theology on your WORDS., Not your denomination. Because you are NOT an evangelical based on what you have said. You have heretical views which are NOT consistent with true Christianity or the words of Messiah Jesus.
What difference does it make? Is it just another way for you to denigrate, mock and gaslight me and others? I judge you and your theology on your WORDS., Not your denomination. Because you are NOT an evangelical based on what you have said. You have heretical views which are NOT consistent with true Christianity or the words of Messiah Jesus.

Do You believe in the Holy Trinity?

Do You believe that Jesus Christ IS co-equal to God Himself?

Do You believe the Holy Spirit IS co-equal to God Himself?

Do You believe that JESUS CHRIST is both Human Being, as well at GOD Himself?
Do You believe in the Holy Trinity?

Do You believe that Jesus Christ IS co-equal to God Himself?

Do You believe the Holy Spirit IS co-equal to God Himself?

Do You believe that JESUS CHRIST is both Human Being, as well at GOD Himself?
Judging YOU by your words. Don't change the subject. You are the one expressing heresy.
Judging YOU by your words. Don't change the subject. You are the one expressing heresy.

I do not express a heresy. I express only the TRUTH.

I suspect you are not a True Christian. Good Bye.
Seven weeks (49 day-years) for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and another threescore and two weeks (62 weeks or 434 day-years) brings us to "the Messiah the Prince." Beginning in 457 BC and applying the day-year principle, we can determine the passing of 483 years from 457 BC which brings us to 27 AD (allowing for the conversion from BC to AD being one extra year).

In 27 AD, Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit on the occasion of His baptism which marked the beginning of His ministry (Luke 3:21-23). This baptism marked the event in Daniel’s prophecy “unto the Messiah the Prince.” When Christ proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled” (Mark 1:15), He was referring to this part of the prophecy.iii

The end of the prophecy is 34 AD, 7 day-years after the baptism:
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease (Daniel 9:27).

Christ would confirm the covenant made with Israel for one prophetic week (7 years), but oblation (offerings) would cease in the middle of the week (3 ½ years after 27 AD). This mid-point brings us to 31 AD—the year Christ was crucified. It was at His death that he put an end to the system of offerings practiced by Israel for so many years. "The 70-Week Prophecy | Daniel 70 Weeks Prophecy
Here is a portion from John MacArthur's sermon on Daniel 9 - "The arrival of the King", code 1293 on the grace to you website. The decree was not in 457BC but was actually 445BC. Nehemiah. And the baptism of Jesus did not make Him the Messiah prince (or king), but it was the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.

"Now, let me show you that decree - Nehemiah, chapter 2 and – listen - verse 1. “It came to pass” - it even tells us the date - “in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, wine was before him and I took up the wine.” You remember he was the wine-taster for the king, was Nehemiah. “And I gave it to the king. And I had been sad in his presence. Wherefore the king said unto me, ‘Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart.’ Then I was very much afraid, and said unto the king, ‘Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchers, lies waste, and its gates are consumed with fire?’

Then the king said unto me, ‘For what dost thou make request?’

So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said unto the king, ‘If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favor in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers’ sepulchers, that I may build it.’ And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) ‘For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return?’ So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time. Moreover I said to the king, ‘If it please the king, let letters be given to me to the governors beyond the river, that they may let me pass through till I come into Judah; and a letter unto Asaph the keeper of the king’s forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which is near to the house, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall enter into.’ And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.”

There it was: Artaxerxes made the decree. Scholars tell us the month of Nisan - March; the day, no doubt the 14th; the year, 445 BC. That began the 490 years: 445 BC, March 14th. When does it end? When does the 490 years’ end? Look at verse 25 again. “From the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto” - there’s the end - “the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and three-score and two weeks.” Now, that’s only 69; there’s one week left out. That doesn’t come in till verse 27; we’ll get there in a minute. The first 69 weeks are indicated there. And notice they’re divided into two parts: seven weeks, and then 62. Why? “From the command to restore and rebuild unto the Messiah the Prince, seven weeks.”

And you say, “Well, what happened in those seven weeks?” Well, that’d take us to 396 BC, and it was during that first 49-year period that the city was rebuilt. It says there at the end of the verse. “The streets shall be built and the wall, even in troublous times.” You know how troublesome it was, don’t you?

Remember the story of Nehemiah trying to build the wall, and all the attacks, and all the enemies? But they did it, and by 396 it was done. And 396 marked the end of the ministry of Malachi, and the closing of the Old Testament Canon, so that first 49 years, 7 times 7, was very important for laying physical, spiritual foundations. The city was built and the Old Testament Canon was established.

And then comes the 62; the total of the 62 weeks and the 7 weeks, the 69 weeks, makes 483 years. And we’re still missing 7 years out of the 490. Now, let me give you another thought. These are years of 360 days. The ancient Biblical writers calculated the year on a 360-day calendar, rather than 365 like the pagans. And so, we have, then, in verse 25, 483 years of 360 days “unto Messiah the Prince.” Not Messiah the baby, not Messiah the child, not Messiah the preacher, not Messiah the One who dies, not Messiah Who rises, but Messiah Who is the Prince. The Anointed One, the Royal One, the Regal One, the Majestic One, the One who is the heir to the throne, mashiach nagid, the Anointed Prince.

So, it’ll be 483 years of 360 days. Now, the only way we can figure it out is we have to convert into our kind of years, with our kind of days, so we’ll just multiply to get how many days it would be. You multiply it out, and its 173,880 days. You say, “The Bible can’t be this specific.” Well, you’ll find out in a moment - 173,880 days. The decree comes on March 14th, 445 BC. Sir Robert Anderson, who particularly did monumental work on this prophecy of the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ, has identified, by looking at the Jewish calendars of Passovers and so forth, that the time in which Passover was held can be determined rather easily, at least through using his method.

And he finds, backing up from that, the triumphal entry of Jesus must have occurred on April 6, 32 A.D.; April 6, 32 A.D.; the month of Nisan. And so, all we need to do is calculate a little bit. If Daniel is correct, from March 14, 445 B.C., to April 6, 32 A.D., is going to be 173,880 days. Well, let’s think about it. From March 14, 445, to April 6, 32 A.D., is only 477 years and 24 days; so we’re a few years short. We have to deduct a year, because 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. is the same year, so we really have 476 years and 24 days. Now, we have to convert to our calendar of 365 days, so we multiply that all out, plus 24 days, and we get 173,764; and we’re still short. But we have leap year every four years. So, 476 divided by 4, gives us 119 leap years, so we add 119 more days to 173,664, and we get 173,883 days - 3 days too many.

You say, “Oh, close is good enough for me.” Close is not good enough for God. Sir Robert Anderson went to the Royal Observatory in England, and he found out that, according to their solar calculations, a year is 1/128 of a day longer on the calendar than a solar year; 1/128 of a day longer. So every 128 years, we have to lose a day. And if you’re dealing with 483 years, there’ll be 3 of those, so you drop those out. And you have 173,880 days, just exactly as the Word of God said. Now, it has been interesting. In recent years, Dr. Harold Hoehner has written a book called The Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ. And when I heard that somebody else had done work on this, I was a little bit nervous to find out whether or not he would come up with the same answer.

So, Hoehner did his work - and I tell you this because it’s the truth, and you must know it so that you can understand the issue - he decided the that the first year of Artaxerxes had to be an accession year, so you couldn’t count it, so the decree had to happen March 5 of 444 B.C. so he moved it a year back - a year up, rather, going this way. He also calculated, from his New Testament studies - and he is the top of the list of New Testament study scholars and chronology - that the Lord was crucified on April 3, 33 A.D. So, he backed up from there to the triumphal entry, started calculating from March 5, 444, to his established date in 33 A.D., came up with exactly the same figure, 173,880 days - so either way."
Here is a portion from John MacArthur's sermon on Daniel 9 - "The arrival of the King", code 1293 on the grace to you website. The decree was not in 457BC but was actually 445BC. Nehemiah. And the baptism of Jesus did not make Him the Messiah prince (or king), but it was the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.

"Now, let me show you that decree - Nehemiah, chapter 2 and – listen - verse 1. “It came to pass” - it even tells us the date - “in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, wine was before him and I took up the wine.” You remember he was the wine-taster for the king, was Nehemiah. “And I gave it to the king. And I had been sad in his presence. Wherefore the king said unto me, ‘Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart.’ Then I was very much afraid, and said unto the king, ‘Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchers, lies waste, and its gates are consumed with fire?’

Then the king said unto me, ‘For what dost thou make request?’

So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said unto the king, ‘If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favor in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers’ sepulchers, that I may build it.’ And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) ‘For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return?’ So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time. Moreover I said to the king, ‘If it please the king, let letters be given to me to the governors beyond the river, that they may let me pass through till I come into Judah; and a letter unto Asaph the keeper of the king’s forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which is near to the house, and for the wall of the city, and for the house that I shall enter into.’ And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.”

There it was: Artaxerxes made the decree. Scholars tell us the month of Nisan - March; the day, no doubt the 14th; the year, 445 BC. That began the 490 years: 445 BC, March 14th. When does it end? When does the 490 years’ end? Look at verse 25 again. “From the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto” - there’s the end - “the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and three-score and two weeks.” Now, that’s only 69; there’s one week left out. That doesn’t come in till verse 27; we’ll get there in a minute. The first 69 weeks are indicated there. And notice they’re divided into two parts: seven weeks, and then 62. Why? “From the command to restore and rebuild unto the Messiah the Prince, seven weeks.”

And you say, “Well, what happened in those seven weeks?” Well, that’d take us to 396 BC, and it was during that first 49-year period that the city was rebuilt. It says there at the end of the verse. “The streets shall be built and the wall, even in troublous times.” You know how troublesome it was, don’t you?

Remember the story of Nehemiah trying to build the wall, and all the attacks, and all the enemies? But they did it, and by 396 it was done. And 396 marked the end of the ministry of Malachi, and the closing of the Old Testament Canon, so that first 49 years, 7 times 7, was very important for laying physical, spiritual foundations. The city was built and the Old Testament Canon was established.

And then comes the 62; the total of the 62 weeks and the 7 weeks, the 69 weeks, makes 483 years. And we’re still missing 7 years out of the 490. Now, let me give you another thought. These are years of 360 days. The ancient Biblical writers calculated the year on a 360-day calendar, rather than 365 like the pagans. And so, we have, then, in verse 25, 483 years of 360 days “unto Messiah the Prince.” Not Messiah the baby, not Messiah the child, not Messiah the preacher, not Messiah the One who dies, not Messiah Who rises, but Messiah Who is the Prince. The Anointed One, the Royal One, the Regal One, the Majestic One, the One who is the heir to the throne, mashiach nagid, the Anointed Prince.

So, it’ll be 483 years of 360 days. Now, the only way we can figure it out is we have to convert into our kind of years, with our kind of days, so we’ll just multiply to get how many days it would be. You multiply it out, and its 173,880 days. You say, “The Bible can’t be this specific.” Well, you’ll find out in a moment - 173,880 days. The decree comes on March 14th, 445 BC. Sir Robert Anderson, who particularly did monumental work on this prophecy of the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ, has identified, by looking at the Jewish calendars of Passovers and so forth, that the time in which Passover was held can be determined rather easily, at least through using his method.

And he finds, backing up from that, the triumphal entry of Jesus must have occurred on April 6, 32 A.D.; April 6, 32 A.D.; the month of Nisan. And so, all we need to do is calculate a little bit. If Daniel is correct, from March 14, 445 B.C., to April 6, 32 A.D., is going to be 173,880 days. Well, let’s think about it. From March 14, 445, to April 6, 32 A.D., is only 477 years and 24 days; so we’re a few years short. We have to deduct a year, because 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. is the same year, so we really have 476 years and 24 days. Now, we have to convert to our calendar of 365 days, so we multiply that all out, plus 24 days, and we get 173,764; and we’re still short. But we have leap year every four years. So, 476 divided by 4, gives us 119 leap years, so we add 119 more days to 173,664, and we get 173,883 days - 3 days too many.

You say, “Oh, close is good enough for me.” Close is not good enough for God. Sir Robert Anderson went to the Royal Observatory in England, and he found out that, according to their solar calculations, a year is 1/128 of a day longer on the calendar than a solar year; 1/128 of a day longer. So every 128 years, we have to lose a day. And if you’re dealing with 483 years, there’ll be 3 of those, so you drop those out. And you have 173,880 days, just exactly as the Word of God said. Now, it has been interesting. In recent years, Dr. Harold Hoehner has written a book called The Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ. And when I heard that somebody else had done work on this, I was a little bit nervous to find out whether or not he would come up with the same answer.

So, Hoehner did his work - and I tell you this because it’s the truth, and you must know it so that you can understand the issue - he decided the that the first year of Artaxerxes had to be an accession year, so you couldn’t count it, so the decree had to happen March 5 of 444 B.C. so he moved it a year back - a year up, rather, going this way. He also calculated, from his New Testament studies - and he is the top of the list of New Testament study scholars and chronology - that the Lord was crucified on April 3, 33 A.D. So, he backed up from there to the triumphal entry, started calculating from March 5, 444, to his established date in 33 A.D., came up with exactly the same figure, 173,880 days - so either way."
I really respect Macarthur and have learned much from him. However, in this explanation he is totally and completely wrong. I have proved this mathematically.

I really respect Macarthur and have learned much from him. However, in this explanation he is totally and completely wrong. I have proved this mathematically.
I think I left something out of the sermon, or you ignored it.

"So, 476 divided by 4, gives us 119 leap years, so we add 119 more days to 173,664, and we get 173,883 days - 3 days too many.

You say, “Oh, close is good enough for me.” Close is not good enough for God. Sir Robert Anderson went to the Royal Observatory in England, and he found out that, according to their solar calculations, a year is 1/128 of a day longer on the calendar than a solar year; 1/128 of a day longer. So every 128 years, we have to lose a day. And if you’re dealing with 483 years, there’ll be 3 of those, so you drop those out. And you have 173,880 days, just exactly as the Word of God said."

This is not even brought up in the video, which is VERY deceptive. (Not really surprised). The point being argued, which apparently is not dealt with, is that one group is saying that when God speaks, His words are absolute, direct, and accurate to the very time. I bring this up outside of the argument in general, for it obviously means nothing if you don't believe God's words in prophecy are absolute, direct, and accurate to the very time, but that God is either guessing, or is arbitrary in His pronouncements.

It seems to me (key words there...it seems TO ME) that the ones who made the video don't care to handle this fully. First of all, it is very difficult to be sure what the nisan date was that far back. I would need to read more on that, but the point is, I believe God is very direct, and that the calculations are true. That is, for whatever meets God's definition of the decree (which some believe that when Nehemiah was sent with letter, that there was a decree connected to that), Jesus was recognized as prince or king exactly 173,880 days afterward. God, through Gabriel, told Daniel that Gabriel's words were a decree from God. Decrees are NOT arbitrary. If He says there is 69 weeks before something happens, and the weeks are defined (they were definable, one week is seven years), then you can be sure that whatever is to take place will happen at exactly that time. When was Jesus recognized as prince/king? The triumphal entry. At His baptism, God revealed Him as His Son. What did Jesus say after He left Jerusalem after the triumphal entry? Jerusalem will not see Him again until they recognize Him as King. Until they shout "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Why would He say that, if they had already done that when He entered Jerusalem? They rejected Him, and He would soon be cut off. All of that is related to the end of the 69th week, and then after the 69th week but prior to the 70th week.

Do note that the 70 weeks are NOT congruous. The first 69 weeks are, however, you then have Jesus crucifixion mentioned AFTER the 69th week, and, in the same after the 69th week you have Jerusalem and the temple destroyed. Speaking to the preciseness of God's prophecies, how do we go from one week being 7 years, to one week being 35+ years? How imprecise and arbitrary is that? After the 69th week you have the Messiah cut off, not for Himself, and then the people of the prince to come (in other words, this prince is still part of God's decree) destroy Jerusalem and the temple. However, this is over 35 years after the Messiah is cut off. And then you have this prince that is to come (I thought Jesus was King, not prince?) mentioned in the 70th week.

What you have is a decree that determines a 70 week period (490 years) for the Jews and for Jerusalem. Like a football game, where one hour is determined for the playing of the game. The rest of the three hours are breaks, half time, commercials, penalties, etc. Those are times where the game is not being played. As such, that time is not included in the time where the game is actually being played. In the same way, when the Jews rejected their Messiah, the focus was no longer on Israel, but on the Gentiles. As such, the 70th week is delayed, until the focus moves from the Gentiles (time of the Gentiles, when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in), back to the Jews and Jerusalem. Hence in the 70th week, he makes peace with some, not all of Israel (focus is back on the Jews and Jerusalem), and then breaks/violates this covenant half way through the week, and then the culmination of the 70 weeks ends with his destruction. At that time, all the 6 statements made for what the decree is to bring about will be fulfilled and come to fruition. The end of the transgression, the end of sin, the atonement for guilt made, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, etc.

Also note, the Roman Empire continued to exist until at least 1453 AD, as such, the stone not made by human hands had not crushed Nebuchadnezzar's statue. As such, up to that point, and not until recently, we had not seen the iron mixed with ceramic and the ten toes of a revived Roman Empire. (In form, if not in name.)
I think I left something out of the sermon, or you ignored it.

"So, 476 divided by 4, gives us 119 leap years, so we add 119 more days to 173,664, and we get 173,883 days - 3 days too many.

You say, “Oh, close is good enough for me.” Close is not good enough for God. Sir Robert Anderson went to the Royal Observatory in England, and he found out that, according to their solar calculations, a year is 1/128 of a day longer on the calendar than a solar year; 1/128 of a day longer. So every 128 years, we have to lose a day. And if you’re dealing with 483 years, there’ll be 3 of those, so you drop those out. And you have 173,880 days, just exactly as the Word of God said."

This is not even brought up in the video, which is VERY deceptive. (Not really surprised). The point being argued, which apparently is not dealt with, is that one group is saying that when God speaks, His words are absolute, direct, and accurate to the very time. I bring this up outside of the argument in general, for it obviously means nothing if you don't believe God's words in prophecy are absolute, direct, and accurate to the very time, but that God is either guessing, or is arbitrary in His pronouncements.

It seems to me (key words there...it seems TO ME) that the ones who made the video don't care to handle this fully. First of all, it is very difficult to be sure what the nisan date was that far back. I would need to read more on that, but the point is, I believe God is very direct, and that the calculations are true. That is, for whatever meets God's definition of the decree (which some believe that when Nehemiah was sent with letter, that there was a decree connected to that), Jesus was recognized as prince or king exactly 173,880 days afterward. God, through Gabriel, told Daniel that Gabriel's words were a decree from God. Decrees are NOT arbitrary. If He says there is 69 weeks before something happens, and the weeks are defined (they were definable, one week is seven years), then you can be sure that whatever is to take place will happen at exactly that time. When was Jesus recognized as prince/king? The triumphal entry. At His baptism, God revealed Him as His Son. What did Jesus say after He left Jerusalem after the triumphal entry? Jerusalem will not see Him again until they recognize Him as King. Until they shout "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." Why would He say that, if they had already done that when He entered Jerusalem? They rejected Him, and He would soon be cut off. All of that is related to the end of the 69th week, and then after the 69th week but prior to the 70th week.

Do note that the 70 weeks are NOT congruous. The first 69 weeks are, however, you then have Jesus crucifixion mentioned AFTER the 69th week, and, in the same after the 69th week you have Jerusalem and the temple destroyed. Speaking to the preciseness of God's prophecies, how do we go from one week being 7 years, to one week being 35+ years? How imprecise and arbitrary is that? After the 69th week you have the Messiah cut off, not for Himself, and then the people of the prince to come (in other words, this prince is still part of God's decree) destroy Jerusalem and the temple. However, this is over 35 years after the Messiah is cut off. And then you have this prince that is to come (I thought Jesus was King, not prince?) mentioned in the 70th week.

What you have is a decree that determines a 70 week period (490 years) for the Jews and for Jerusalem. Like a football game, where one hour is determined for the playing of the game. The rest of the three hours are breaks, half time, commercials, penalties, etc. Those are times where the game is not being played. As such, that time is not included in the time where the game is actually being played. In the same way, when the Jews rejected their Messiah, the focus was no longer on Israel, but on the Gentiles. As such, the 70th week is delayed, until the focus moves from the Gentiles (time of the Gentiles, when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in), back to the Jews and Jerusalem. Hence in the 70th week, he makes peace with some, not all of Israel (focus is back on the Jews and Jerusalem), and then breaks/violates this covenant half way through the week, and then the culmination of the 70 weeks ends with his destruction. At that time, all the 6 statements made for what the decree is to bring about will be fulfilled and come to fruition. The end of the transgression, the end of sin, the atonement for guilt made, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, etc.

Also note, the Roman Empire continued to exist until at least 1453 AD, as such, the stone not made by human hands had not crushed Nebuchadnezzar's statue. As such, up to that point, and not until recently, we had not seen the iron mixed with ceramic and the ten toes of a revived Roman Empire. (In form, if not in name.)
Did you even watch my video debunking this entire mathematical nonsense? It's so VERY easy to prove that it is wrong. Most people just don't bother and just accept these supposed "experts" at face value. It's very obvious that Macarthur never verified the information for himself either.

Did you even watch my video debunking this entire mathematical nonsense? It's so VERY easy to prove that it is wrong. Most people just don't bother and just accept these supposed "experts" at face value. It's very obvious that Macarthur never verified the information for himself either.

Consider the future. For instance, there is to be a revival of the Roman empire in some form. Some believe it to be in Europe. Consider that the US (this is SOLELY for thought) is the only country to have a constitutional republic like Rome. Consider that the beginning of a recent/future peace in Israel was borne out through the Trump administration in the Abrahamic Accords. (Basically a covenant.) Daniel's 70th weeks talks about the strengthening, firming of a covenant of peace at the beginning of the week. Trump was going to add a number of countries to the accords if he had won the past election. There is a war going on in Israel right now, and we don't know what will end it, or what will keep it from flaring up again. Perhaps a strengthening of the accords? Also, that horn that is fatally wounded, but comes back. Trump's political aspirations supposedly took at fatal hit from all of these criminal cases. (This cannot be considered from a personal viewpoint, but from the viewpoint at large. I don't think it was fatal, though it may not help.) And now, an assassination attempt. I don't believe this all adds up, however, this thing is starting to look and sound like a duck. In prophetic terms, perhaps this is a mile marker along the way. Why? I don't believe it can be Trump, because I don't believe the US has anything to do with the beast. However, I have a feeling the accords could play a role, if this is the start. And... with such peace could come the right, perhaps the backing, to rebuild the temple. (How best to get most of Israel to sign on for peace?)

As for the calculations, you apparently didn't understand the math.
Consider the future. For instance, there is to be a revival of the Roman empire in some form. Some believe it to be in Europe. Consider that the US (this is SOLELY for thought) is the only country to have a constitutional republic like Rome. Consider that the beginning of a recent/future peace in Israel was borne out through the Trump administration in the Abrahamic Accords. (Basically a covenant.) Daniel's 70th weeks talks about the strengthening, firming of a covenant of peace at the beginning of the week. Trump was going to add a number of countries to the accords if he had won the past election. There is a war going on in Israel right now, and we don't know what will end it, or what will keep it from flaring up again. Perhaps a strengthening of the accords? Also, that horn that is fatally wounded, but comes back. Trump's political aspirations supposedly took at fatal hit from all of these criminal cases. (This cannot be considered from a personal viewpoint, but from the viewpoint at large. I don't think it was fatal, though it may not help.) And now, an assassination attempt. I don't believe this all adds up, however, this thing is starting to look and sound like a duck. In prophetic terms, perhaps this is a mile marker along the way. Why? I don't believe it can be Trump, because I don't believe the US has anything to do with the beast. However, I have a feeling the accords could play a role, if this is the start. And... with such peace could come the right, perhaps the backing, to rebuild the temple. (How best to get most of Israel to sign on for peace?)

As for the calculations, you apparently didn't understand the math.
Prove it. Where did the my calculations fail? Put up or shut up.
I challenge anyone to prove anything about my research that is wrong. Any single thing. No one can. No one has been able to in the 20 years since I discovered the proper interpretation. I present how the 70 Weeks prophecy should be understood. It is the only correct way to understand the prophecy. It is the answer. It is correct. Anybody who presents something different is wrong. I can and have proved it. The Ezra 6:14 Challenge proves this. Nothing else can meet all the requirements that are stated in that verse. None - except the method that I have researched and presented.
Did you even watch my video debunking this entire mathematical nonsense? It's so VERY easy to prove that it is wrong. Most people just don't bother and just accept these supposed "experts" at face value. It's very obvious that Macarthur never verified the information for himself either.

Correction on your math. I did a Gregorian calendar spreadsheet on the dates from 14 March 445 BC to 6 April 32 AD. I followed the proper convention of proper number of days in a month, and 365 days a year with 366 for leap years. The rule for leap years is that a leap year is defined as a year divisible by 4, and if it is a centennial year, also divisible by 400. So, 100 BC, 200 BC, and 300 BC are NOT leap years. When the calculation was made, I got exactly 173880 days from 14 March 445 BC to 6 April 32 AD. When I screwed up the three leap years (100,200,300) I got the 173883. If I bring that back to 173880 and use the Gregorian calendar, that does not get me 4 April 32 AD, it gets 3 April 32 AD.

For the Julian Calendar, you made mistakes. The Julian calendar only has one rule for leap years. Every year divisible by 4 is a leap year. No special rules. So, for the times covered, the Julian calendar has three more days then the Gregorian. Hence, when you do the math using the Julian calendar, you get 173883 instead of 173880. When you drop the 3 extra years, you get 173880, which is where you should be. Why? The Julian calendar does not properly cover the solar years. You have to drop the 3 days to keep it in line with solar years.

So yes, there are problems with the video. John MacArthur was correct, even if he didn't do the best job conveying why. (It is simpler just to say that the Julian Calendar doesn't drop three leap years (3 days) every 400 years, while the Gregorian calendar does.

Also, the reason you have 4 April 32 AD instead of 3 April 32 AD is a simple math error. When subtracting days inclusively, you have to add one when you are done. If not, you aren't starting the count from day 1, but from day 2. Let's say I go on leave from 5 April to 10 April. That is 6 days of leave. 5 April, 6 April, 7 April, 8 April, 9 April and 10 April. That is inclusive. However 10 - 5 only gets you 5. So you have to add 1 to be inclusive instead of exclusive.2
Correction on your math. I did a Gregorian calendar spreadsheet on the dates from 14 March 445 BC to 6 April 32 AD. I followed the proper convention of proper number of days in a month, and 365 days a year with 366 for leap years. The rule for leap years is that a leap year is defined as a year divisible by 4, and if it is a centennial year, also divisible by 400. So, 100 BC, 200 BC, and 300 BC are NOT leap years. When the calculation was made, I got exactly 173880 days from 14 March 445 BC to 6 April 32 AD. When I screwed up the three leap years (100,200,300) I got the 173883. If I bring that back to 173880 and use the Gregorian calendar, that does not get me 4 April 32 AD, it gets 3 April 32 AD.

For the Julian Calendar, you made mistakes. The Julian calendar only has one rule for leap years. Every year divisible by 4 is a leap year. No special rules. So, for the times covered, the Julian calendar has three more days then the Gregorian. Hence, when you do the math using the Julian calendar, you get 173883 instead of 173880. When you drop the 3 extra years, you get 173880, which is where you should be. Why? The Julian calendar does not properly cover the solar years. You have to drop the 3 days to keep it in line with solar years.

So yes, there are problems with the video. John MacArthur was correct, even if he didn't do the best job conveying why. (It is simpler just to say that the Julian Calendar doesn't drop three leap years (3 days) every 400 years, while the Gregorian calendar does.

Also, the reason you have 4 April 32 AD instead of 3 April 32 AD is a simple math error. When subtracting days inclusively, you have to add one when you are done. If not, you aren't starting the count from day 1, but from day 2. Let's say I go on leave from 5 April to 10 April. That is 6 days of leave. 5 April, 6 April, 7 April, 8 April, 9 April and 10 April. That is inclusive. However 10 - 5 only gets you 5. So you have to add 1 to be inclusive instead of exclusive.2
LOL. Your math is so totally incorrect. I didn't use what you claim I used. I used the Julian dates. Not Julian calendar. Learn the difference before spewing nonsense.
LOL. Your math is so totally incorrect. I didn't use what you claim I used. I used the Julian dates. Not Julian calendar. Learn the difference before spewing nonsense.
You still have three too many days in your calculations. Julian days run according to the calendar. That is, 365 days make up one year (whether you are getting it off the calendar, or using the dates.) Every 4 years has a day added, however, there are no additional moves made for the additional days that need to be added to keep in line with a solar year. The problem with the Julian calendar, and as such, Julian dates, is they do not track the seasons or times properly, which is why the Gregorian Calendar and Gregorian dates came about.

So, you have 14 March 445 BC: 1558959.5 April 32 Ad: 1732841.5. (Midnight of each day). So inclusive: 1732841.5-1558959.5=173882 + 1 = 173883. There is the 173883 that both were getting. Converted back is 6 April 32AD. Now, subtract 3 days, changing 1732841.5 to 1732838.5 and that gives: A.D. 32 April 3. Seems right to me. Now, the Julian dates don't track the solar days/years properly, so we have to make up for the additional 3 leap years by removing 3 days. This changes the 173883 to 173880, and since three days go away, it now lines up to 6 APR 32 AD.
You still have three too many days in your calculations. Julian days run according to the calendar. That is, 365 days make up one year (whether you are getting it off the calendar, or using the dates.) Every 4 years has a day added, however, there are no additional moves made for the additional days that need to be added to keep in line with a solar year. The problem with the Julian calendar, and as such, Julian dates, is they do not track the seasons or times properly, which is why the Gregorian Calendar and Gregorian dates came about.

So, you have 14 March 445 BC: 1558959.5 April 32 Ad: 1732841.5. (Midnight of each day). So inclusive: 1732841.5-1558959.5=173882 + 1 = 173883. There is the 173883 that both were getting. Converted back is 6 April 32AD. Now, subtract 3 days, changing 1732841.5 to 1732838.5 and that gives: A.D. 32 April 3. Seems right to me. Now, the Julian dates don't track the solar days/years properly, so we have to make up for the additional 3 leap years by removing 3 days. This changes the 173883 to 173880, and since three days go away, it now lines up to 6 APR 32 AD.
Do some research of exactly what Julian dates are. Then come back to the adult table.
I really respect Macarthur and have learned much from him. However, in this explanation he is totally and completely wrong. I have proved this mathematically.

Well if you are a dispensationalist like Mac, then I believe you are incorrect also.
Well if you are a dispensationalist like Mac, then I believe you are incorrect also.
Doesn't really matter what you believe now, does it? What are the facts? Can you actually watch a video, comprehend it, check it out for yourself and actually respond in a meaningful and Christian fashion? Try it some time.
Doesn't really matter what you believe now, does it? What are the facts? Can you actually watch a video, comprehend it, check it out for yourself and actually respond in a meaningful and Christian fashion? Try it some time.
Sure I can watch a video. One day I may find interest and watch one of yours. I to have studied eschatology. I was a pre mil years ago.
Sure I can watch a video. One day I may find interest and watch one of yours. I to have studied eschatology. I was a pre mil years ago
I can prove you are wrong. That's just the way it is. And you show you don't have the courage to challenge your opinions.