No Sir, it's Biblical teaching.
Again, Total Depraved is that sin has permeated our entire core; heart, mind, soul. It's not about how bad one can possibly be; it's not the intensity but the extensity.
Well, again you miss what it entails, we are not talking about us being civil with one another. You can feel bad or good about certain things, like seeing a Dodger game, going to the movies, spending with the Fam. For even death row inmates have friends and love ones. This is not what we are talking about. A death row inmate, a serial killer cannot atone for savaging raping and killing someone's else kid, right? And just because they cannot so-call "control" their urges is no excuse for their depraved passion, right?
No sir, there is no knowledge of sin without the Law, correct? Now, I know you will bring up Romans 2. But as in John 3, they hated the light, because their evil deeds would be exposed. They prefer the darkness, and do what they want, and what they want is determined by who they are, yes? So, just because crooks hate cops, doesn't mean their consciences will save them? Something must change them not just rehab, but total restoration is needed, because they could relapse.
This argument again, okay. If you like or not, what you are doing with me right now, is called theology; you are a theologian, like it or not. One not only read their Bible but study them. Knowing the context of narrative is crucial for understanding God's Word. Here I'll show you. Do you believe in the Trinity? If so, show me the exact word "Trinity" in the Bible.