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The Rapture

Satan is really out of the picture as far as deceiving the nations and the pit proves that.
If we are in the 1000 years right now, I fail to see how satan is not deceiving the world. We have Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other false religions. He is doing a pretty good job of doing what he wants.
If we are in the 1000 years right now, I fail to see how satan is not deceiving the world. We have Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other false religions. He is doing a pretty good job of doing what he wants.
I would explain it by saying the Fallen angels are not Bound. The Fallen Human heart is Deceitful above All things (even the devil) and Desperately Wicked. I hear it is an Idol Factory...

This doesn't mean you don't have a good point; it's just not Fool-Proof...
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If we are in the 1000 years right now, I fail to see how satan is not deceiving the world.
Well since salvation is no longer just for the Jews, the gospel is going out into the whole world and gathering the elect from every tribe tongue and nation.
We have Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other false religions.
Yes, but they will not gather any elect to them.
He is doing a pretty good job of doing what he wants.
He is doing a pretty good job of doing what God allows him to do, nothing more.

It's good to see your a thinker. Good questions.
Satan is really out of the picture as far as deceiving the nations and the pit proves that.
What world do you on\in? Who is the author of Confusion? Let me guess........You just put a brand new case of Bud Lite in the fridge this morning when you got home from church.

you really need to read your bible more thoroughly. This was written well after Jesus died.

1 PETER 5:
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
I think the pit describes his limitations. In other words, the judgment against him stays and will not be changed.
There is nothing he can do about it.

I could be wrong.
Isn't he released for a little time to deceive the nations?
To my understanding, God lengthens his leash for a time before Christ's second coming.
Yes, I agree. I also lean toward believing he has been let loose for a season now. Some feel that took place around the time of the world wars. If the dark moral eclipse of the entire world of governments into perversion isn't his being released and deceiving them, whatever is coming is much worse. Or this in itself will get much worse. I believe Christians being persecuted will get out of control.
Yes, I agree. I also lean toward believing he has been let loose for a season now. Some feel that took place around the time of the world wars. If the dark moral eclipse of the entire world of governments into perversion isn't his being released and deceiving them, whatever is coming is much worse. Or this in itself will get much worse. I believe Christians being persecuted will get out of control.
You may be right, interesting. :unsure:

And Yes, persecution of Christians will get bad. I can already see that coming bro.
You may be right, interesting. :unsure:

And Yes, persecution of Christians will get bad. I can already see that coming bro.
I asked @Iconoclast a few years ago if he thought Satan had been loosed. Then I posted this question on another forum. A poster there who lives in the UK told me that Peter Masters suggested the same thing in a sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
marilyn c

The Body of Christ existed, but it was a Mystery to who it is, the Spiritual Seed of Abraham that belonged to Christ comprised of both jews and gentiles Gal 3:29

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

See Abraham belonged to the Body of Christ.
We are not `Abraham`s seed,` for that would make us of man, when actually we are of the Christ.

Jesus is the SEED of Abraham, and, we are OF Abraham`s seed, Christ.
Also, my guess is communism came from the mind of Satan himself. Note Ephesians 6:12.
I asked @Iconoclast a few years ago if he thought Satan had been loosed. Then I posted this question on another forum. A poster there who lives in the UK told me that Peter Masters suggested the same thing in a sermon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Yes, it's almost scary to think about. I know God is in control, but it's still scary. The government is falling apart, I think we are headed for socialism. Churches are falling apart. True bible believing Christians are few these days IMO. So I can see where even Christians will turn against Christians. Well, professed Christians anyway,
I believe the return of Christ and the gathering of the Saints is immediately after the tribulation as stated in Matthew 24:29-31

I also subscribe to a literal 1000 years rein upon the earth.

I lean toward a literal interpretation of scripture except in cases where the text gives reason for symbolism.
The revelation of the Body of Christ and its purpose was not known or revealed in the gospels. Matt. 24: 29 - 31 refers to the Lord returning in power and great glory to deliver Israel and judge the nations. The nation are all mourning. If the B/C was there why is it mourning?
When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. Hosea 11:1. This is a messianic prophecy. And believers are spiritual Israel. Or, you can say headship theology, Christ is the Head, believers the body.
Where do you get the B/C is spiritual Israel?
Yes, I can go with that. I believe we are seeing the collapse of the Christian foundations.
Are you saying that Christ is not able to build and mature His Body?

Christian principles in a nation are being done away with as scripture says, but the Body of Christ is coming to maturity in Him.
Are you saying that Christ is not able to build and mature His Body?
Nope. I'm not saying that at all Marilyn. What makes you think that I am?

Christian principles in a nation are being done away with as scripture says, but the Body of Christ is coming to maturity in Him.
I never said differently.