Fred answered you correctly.
Runningman: Among countless other proofs that Jesus is not God, perhaps the one of the clearest examples is he simply denied it.
Fred: You are in error, because asking doesn't necessitate denying.
Jesus affirmed that God alone is good, but He is not denying He is good nor is He denying being God. He is saying "God alone" is good, but that doesn't mean Jesus excludes Himself from being good or from being God.
Here is the thing, you, as a Unitarian, would only see Matthew 19:17 as an opaque context similar to a first century Jew because you deny that Jesus Christ is God. While Fred, on the other hand, is see Luke 18:19 from an extensional context because he affirms that Jesus Christ is God. Read the OP for extensional context.
If you take an unbiased person who has no concept of both "Jesus Christ is God" and "Jesus Christ is not God," and then, you isolate Matthew 19:17 and Luke 18:19 from the whole of Scriptures (John 1:1, 18, Colossians 2:9, Hebrews 1:8, John 8:58-59, John 5:18, 10:31-33, 2 Peter 1:1, John 20:28, 1 John 5:20, Titus 2:13, Romans 9:5) for extensional context that unbiased person might draw that conclusion. Take the example of Clark Kent and Superman, we considered to be co-referential expressions of the self-same person.
That doesn’t mean that people’s knowledge of them is also identical. They don't have that extensional context. I, and you, we both know that Clark Kent is, in fact, Superman. Even though you can trivially say that “people know that Superman is Superman only," it won’t necessarily be truthful to say that “people know that Clark Kent is Superman” (substitute “Superman” with “Clark Kent”), because what people know about Superman isn’t identical to what people know about Clark Kent. So, whatever survey you did or didn't do wasn't accurate and misleading.
For instance, consider the following example of an opaque context:
Premise 1: Lois Lane thinks Superman can fly.
Premise 2: Lois Lane thinks Clark Kent cannot fly.
Conclusion: Therefore Superman and Clark Kent are not the same person.
Why? Because Lois Lane doesn't have extensional context like me, and you do.