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The Called !

Adam as Federal Head was in Covenant, which he sinned against Hos 6:7

7 But they like men Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.
I ask you to provide Scripture of covenant with Adam and you post Hosea.

Adam is not the first man's name. It is his designation.

His first name is Herbert.
The Church has Gentiles in it and it is the Children of the Covenant and the Prophets like in Acts 3:25

Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Paul preached the same sermon about the Gentiles Gal 3;8-9

8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

See you weren't aware that Gentile Heathen were also children of the Covenant and of the Prophets. Isnt or wasnt Abraham a Prophet ? Gen 20:7

Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine.
Since there were no Gentiles in the Great Congregation in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle, any NT interpretation of Gentiles in the Great Congregation would be erroneous interpretation, violate the OT, and break Scripture.
Adam and eve is the church but you can not see it, God has not revealed it to you, hopefully He will
Church means "called out." Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. They were created.
Israel was called out of Egypt, Jesus was called out of Egypt, David was called out, the 12 Jewish disciples were called out, and I was called out.

The man and woman were not called out of anything. You're adding to the bible.

6 Add thou not unto his words,
Lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Prov. 30:6.
Adam as Federal Head was in Covenant, which he sinned against Hos 6:7

Its Adam and Eve and it pictured the Church Eph 5:30-32

May God be merciful to your horrid blasphemy and ignorance friend
Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. They were created.
I have never heard anyone say that. Who has said it? Or is that just the base you established from which to grow your argument. Also known as a straw man fallacy.

If "salvation is of the Lord" means salvation is from the Lord, so too does "salvation is of the Jews" mean salvation of from God through the Jews. Not FOR the Jews. We know from having the whole story that salvation did come through the Jews, as Jesus is the Savior. And we know from having the whole story that it was not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles. We find this in Romans and Galatians and every epistle that was sent and read to churches containing both Jews and Gentiles. We find it in the Prophets.

The work of redemption is finished, yes. The only thing remaining is Christ's return and with Him, the consummation of redemption.
Adding to the bible.
I'd prefer we keep to Scripture as written and not add things not written.
You're confusing covenant with God's command to Abraham to circumcise those servants born in his household. And God reiterates to avoid any confusion which you still insert in the text that the "covenant is in your (Abraham's) flesh" not in the servants or those born under his roof.
I added nothing to the text, and I took nothing away from it. You make it say the opposite of what it says, and there is no way to do that without malicious, bagotted intent. Read it again
Gen 17:9-13 Then God said to Abraham, "as for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep. Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in our household or bought with money from a foreigner---those who are not your offspring. Whether born in you household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant.
And you still ignore what that covenant was about. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son because God asked him to. That is how deep and steady his faith in God was. He was remembering that God had told him that his son from Sarah would receive the promise. The NT explains further that Abraham trusted tha God would provide the sacrifice, otherwise He would not be keeping His covenant promise. And it is hard to imagine a more horrific test of one's faith.

Because of this faith God made another covenant with him. That in his offspring (not offsprings) all nations would be blessed. Paul tells us what that means. He tells us Christ is that offspring. And the blessing is the same one given to Abraham. Our faith in the person and work of Christ is counted to us as righteousness. He tells us Jew and Gentile alike. All who believe are participants in that covenant. The righteous inherit the kingdom.

If you do not believe that, then you do not believe the Bible. And if you do not believe that, if you say Jesus only atoned for the sins of ethnic Israel, that would be not knowing Jesus, worshiping a different Jesus, following a different gospel (which is no gospel at all), not having faith in Christ's person and work, for you say He did not do what Scripture says He did do. Your faith is resting completely only on your presupposition that you must somewhere, have an untraceable amount of Abraham's DNA. You have said this yourself.

I have heard a lot of theories and ways in which the gospel is perverted, but that is the strangest and most laughable of them all.
Adding to the bible.
I'd prefer we keep to Scripture as written and not add things not written.
What exactly did I add?

And you do add things to the Bible and take even more things away from it. If you prefer not to do that, then I suggest you stop doing it. The Bible never, ever, once mentions DNA, even though He is the one that created it.

Why did Jesus appoint Paul, a Jew, to be the apostle to the Gentiles?
I added nothing to the text, and I took nothing away from it. You make it say the opposite of what it says, and there is no way to do that without malicious, bagotted intent. Read it again

And you still ignore what that covenant was about. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son because God asked him to. That is how deep and steady his faith in God was. He was remembering that God had told him that his son from Sarah would receive the promise. The NT explains further that Abraham trusted tha God would provide the sacrifice, otherwise He would not be keeping His covenant promise. And it is hard to imagine a more horrific test of one's faith.

Because of this faith God made another covenant with him. That in his offspring (not offsprings) all nations would be blessed. Paul tells us what that means. He tells us Christ is that offspring. And the blessing is the same one given to Abraham. Our faith in the person and work of Christ is counted to us as righteousness. He tells us Jew and Gentile alike. All who believe are participants in that covenant. The righteous inherit the kingdom.

If you do not believe that, then you do not believe the Bible. And if you do not believe that, if you say Jesus only atoned for the sins of ethnic Israel, that would be not knowing Jesus, worshiping a different Jesus, following a different gospel (which is no gospel at all), not having faith in Christ's person and work, for you say He did not do what Scripture says He did do. Your faith is resting completely only on your presupposition that you must somewhere, have an untraceable amount of Abraham's DNA. You have said this yourself.

I have heard a lot of theories and ways in which the gospel is perverted, but that is the strangest and most laughable of them all.
There is nothing in Genesis identifying Adam and the woman called out of anything.

You add to the bible. But Gentiles have done that consistently for 1900 years. I wonder why after the destruction of the 2nd Jewish Temple Gentiles began adding to the bible and not before Jesus came the first time.
That's because while Israel was in existence all Gentiles knew of her relationship with God and could do nothing about it. And with Israel destroyed and scattered it was perfect time to steal Israel's inheritance.
What exactly did I add?

And you do add things to the Bible and take even more things away from it. If you prefer not to do that, then I suggest you stop doing it. The Bible never, ever, once mentions DNA, even though He is the one that created it.

Why did Jesus appoint Paul, a Jew, to be the apostle to the Gentiles?
Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. Israel was called out of Egypt. They are the true Church of God. And the only Church.
What exactly did I add?

And you do add things to the Bible and take even more things away from it. If you prefer not to do that, then I suggest you stop doing it. The Bible never, ever, once mentions DNA, even though He is the one that created it.

Why did Jesus appoint Paul, a Jew, to be the apostle to the Gentiles?
Why did Saul continued to be obedient to the Law after meeting Christ and thereby show his love for Christ by obeying Christ's commandments?

That's what true, BIBLICAL Christianity is.

Gentiles that do not love Christ will not obey His commandments.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Jn 14:15.

His commandments are everything He taught the Jews from their Law. Why don't Gentiles show love for Christ and obey His Law/commandments?
Since there were no Gentiles in the Great Congregation in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle, any NT interpretation of Gentiles in the Great Congregation would be erroneous interpretation, violate the OT, and break Scripture.
You do not know that there were no Gentiles who left Egypt with the Hebrews. There quite likely were, if you look even casually into ancient history. The Hebrews did intermarry at least in the case of Joseph.

Other things make it quite likely that not all who were in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle were Hebrew. From the web.

Around the time Joseph’s family migrated to the region of Goshen in the extreme north of Egypt, many other groups from Canaan and beyond were also migrating in, presumably due to the great famine which wracked the ancient world at the time. These in turn probably helped to pave the way (at least culturally) for the invasion of the Hyksos in the 18th or 17th centuries BC.

After the defeat of the Hyksos army, perhaps many Hyksos civilians would have been left behind, along with Canaanites and even Egyptian sympathizers. In the ancient world, this usually meant death, exile or slavery.

The Egyptians, eager to rebuild their kingdom and strengthen the land of Goshen at the northern approaches to the realm, probably turned on all of these groups with a vengeance, forcing them into a state of servitude along with the Hebrews.

So it is not unreasonable that these various slave groups became intermingled, with most ultimately adopting the customs and religious beliefs of the Hebrews. This would have swelled the ranks of the Israelites considerably. Within a few generations, they were probably all organized amongst the Twelve Tribes, indistinguishable in language or custom, and all worshipping the God of Abraham.

We have Ex 12:38-39 stating a mixed multitude went up with them And this from Ellicott's Commentary

(38) A mixed multitude went up also with them.—Nothing is told us of the component elements of this “mixed multitude.” We hear of them as “murmuring” in Numbers 11:4, so that they seem to have remained with Israel. Some may have been Egyptians, impressed by the recent miracles; some foreigners held to servitude, like the Israelites, and glad to escape from their masters. It is noticeable that the Egyptian writers, in their perverted accounts of the Exodus, made a multitude of foreigners (Hyksôs) take part with the Hebrews.

So that shoots holes in your "God saves according to DNA!" theory.
Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. Israel was called out of Egypt. They are the true Church of God. And the only Church.
I didn't say they were called out of anything. So what else do you say I have added to the Bible?
Why did Saul continued to be obedient to the Law after meeting Christ and thereby show his love for Christ by obeying Christ's commandments?
We are supposed to obey Christ's commandments. Who said we weren't? Paul was a Jew and he was thrown out of synagogues and run out of towns for preaching Christ and Him crucified for salvation instead of Jewish Law keeping. The Bible is silent on the subject, but I doubt seriously if he ever sacrificed another bull or ram in the Temple after meeting Christ on the road to Damascus. He was accused of teaching against the Law. So rethink your argument. It is Paul who said no one needs to be circumcised in order to be saved. How well did that go over with the Jews do you think? Paul was not sent to the Gentiles in order to Judaize them or bring them under the Law. He was sent to them to preach the gospel, that they took might be saved and brought into the kingdom of God.
Gentiles that do not love Christ will not obey His commandments.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Jn 14:15.

His commandments are everything He taught the Jews from their Law. Why don't Gentiles show love for Christ and obey His Law/commandments?
No one who does not love Christ will obey His commandments. Do you think the Jews who have the Law are obeying His commandments just because they have the Law. And if you are referring to the feasts, festivals, dietary, Sabbaths (all of them), is any Jew keeping them according to the way they are given in Scripture? Are they stoning people for breaking certain commandments? Do they have cities of refuge? Etc. etc.

Who says the Gentiles don't keep His commandments? The whole law says Jesus is summed up in love the Lord your God with all your heart, and mind, and strength. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. Have you noticed that what Jesus says is the second commandment is not the second commandment in the OT list? Why is that?

It is because the first four pertain to our relationship to God, and the next six ( the second) pertain to social and civic relationships. And if we do the first, we will be doing the second. Whenever we are not doing the second, we are not doing the first. So when the Bible says we are to keep the commandments, and sometimes it says law,( because the ten commandments are law,) in the NT, and everyone from Adam forward are under that law, it does not mean all the specific regulations within the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law puts into practice under a legal code with blessings and penalties, all that the ten summarize.
There is nothing in Genesis identifying Adam and the woman called out of anything.
I didn't even mention Adam and Eve (why can't you say her name?) in that post so why the non-sequitur?
Why did Saul continued to be obedient to the Law after meeting Christ and thereby show his love for Christ by obeying Christ's commandments?

That's what true, BIBLICAL Christianity is.

Gentiles that do not love Christ will not obey His commandments.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. Jn 14:15.

His commandments are everything He taught the Jews from their Law. Why don't Gentiles show love for Christ and obey His Law/commandments?
Why don't you answer the question--"What did I add to the Bible?" Why the red herring?
I ask you to provide Scripture of covenant with Adam and you post Hosea.

Adam is not the first man's name. It is his designation.

His first name is Herbert.
Adam as Federal Head was in Covenant, which he sinned against Hos 6:7

7 But they like men Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.
Since there were no Gentiles in the Great Congregation in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle, any NT interpretation of Gentiles in the Great Congregation would be erroneous interpretation, violate the OT, and break Scripture.
The Church has Gentiles in it and it is the Children of the Covenant and the Prophets like in Acts 3:25

Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Paul preached the same sermon about the Gentiles Gal 3;8-9

8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

See you weren't aware that Gentile Heathen were also children of the Covenant and of the Prophets. Isnt or wasnt Abraham a Prophet ? Gen 20:7

Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine.
Church means "called out." Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. They were created.
Israel was called out of Egypt, Jesus was called out of Egypt, David was called out, the 12 Jewish disciples were called out, and I was called out.

The man and woman were not called out of anything. You're adding to the bible.

6 Add thou not unto his words,
Lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Prov. 30:6.
Adam and eve is the church but you can not see it, God has not revealed it to you, hopefully He will
Adam and the woman were not called out of anything. They were created.
Adam as Federal Head was in Covenant, which he sinned against Hos 6:7

Its Adam and Eve and it pictured the Church Eph 5:30-32

May God be merciful to your horrid blasphemy and ignorance friend
Adam as Federal Head was in Covenant, which he sinned against Hos 6:7

7 But they like men Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.
Where does it say in Scripture Adam was federal head? Or is that a Gentile device added to the Word of God?

It is a device.