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The Apostles Creed Missing Ingredient?

I wonder if folks are aware that long before Constantine and the establishment of the RCC, there were vibrant local expressions of the Body of Christ all over the known world. Groups of believers living in the simplicity of their Faith in their Lord and those saints continued to do so through the centuries often not attached to any organization.
Therein lies the history of much of what Christ, the Head of His Church, has done In His sons.
I wonder if folks are aware that long before Constantine and the establishment of the RCC, there were vibrant local expressions of the Body of Christ all over the known world. Groups of believers living in the simplicity of their Faith in their Lord and those saints continued to do so through the centuries often not attached to any organization.
Therein lies the history of much of what Christ, the Head of His Church, has done In His sons.
and then the Son gave the keys to Peter and through the laying on of hands, succession..... one church, one faith
and then the Son gave the keys to Peter and through the laying on of hands, succession..... one church, one faith
The keys to the kingdom of heaven is the faith in Jesus Christ which Peter professed,

which key (faith) looses from God's condemnation because of sin

and bounds to God's condemnation those rejecting that faith.
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The keys to the kingdom of heaven is the faith in Jesus Christ which Peter professed,

which key (faith) looses from God's condemnation because of sin

and bounds to God's condemnation those rejecting that faith.
Are you not familiar with Isaiah 22?
The keys to the kingdom of heaven is the faith in Jesus Christ which Peter professed,

which key (faith) looses from God's condemnation because of sin

and bounds to God's condemnation those rejecting that faith.
Here is what a protestant scholar says...

Evangelical scholar F.F. Bruce:

"And what about the 'keys of the kingdom' ? The keys of a royal or noble establishment were entrusted to the chief steward or majordomo; he carried them on his shoulder in earlier times, and there they served as a badge of the authority entrusted to him. About 700 B.C. an oracle from God announced that this authority in the royal palace in Jerusalem was to be conferred on a man called Eliakim ....(Isaiah 22:22). So in the new community which Jesus was about to build, Peter would be, so to speak, chief steward." (Bruce, The Hard Sayings of Jesus [Intervarsity Press, 1983], 143-144, as cited in Butler/Dahlgren/Hess, page 41)
Are you not familiar with Isaiah 22?
Jesus gave to Peter the keys to the kingdom (Mt 18:18), the authority to announce/declare
guilt (kingdom shut by unbelief) or
innocence (kingdom open by faith).