Jesus Christ extends his mission, power, and authority to His church of His apostles! The apostles have the same mission, ministry, power, and authority as Christ! Jn 20:21 as the father sent me, so I send you!donadams said:
I don’t but I think makesends doubts the word! Jn 21:20-23
Just judging by your ( @donadams ) use of other scriptures, if I held to a similar use of Jn 21:20-23 as yourself, I would want to take a long hard look at why I did.
I've gone out of my way to show that any supposed authority of even the original apostles was only by the authority of Christ and not of themselves. THEY did not forgive sin. God alone can do that.
But, astonishingly (if you do have evidence, like, perhaps, a lineage to demonstrate, where apostleship was handed down to a latter from a former apostle,) you have shown in all this time nothing to demonstrate the identities of persons bridging the gulf between the original apostles to those you claim to be the successors modern day. Try as I might, I get only obfuscation, accusations, red herrings and goal post shifting in return.
Even His judging!
Matt 19:28 and 1 cor 6:2
His teaching authority!
Matt 28:19 and Jn 20:21
His power to forgive sins!
Jn 20:23
Jn 17:22 / rom 2:10 / 1 pet 1:7 Christ shares His glory with His saints!
His being the light of the world!
Matt 5:14
Must hear church Matt 18:18
His ministry of reconciliation!
2 cor 5:18
His authority in governing the church and administering the kingdom!
Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 21:17
Lk 22:29
Apart from me you can do nothing. Jn 15:5
Acts 2:42 doctrine of the apostles!
So the church is subject to Christ!
Eph 5:24
Christ shares His glory! 2 thes 1:10 rev 12:1
The pillar and foundation of TRUTH!
1 Tim 3:15