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No, not just like Adam's image after his fall. Yes, just like Adam's image before he sinned. Adam was created in the image of God. All men are born in the image of God. Both in the creation of Adam and in the birth of man, God gives a spirit that is undamaged. Adam's image was "damaged" when he sinned. Our image was "damaged" when we sinned. The damage to that spirit when we sin is the reason that we need to be reborn, to return that "damaged" spirit to its undamaged condition.Yes, just like Adam's image after his fall, not before his fall into sin, and rebellion against God~which image before his disobedience was created after God's image in true holiness, with true knowledge, understanding and wisdom, which Adam lost when he sinned~which btw, the new man by God's power is recreated in, which nature/image cannot sin, and hates sin......
And Red, I know that is not so and you are wrong by believing the word of God and personal experience of living in this world soon to be 86 years.1 John 3:9
“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”
Yet, because God's elect still live in this body of sin and death, we still have sin in our flesh seeking to bring us into servitude, and under its power. This is the truth of the word of God, any other doctrine is a lie of the devil.
Having such nature without having been born of God, is nothing but a flesh of pure wickedness, regardless, how one seeks to present himself otherwise~one is a fool without biblical understanding if one believes a person is a good person apart from being born of God, that person (unregenerate person) is nothing short of the devil himself, and all who have not been born of God would prove to be one of Satan's children if put into a certain circumstance that would force a person show one's true colors in order to saved himself form any hurt, loss, etc.
Jim, I know this is so, by believing the word of God, and personal experience of living in this world for going on 77 years.
We are born of God when we are born. We become dead in sin once we sin. That is why we need to be reborn. We are reborn in the spirit, not in the flesh. We were once born in the flesh and the spirit. It is the spirit, not the flesh, that needs to be reborn.
Scriptures do not use the terminology of total depravity either. but you have no problem issuing pages upon pages of what that means.I hear you ~you must say this, or else, confess that you are the one lacking true understanding, but your pride will not allow you do even consider that you are the one that may be missing simple truth. No pun intended, just stating a fact.
Jim, this warped understanding you have is the results of refusing to submit to the truth/testimony of the holy scriptures which testimony is God's own testimony of the truth.
Jim, it is not just one's spirit is damaged (a self promoted use of a word (s) to support a false position) by personal sin, committed after we are born into this world ~for this is true of all men even children of God who have been born of God with a new nature.
Jim, at the very second Adam sinned he died (so did Eve btw and all of their children from Adam's seed are still born spiritually speaking). So much more than his spirit was damaged ~ whatever that means, is totally unknown, since the scriptures does not use that terminology.
Adam died spiritually the very second he sinned. He didn't die physically for hundreds of years. Genesis 5:5 tells us he lived to be 930 years old. He died physically because he no longer had access to the fruit of the tree of life (Gen 3:22). The only physical repercussions of Adam's sin were due to his having to contend with life outside of the Garden.
That is speaking of physical death, not spiritual death. All die and all will be resurrected, independent of whether or not they were regenerated.1st Corinthians 15:21
“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”
The phrase, the concept, of "sinned in Adam" is a false construct for the purpose of supporting your false doctrine of total depravity. No one The phrase "in Adam" only expresses the condition of being human. Even one in Christ is "in Adam". "In Adam" is not a condition derived from Adam's sin. It is derived from God's created process of procreation, which is "after its own kind" as are all animals physically, biologically.All men from Adam onward died, for all men sinned in Adam. you do not have to accept this to be true, it is true regardless if we believe it or not!
Red, even in your condition of being born again, and I truly believe that you are, you were born of the flesh and you are still in the flesh. You continue to sin, hopefully less and less as you continue even at 77 years old to become more and more sanctified. In the flesh is nothing more than being human.You are so wrong in wanting to believe that we are born into this world in original grace whatever that means...... you come up with your own doctrine terminologies to go along with your false gospel of including man's work into his salvation from sin and condemnation.
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh." Here "the flesh" is the name given to human nature as fallen ~ it must not be restricted to the body (as in a few passages it is)—but understood (as generally in the New Testament) of the entire human constitution in its fallen condition. Romans 8:4-9, etc.
That is all gobbledygook. We know very well, even if not perfectly, how our nature is passed from parent to child. But that "nature" is not spiritual, it is physical. Our spiritual being is not passed from a parent, father or mother. It is given, formed, by God Himself. The reason for the impregnation of Mary by the Holy Spirit had nothing to do with the "sin nature", or lack thereof, for Jesus Christ. It had to do with being the Son of God, the actual, the literal, Son of God. Jesus was male. He had an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. His X chromosome was by His mother Mary, His Y chromosome was by His faither God. That was His flesh, His human being. His Spirit was the Word, the pre-incarnate being, the second being of the Trinity.How our nature is passed from father to his children we may not fully understand, (at least I do not) yet we know that it is, by understanding the scriptures, such as Genesis 5:3, and more so, even the necessity of the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus not coming through the seed of Adam, but God being his Father. The sin nature is passed from father to his children, through copulation. This cannot be denied. Thereby, that which is born of flesh IS FLESH, and must be born again by God.
As in the birth of every human being on this planet from Adam, God forms, gives, implants a spirit at (or sometime before) birth. What spirit was given Jesus at birth? The answer is in Jesus' case, a spirit was not formed, given, implanted. Rather it was the pre-incarnate Spirit of Jesus that took on the body of flesh in birth. John 1:14 And the Word (Jesus Christ) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. He became flesh. So your concept of "the flesh" as the name given to human nature as fallen" is simply wrong. Flesh simply means human. Jesus became human. The pre-incarnate Jesus, called the Word, in John 1 became human in the flesh. His diety, His divinity, is in His pre- incarnate Spirit.