The works relationship that James speaks of is works that are conducted based upon a saving faith.
James addresses those
who profess, yet have
no godly works showing their faith.
James 2:14
doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?”
A rhetorical question, which we can easily answer – Such faith has no profit!
It cannot save!
Question: How does faith save? It only saves by laying hold of eternal life
for evidence of coming salvation. Consider:
Election is
not based on faith, for God chose us in Christ without faith (
Ps 14:1-3;
Eph 1:3-12). Legally, Justification needs no faith, for God justified freely
by Christ (
Rom 5:15-19;
Tit 3:4-7). Regeneration is not based on faith, for the spiritual life
must come first (
John 1:13;
Conversion definitely requires faith, for it is our belief of the gospel of God’s gracious salvation. Glorification can only be known and trusted
to the degree that a child of God brings forth works. We believe on Christ, not to be justified or regenerated, but
to lay hold of coming salvation.
James did not write a theoretical lesson for their evangelistic program, but for their
own conduct! Actual, legal, literal, or vital salvation
is not pursued here, or you end up being saved
legally by works!
The point pursued is
the evidence of eternal life resulting in future salvation – faith plus works.
Faith provides evidence of eternal life only when it bears good works (2nd
Pet 1:5-11;
Ist Thess 1:2-4).
In reply #13 you stated that "Newborn babies are justified by faith without works". Babies don't have faith. They do not believe in God, in Jesus Christ or in the gospel in any sense whatsoever. They are incapable of any such thing. Moreover, babies can't sin, and they haven 't sinned. They do not need to be justified. The will need to be justified only after they have committed a sin.
Infant are sinners by the very fact they
inherit Adam's sinful nature, they are born of flesh, which is sinful, wicked, and at enmity against God. These are God's testimony concerning infants, not mine. Jim, I agree with you, but for different reasons, when you wrote:
Babies don't have faith. They do not believe in God, in Jesus Christ or in the gospel in any sense whatsoever. They are incapable of any such thing.
Jim, this is true of ALL MEN born of flesh, not just infants. Now, God has quicken infants to life, this is seen in the life of John the Baptist, and in rare cases of others, who seem to have a godly spirit even from their early youth. I had one of my daughters of this type of spirit from her early age~the others did not show the same spirit at an early age.
Proverbs 20:11
Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work
be pure, and whether
it be right.”
Rare, but can and does happen.
Galatianism is that which Paul is preaching against in the letter to the Galatians. That shows up mainly in chapter 3. His question in 3:2, "did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?", sums it up. He continues in verse 3, "Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?" It is the false notion that so many, even today, continue to believe, namely that we are saved by faith; but we stay saved by works. That is false. We are saved by grace through faith, and we stay saved by grace through faith.
Here is the second of five consecutive rhetorical arguments rebuking Galatia for apostasy. Returning to the charge of foolishness (3:1), Paul rebuked them for leaving their first faith. They began enjoying
spiritual blessings living under
the system of faith, which system God chose for all of us under the gospel, for us to come to a understanding of our spiritual blessings we have through Christ
Since you got started in great blessings through the Spirit, will you
now turn to the flesh to be made perfect and acceptable? Since you got started in great blessings through the Spirit, will the flesh lift you higher? How could the glorious and superior free grace of the gospel of Christ be improved by the inferior Law of works performed by man!?
Their conversion had resulted in great blessings by the Spirit, but now they were seeking acceptance by the flesh. The gift of the Spirit was based on spiritual faith to believe in Jesus Christ (
John 7:39) and trust what he secured for us.
The Galatians had believed and obeyed the spiritual religion of Jesus Christ, but now they had added works of the flesh apart from the Spirit of Christ,
in order to improve further?
The works of the Law did not involve the Spirit; they were flesh actions done outwardly. They thought to improve on Jesus Christ by circumcision and avoiding pepperoni pizza! Paul called the Law of Moses and its commandments weak and unprofitable (
Heb 7:18), carnal ordinances (
Heb 9:10), rudiments of the world (
Col 2:8,
20), and beggarly elements in this very epistle (
Gal 4:9).
You continued in reply #3, saying, "Converted Christians are justified with works." That is wrong. We are justified by faith. By faith we do works (James and Heb 11).
Jim, we are justified by
the faith and obedience of ONE PERSON, Jesus Christ,
period. He alone secured eternal life for God's elect. You and Ghada, are wrong. You are closer than he is, yet, still adding your own works of the flesh. More to come.