Being brought up with the assumption of the timeline and some of the thinking of Dispensationalism, I have some pretty obvious leftovers that I have not studied away, nor proven, such as the imminent return and a millenial year-reign on earth. At this point, seeing the contention and poor reasoning currently in the production of these notions, I can't utterly support them, but, I also can't utterly reject them ...yet. Lol, I don't even know just what they ARE anymore, except that I would be pleased and not at all disappointed, were I to find myself in the air to meet him right now ...well, that is, if he'll wait long enough for me to finish this post.
Study has not firmed any of these in my mind, but only caused my hands to go up and my shoulders to shrug. As
@Eleanor says, "prophetic riddles". But, I can't shake the feeling that there is a lot more to this than anyone in this temporal existence knows. There's just too much paralleling, coincidence, and, always, that "already but not yet" thing going on.
Over the years I've come to the conclusion that there is, within the fact of the firm reality of what is to come, vs the vapor of the present, a 'literal' use of some passages that goes beyond what we (temporal and ignorant beings) consider 'literal'. How that applies to the fantastic prophetic is more than I can say, though. But I can say that we don't know what we are talking about, and that we need to recognize that fact in our studying.