prophēteias prophecy
prophecy, prophesying; the gift of communicating and enforcing revealed truth.
Usage: In the New Testament, "prophéteia" refers to the gift of communicating and enforcing revealed truth. It encompasses both the foretelling of future events and the forthtelling of God's will, often for the purpose of edification, exhortation, and comfort within the church.
There is no such thing as church ages. If you mean church history, past present and future, then it would be best to say that. When you say Rapture do you speak of a pre-trib rapture as dispensationism does? ANd that the church is not going to actually experience the "prophecy " given in Revelation? If so---those what is the point of the book? The seven of the seven churches is signifying completion---iow it applies to the church of all time til Christ returns. It was specific to them but the warnings and the encouragement apply to this age---the between the first and second coming.
OK. You really did mean church age. I challenge you to find any where in the NT where Jesus or the apostles spoke of church ages. They only ever speak of two ages. This age. And the age to come.
Wow. I don't really know what to say so I will just ask a question: Where are you getting this from? A particular sect or church or are you making your own religion. I have never heard of such a thing and certainly I don't glean it from the scriptures themselves. It just isn't in them.
And now that I have responded to your post, even though you opened with a denial of having changed your ways, refusing even the kindness of a thank you, and continued posting in a disrespectful way: do you think you could actually address anything that was said (and they were not my words as you so condescendingly called them) in post #151.