The problem I have with how some are interpreting is that they arent using scripture and reason.
John heard, and told us what exactly he heard, then he saw (saw what the angel sent to give him as a
sign), and illustrated the sign seen.
If futurists were in any possible way correct then John is speaking partly to people of his own time, partly to people of all times, and partly to people possibly thousands of years into the future.
If so, he has to speak a common language, something those it's written for will easily understand, and something he can also recognize and describe.
The only common language we have is the Old Testament Scripture - and the Angel sent by God to give those signs would know it.
But you have to know the Old Testament. For instance, mountains are symbolic of a large tribe or nation in Biblical literature so if symbolic literature is speaking about mountains, in real life we are looking for a large people group or governments/nations.
Etc etc. But no one appears to use Scripture and the knowledge thereof to interpret the various signs in John's revelation.
The best we have on this appears to be the Amillennialists for using Scripture to interpret from the start.
Though they are correct, signs can often be taken more than one way in some cases and in the end, I have always seen prophecy as a catalyst pulling towards Christ.
Why do people panic about coming judgement? Fear of judgement, according to Scripture. The cure being Christ.
But Revelation is taking us to a historic conclusion as well, so there's that.