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Revelation … everything was written FOR the people living THEN?

Pardon a little side comment then Ill go away.

I see what you are saying.

The problem I have seen over the years are those who say soon had to have been imminent. They always then point back to what Jesus said in the Olivet discourse about 'this generation" as proof that even though it is future... the "soon" and "this generation" make it so that it has already happened.

An no one knows when Revelation was written. For I have heard for 60AD to 95AD . The earlier date is what the preterists hang their hat on because they are certain the temple destruction was fortold and Jesus did return, then.... I just think until we could know which side of 70AD Revelation was written its hard to know specifics.

Thanks for letting me poke in here.

I think somehow the word generation has not been translated or interpreted correctly.

As far as soon, and what that means...

If you have lived in eternity past and will continiue in eternity future... a mere 6000 years here, or 2000 brom' Jesus' birth would be a drop in the bucket , hence whatever would be forcast would be soon.

To me, the when of revelation being written doesn't matter because of how it was written. It starts with Jesus, and centers on Christ and His bride - this whole book is truly indispensable. I would personally go with the earlier dating but late dating doesn't matter to me either way. The book of Revelation starts in the beginning.

If we examine, the historicists are probably right, nearly all these signs were fulfilled during the events surrounding 70 AD. I am amillennial but amil historicists see a lot of early prophetic fulfillment and I agree with that within the context of amillennialism.

I actually agreed to the point I thought very little was going to warn us the return really was imminent. .

What I have lately been wondering though, is if what the Jews went through - their 70ad tribulation - whether the church will mirror events similar to that in some way before the second coming of our Lord. A basic reliving of the events described in John's revelation.

The above however might just be my being around too many dispensationalists lately or something too... Lol.

But I can't stop seeing it. I'm seeing a mirror.. it's only a little different, because the time is different. It doesn't matter, as in, it doesn't affect salvation, it's just weird to see.
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Pardon a little side comment then Ill go away.

I see what you are saying.

The problem I have seen over the years are those who say soon had to have been imminent. They always then point back to what Jesus said in the Olivet discourse about 'this generation" as proof that even though it is future... the "soon" and "this generation" make it so that it has already happened.

An no one knows when Revelation was written. For I have heard for 60AD to 95AD . The earlier date is what the preterists hang their hat on because they are certain the temple destruction was fortold and Jesus did return, then.... I just think until we could know which side of 70AD Revelation was written its hard to know specifics.

Thanks for letting me poke in here.

I think somehow the word generation has not been translated or interpreted correctly.

As far as soon, and what that means...

If you have lived in eternity past and will continiue in eternity future... a mere 6000 years here, or 2000 brom' Jesus' birth would be a drop in the bucket , hence whatever would be forcast would be soon.
Lol, between @Hazelelponi and you, I am even more lost than before, on Revelation.

I am stuck, reading it, only to seeing God's heart, and his dominion, glory and "otherness", and, of course, the beautiful expectation we have in him. That is my use of the Book of Revelation.

I can make nothing of sequence of events, except for the 'end (goal, purpose) of all things', and the means (the lamb slain) of getting there.